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Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 208 - I Beg Of You
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Chapter 208 - I Beg Of You

Lina was stunned by his words. She could barely open her mouth. Instead, she stared at him wide-eyed. The room fell into a deathly silence. Even Atlantis stiffened behind her. It almost made her laugh. If she was pregnant with another man's child, would Atlantis stop pursuing her?

Suddenly, the old man burst into a ripe chuckle. Goosebumps crawled up her arms. She was frightened by his menacing laughter. Unnerved by the cackling, she felt the sudden urge to run. She felt uncomfortable in his presence.

"Of course, that is not impossible," the old man mused like he had just made the best joke of the century. He tilted his head and revealed a smile with a full set of teeth..

"The Goddess of Fertility and Family has not blessed you. She may never do so, for you offended her 1,500 years ago. You were a favored girl only because of her," the old man said.

Lina was paralyzed by this information. Was he implying she was… infertile? All of a sudden, she was beginning to lose faith in the world around her.

"1,500 years ago?" Lina echoed like he was crazy.

"Your soul was suspended for half a millennium for your crimes… You are no mere mortal," he deadpanned. "And that man of destruction is much older than you, for he is at least 2,500 years old. But his mortal age is only—"

"I know," Lina snapped. She knew how old Kaden was. But this conversation… did it not shock Atlantis?

When Lina turned her head, Atlantis was already looking at her with disbelief. This was the first time he'd heard of this.

"And my grandson is the same age as your destruction," he said.

Lina didn't want to believe in this blasphemy. She felt like she was on television, where the directors were against her. She didn't think such a thing was possible. If she was no mere mortal, if she was as old as he claimed, then what did that make her? There were so many questions she wanted to ask, but no answers could be given to her. She wanted to indulge in more curiosity. To press for more truth.

"What am I?" Lina asked him.

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"A woman," he deadpanned.

Lina nearly threw him an irritated look. Really?

"I cannot say," he finally admitted. "For it'd ruin the course of everyone's lives."

The old man opened his mouth, but was cut off.


Thunder struck in the distance. Lina's head snapped to look out the window. What the hell? It was sunny and bright earlier. Now, the skies were a mess. She could hear the howling of the wind, even from the soundproof and bulletproof window. The grey clouds were swirling ominously. Every few seconds, the clouds flashed white, warning of lightning.

"I've already spoken too much…" the old man said shakily.

Lina was shocked to see he had lost his confidence. In fact, he appeared afraid. Suddenly, he began to act like his appearance. His frail and thin body began to tremble. He started to murmur to himself, talking of obscenity.

"No… they do not… yes… possess… blessed… cursed…"

The old man walked off without a second glance back.

"Grandpa!" Atlantis insisted, quickly chasing after his hobbling and stumbling grandfather. He was startled and afraid by what the man was gabbling on about. Stranger and stranger words left the old man's mouth.

Suddenly, the old man collapsed.

"GRANDPA!" Atlantis shouted in fear. He rushed to his grandfather's side. The old man began to shake violently on the ground.

Lina instantly ran to his aid, but Estella grabbed her.

"You can't, Miss Yang," Estella insisted. "We shouldn't crowd him."

Lina opened her mouth. But then, the old man stopped his seizure. His eyes shot open. His head flew to her.


Lina covered her mouth. She nearly screamed. That voice. It didn't belong to the old man. The sound was alarmingly familiar. She suddenly recalled where she heard it from. The sky rumbled louder. She heard ringing in her ears. Her heart quickly raced.

Without warning, Lina's legs gave out. She tried to touch her head, but found her body to be as weak as jello. She couldn't even hear the commotion in the background. Blackness dotted her vision. And then, everything went dark.

- - - - -

Lina woke up in the same cloudy realm as her last dream. She realized this memory was playing like a broken record. Now, she was no longer confused about this location. This must've been the Heavenly Realm the old man was rambling on about.

Finally, Lina heard it.

"Princess, Princess please wait!" A voice frantically called out, chasing after a mischievous Princess in a flowy dress of pink and lavender, her expensive jewelry fluttering against the breeze.

"You can't run, please be careful!" The servant choked out.

The servant was out of breath from running so quickly and so far. Despite being a servant, she wasn't one meant for foot errands. She was meant to dote upon the Princess and make the favored child smile.

"Princess, I beg of you!" The servant shouted.

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It was no use.

When Lina turned, she saw who it was. Isabelle, her beloved friend. However, instead of watching the Princess and the servant, she quickly turned her head to the whirlpool. In her dreams, she had missed this detail, but she refused to miss it again.

Then, Lina saw him. His proud figure. His prominent back. He was dressed in black robes with heavy metal armor. His hair fluttered in the wind. His posture was confident. But when he heard the commotion behind him, he turned his head.

Lina felt her head begin to spin. A terrible ache stabbed into her chest. Her knees buckled in disbelief. The agony was intense. The heartbreak was too painful. This kind of pain was the worst to imagine.

"Kaden." His name left her mouth so quickly.

Kaden was there. It was almost as if he heard her, for their eyes met. He appeared shocked, but she realized he was looking at the Princess. The Princess in question was none other than another version of Lina.

"You're not my destiny…" he softly uttered, his voice filled with pain. "If I can't be your destiny, then let me be no more."

"NOOOO!" A voice wailed loudly.

Lina turned her head in time to see something red shoot past her. Red strings of fate. Lina saw it vividly. Dream Lina was screaming at the red string on her ring finger. Instead of it leading to Kaden, it led elsewhere.

Lina's eyes watered with the truth. With the realization. Kaden didn't lie. He truly wasn't the man of her destiny. She followed the red string to where it led. To the man who was fated to be her soulmate. Then, she saw who it was.

In the far distance was a man dressed in white. He was handsome, even from afar. His face was that of a hero. Vigilant eyes, stern nose, and proud forehead. Lina could feel the world around her give out. She was devastated. In agony, even. The truth was unbearable.

Lina's red string of fate led to the man in the distance.

His name effortlessly left her voice, like a painful sob.
