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Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 294: The Footprint of the God of the Land (8)
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Having bid farewell to Balzac, Eugene and his companions embarked on a diligent journey of preparation for what would come next. The subjugation of Raizakia, however, would unfold not within this world but in the ethereal void that lay between dimensions. Eugene had long observed the scant concentration of mana permeating this peculiar space. Wizards faced heightened limitations and constraints within its confinements, unlike those they encountered elsewhere. Compounding the challenge was Eugene's adversary, a formidable dragon and a true master of arcane arts. Yet, this was no ordinary dragon; it was the Black Dragon Raizakia, known to be the most powerful of the dragons.

Raizakia’s very existence could be considered the bane of wizards. Moreover, the environment that entrapped him imposed additional burdens upon spellcasters, further constraining their abilities and limiting their powers.

But that was not the end of their challenges. There existed a significant likelihood of disrupted communication with the Spirit Kings within the interdimensional void. Likewise, the summoning abilities of Lovellian, who drew upon creatures from alternate dimensions, faced the risk of failure.

In other words, Eugene could not hope to rely on receiving help from others. Lovellian and Melkith were deeply disappointed and saddened by the fact.

Lovellian's unwavering determination to rescue the Wise Sienna, who could be considered his great mentor, was an endeavor he deemed worthy of sacrificing his very life for. Similarly, Melkith harbored a deep desire to lend her aid in the quest to save Lady Sienna. After all, Sienna was an object of admiration and reverence among all wizards.

However, there was a good chance they would die a dog’s death. So faced with this daunting prospect, Eugene made a fateful decision. Rather than seeking the assistance of his companions, he resolved to confront Raizakia alone.

“And do you stand a chance?” asked Melkith.

After parting ways with Balzac, the group moved closer to the World Tree rather than heading to the Kochilla Tribe’s capital. Through the discerning abilities of Akasha and Raimira, they had detected a "door" in proximity to the World Tree — an entrance that connected to none other than Raizakia himself.

“It’s not like I don’t,” Eugene responded. It wasn’t as if Raizakia would be in perfect condition either. The Black Dragon had been trapped in the space between dimensions for three hundred years.

Dragons possessed the remarkable ability to endure without the need for sustenance, neither food nor drink. However, the sparse concentration of mana in the interdimensional gap would have been woefully insufficient to sustain Raizakia in any semblance of comfort. Thus, the formidable dragon had no alternative but to rely on his own reserves of mana to survive.

There were many things to worry about. First, how much of the mana stored in his Dragon Heart had Raizakia consumed? Moreover, Eugene couldn’t forget that Raizakia was no ordinary dragon. He was a special existence — the Demonic Dragon.

Raizakia stood as an unprecedented figure among fallen dragons, a singular existence unlike any that came before. Unlike black wizards who forged contracts with the Demon King, Raizakia had not chosen that path. Instead, he willingly embraced the corrupting influence of Helmuth's Dark Power, allowing himself to be tainted by its malevolence.

There were many uncertainties regarding Raizakia. However, Eugene was clearly aware of the disadvantages he possessed in the battle against the Black Dragon.

First of all, he could not use Prominence in the upcoming battle. Prominence amplified Eugene’s power by taking control of mana and the primal spirits in the surroundings, so it would be difficult to fully utilize the ability to the fullest in a place devoid of primal spirits and sparse in mana.

“Hmm. I think I might be able to provide some assistance in regard to that matter,” Lovellian said.

Eugene had received help from both Lovellian and Melkith in creating Prominence, so they were well aware of the disadvantages Eugene faced.

“White Tower Master and I can lend you our mana, which you can store in Akasha. If we can give you as much mana as possible, you will be able to make use of Prominence in the dimensional rift,” continued Lovellian.

“Will that be fine?” asked Eugene.

“It doesn’t matter to me. Even if I am unable to use magic for a while, I want to be of strength to you and Lady Sienna,” responded Lovellian. Mana would naturally regenerate over time, but it was still fatal for wizards to run completely empty.

“…Why me as well?” asked Melkith.

“Even if you run out of mana, you can get help from the Spirit Kings anyways,” answered Lovellian.

“That’s true, but…. Hmph. Now that you brought up the idea, it would be a little unseemly if I said no, right?” asked Melkith.

“Know that it’s already unseemly for you to ask that question,” Lovellian countered. Naturally, Melkith felt no shame at all.

Without any compelling reason to decline Lovellian's proposition, Eugene welcomed his offer with open arms. Thus, Lovellian and Melkith spared no effort, tirelessly gathering every minuscule trace of mana they could find along their journey toward the World Tree and meticulously storing it within the vessel of Akasha.

Although Akasha already had a huge reservoir of mana, it was unavailable to Eugene to use freely. This was because the mana held within the Dragon Heart was allocated for the manifestation of Akasha's diverse powers, as well as for the actualization of Eugene's magic.

‘It would be suicide for me to engage Raizakia in a battle of magic.’

He would not use magic except Prominence. In the upcoming battle against Raizakia, Eugene would need to fight thoroughly as a warrior.

He could not help but wonder if he could do it.

He didn’t want to think about it, but the questions kept appearing in his mind the closer he got to the World Tree.

Was it possible for him with who he was now? He was definitely stronger than he was in his previous life. Indeed, such a conviction had long settled in.

But was that enough? This, he could not answer. The Three Dukes of Helmuth — the Blade of Incarceration, the Queen of the Night Demons, and the Demon Dragon — all three had been opponents he could not defeat alone in his previous life. Instead, they had been opponents he could only kill with all five of the Hero party present.

But he had no one to help him this time around. Molon was occupied defending the North against the Nur, and Eugene didn’t know if Vermouth was alive or dead or why he had asked Molon of such a thing.

Eugene silently analyzed the situation and the lack of help from his former comarades.

Unfortunately, Kristina could not join him on this perilous expedition. The uncharted expanse between dimensions held inherent risks, and there was a distinct possibility that Anise, as a soul form, might vanish during their arduous journey. Both Kristina and Anise were acutely aware of these perils.

Thus, every day, the two of them fervently offered their prayers for Eugene's well-being. They would sit together, cradling Altair, the Holy Sword, upon their laps, channeling their heartfelt devotion into imbuing it with as many miraculous blessings as their combined abilities could muster.

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“Oh, Holy Light….”

The two of them called God over and over again. They prayed that Eugene would achieve his will, that he would succeed in eliminating the corrupted Black Dragon, and that he would not die or suffer any irreparable wounds. They prayed that he would return to them with a bright smile.

“Haha,” Eugene laughed while looking at the bonfire. To have so many people worrying about him was…. No, apart from that, his gaze drifted towards his fingers lying on his knee. Despite his best efforts to remain calm, an involuntary quiver coursed through them, betraying the underlying tension that gripped his very being.

Had he ever been this nervous after being reborn as Eugene? Apart from the instance when he was suddenly confronted by the Demon King of Incarceration, had he ever felt this anxious and… afraid before a fight with an enemy?

‘If I had more time to prepare….’

His White Flame Formula was still at the Sixth Star. He still had room to improve. Alternatively, he contemplated embarking on a quest to search the realms of Helmuth for additional fragments of the Moonlight Sword. He also entertained the possibility that the Lionheart family, with their vast resources and influence, could potentially uncover more fragments imbued with the sword's power.

But whatever the case, he needed more time…. But did he have time to spare? He didn’t know. Could he even search for the fragments of the Moonlight Sword with money and influence? No, it would be impossible.

Older demons knew about the Moonlight Sword. In particular, Gavid Lindman and Noir Giabella knew how troublesome the Moonlight Sword was.

Noir knew that Eugene was in possession of the Moonlight Sword. On the other hand, Gavid remained oblivious to this crucial detail. The ramifications of Gavid discovering that fragments of the Moonlight Sword were being sought and that the sword itself resided within another's grasp were uncertain and unpredictable. It was a delicate matter, and the reaction Gavid would exhibit upon learning this truth remained an enigma.

In addition, what about the Demon King of Incarceration? How long would the mysterious Demon King wait for Eugene? How long would he be willing to wait for Eugene at Babel, as he had proclaimed?

‘Raizakia is a problem as well. He’s not completely incapacitated. He’s bidding for his time while protecting himself in the gap between dimensions, waiting for a chance to escape….’

Eugene turned to the side. He could see Raimira curled up under the covers.

Her nightmares were worsening as they got closer to the World Tree.

Despite her efforts to conceal it, a noticeable change came over Raimira. Gradually, she ceased partaking in meals and suppressing the sounds of her distressing nightmares that haunted her every night. Kristina, ever caring, did her utmost to assist Raimira in finding solace, using her divine magic to bring respite to her troubled sleep and holding her in a comforting embrace. However, in those moments when Kristina was immersed in her prayers, there was no one to provide a soothing embrace.

‘Raizakia’s evil influence is becoming stronger, and it’s affecting her.’

It made Eugene nervous to know that Raizakia was capable of such interference. What if Raizakia escaped while Eugene was building up his confidence to kill the Black Dragon? Sienna had been able to survive for centuries because of the World Tree’s miracle and the absence of Raizakia, the source of her curse, from this world.

Could the World Tree’s miracle continue to protect Sienna even when Raizakia escaped from his prison and returned to this world?

‘There’s no way that lizard will leave Sienna untouched.’

Raizakia was an arrogant creature, and he would not leave Sienna untouched after she had banished him for hundreds of years.

Eugene stared at the bonfire for a moment before rising.

Whenever he wanted to clear his mind from the plaguing thoughts, moving his body was better than sleeping it off.

“Are you going somewhere?” Cyan inquired, his gaze lifting to meet Eugene's face.

His voice trailed off as he beheld Eugene's countenance, frozen in an uncharacteristic rigidity, while his damp hair clung to his forehead, moistened by perspiration. Cyan couldn't help but feel a surge of concern; his breath momentarily caught in his throat at the sight before him.

Eugene was always relaxed in Cyan’s memories. It was the first time he had seen Eugene so nervous and agitated.

“Are you… okay?” Cyan asked.

“I just couldn’t sleep,” Eugene replied, offering a smile to Cyan, though his eyes betrayed a weariness that lingered. He pointed at the back of the campsite. “I’m just going to swing my sword for a bit, so don’t worry about it, and go to sleep. It’s useless to worry about me.”

But how could such simple words quench Cyan’s worry? He stood up to follow Eugene, but Eugene firmly shook his head.

“I want to concentrate by myself.”

Eventually, Cyan settled himself back into his seat, his hand tightly clenched into a fist as he watched his brother's retreating figure. He did not succumb to a sense of helplessness or any similar sentiment. Instead, his heart brimmed solely with a deep concern for Eugene. While Cyan could not completely empathize with the burdens weighing upon Eugene, his worry for his brother remained.

For Cyan, dragons were only creatures of legend. Moreover, Raizakia was not just a simple dragon but a real legend from the time of his forefather, Vermouth.

It was an unimaginable feat for Cyan to fight and kill such an existence.

‘But if it’s you….’

Did he really think so?

Cyan could no longer see Eugene’s figure.

He wanted to think that Eugene would be fine, as always. Even if Eugene was faced with an unimaginable challenge, Cyan wanted to believe in Eugene. No, rather, he had to believe in Eugene.

Eugene did not wander too far from the campsite. He didn’t think taking a long walk would help calm his heart. As such, after walking a good distance, Eugene drew his sword.

It was a simple, ordinary sword. It wasn’t the sword he would wield against Raizakia in the upcoming battle. He would likely rely on the Holy Sword and the Moonlight Sword in the battle.

Ultimately, it fell upon Eugene to grasp the sword firmly in his hand. In contrast to his previous existence, where his arsenal had been meager, he now possessed a multitude of exceptional weapons at his disposal. However, an undercurrent of concern tugged at his thoughts, cautioning him against complacency.

“I’m having all sorts of thoughts,” Eugene snorted before beginning to swing his sword.

Naturally, he berated himself for entertaining such a foolish notion. It was true that the weapons he now wielded surpassed anything he had possessed in his previous life, surpassing them in every aspect. However, contrary to his baseless worry, his own skills had not dulled but instead grown sharper and more refined. The journey of honing his abilities had been a relentless pursuit of perfection, aligning his mastery with the exquisite weapons bestowed upon him.

He tried his best to gain confidence. It was so that he could win in every situation. It was because his enemies were too strong. That’s why he desperately honed himself. He continued to train, learn magic, and create new skills.

He tried his best. He never wasted even a second after his reincarnation, and each moment had been a crucial part of allowing him to become who he was now.

‘I can kill him.’

Eugene concentrated, his entire being attuned to the sensations coursing through his body. Devoid of mana, he embraced the sword in his grip, intimately feeling its weight and texture as though it were an extension of his arm. This heightened awareness granted him the ability to engage in battle without succumbing to the sway of any circumstance.

‘I can save her.’

Thoughts of Sienna, the hapless and naive girl, occupied Eugene's mind. Her delicate form bore a profound wound, a sizable cavity in her chest, her very existence sustained solely by the miraculous powers of the World Tree. Each passing moment intensified the trepidation surrounding her fragile state, leaving uncertainty hanging over her future, her life poised on a precipice, with the looming threat of imminent demise.

He wanted to save Sienna. In the end, this was why he was pushing ahead with Raizakia’s subjugation.

He wanted to see her, to save her as quickly as possible. He would not be able to accept it if something happened, and he could no longer save her if she died.

He had raged and rampaged at the Fount of Light for Anise. It was for Kristina, who was created just like Anise, a being made into a plaything of fate.

Eugene saved the two of them. He destroyed the Fount of Light and saved Anise’s soul. He destroyed the chains of fate that imprisoned Kristina and gave her liberty.

Eugene had picked a fight with Molon at Lehainjar because he could not leave Molon alone, who was going crazy after hundreds of exhausting battles. Eugene had failed to come up with an ordinary solution to Molon’s situation. Regardless of what Eugene did, Molon had to continue to fight against the Nur at Lehainjar, as he had done so far. But even if he failed to come up with an answer, he did not leave Molon alone. Eugene had attempted to bring Molon back to his senses by beating him up, although it ended up with his own beating.

It was the same now. He was pushing ahead because he wanted to save Sienna and could not leave her alone.

It was because he had shared conversations with Sienna and also because he knew her situation. The stupid girl had cried her eyes out in front of him. He had made a promise to save her while acting bravely like an idiot.

“Let’s not act unseemly,” Eugene whispered under his breath after suddenly stopping his sword mid-swing. “It would be ridiculous if I saved her too late after saying such things.”

His words were directed at himself, knowing full well that he was nervous and anxious.

“This is nothing new. I’ve always picked a fight with bastards that were impossible to beat.”

Such situations had been commonplace in Eugene's previous life, so why did unease grip him now? He chuckled softly, self-deprecatingly, as he brushed away the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The act of swinging his sword had brought him a peculiar sense of solace, a peculiar comfort that he welcomed wholeheartedly. While cold perspiration had caused him to tremble in the presence of the crackling bonfire, the heat that now coursed through his veins matched the intensity of his racing heart.

Suddenly, Mer's voice broke the silence as she poked her head from beneath Eugene's cloak. She had deliberated on finding words of comfort to assuage his fears and anxieties but ultimately chose to remain silent, allowing him the space to find his own footing. As she expected, Eugene ended up regaining composure on his own.

Mer believed that this was the time to speak out to help Eugene cheer up. “You will kill Raizakia and save Lady Sienna, Sir Eugene. Afterward, you’ll return healthy, and we’ll go play while holding hands. You, me, and Lady Sienna.”

“Where would we go?” asked Eugene.

“We’ll be able to go anywhere. The most important thing is this — you will hold my right hand, and Lady Sienna will hold my left hand.” After saying so, Mer closed her lips for a moment. Then she tilted her head with serious contemplation. “…Or you can just hold hands with Lady Sienna, Sir Eugene.”

“Why would I hold her hand?” said Eugene.

“Are you not going to? You can always hold my hand every day, and even now, but Lady Sienna’s hand won’t be as easy to hold as mine,” retorted Mer.

“Not easy to hold? That’s….”

“Are you saying that you can hold Lady Sienna’s hand whenever you want to, Sir Eugene?” shouted Mer, not missing a single word Eugene whispered. She jumped up and down with a bright smile. “Well, of course! After all, you and Lady Sienna did that together.”


“You know, you did that. You were the one who said it, Sir Eugene.” Mer said.

“When did I ever say that!?” Eugene roared.

“You must have forgotten, but I can read your surface thoughts. I already know that whenever you think of Lady Sienna, you always think about your memory of doing that with her,” continued Mer teasingly.

Eugene’s face glowed bright red.

Mer's mischievous nature tempted her to further tease Eugene, but her past encounters had taught her the consequences of pushing her luck too far — a noogie was a fate she wished to avoid. Hastily, she retreated back into the sanctuary of his cloak, well aware of the seething frustration that simmered within him.

“Hmm….” Eugene quenched his anger.

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He heard a cough from behind a tree. Someone’s head poked out from behind it. “This Lady was going to help you because you looked scared, but did you get better?”

It was Raimira.

Emerging from behind the tree, Raimira presented herself with an air of resilience, despite the telltale signs of reddened eyes. She stood tall, her chest held high.

“Why did you come here without sleeping? What about Kristina?” asked Eugene.

“Mother…. Ehem, the… holy woman is deep in prayer. Though this Lady would prefer she hugs me instead,” Raimira muttered.

“You never fail to utter unnecessary words that earn you a smack,” Eugene retorted, a hint of exasperation tinging his voice.

“Hiek.” Raimira quickly recoiled. “Hmm…. This Lady is glad you are feeling better, but if you are really scared, is there a reason to go fight the Black Dragon…?”

“Are you going to keep spouting nonsense?” Eugene asked.

“Hmm…. This Lady is only saying this because I am worried about you. And… well, this lady might not be quite ready to meet the Black Dragon.” Raimira stole glances at Eugene while hesitating.

She wasn’t lying when she said that she had been worried about Eugene. Although the scoundrel had a trashy personality, he had been quite good to Raimira during their journey.

He had allowed her inside his cloak so she wouldn’t get hurt, and he sometimes held her hand inside the cloak when she was trembling too much….

“This Lady does not want the Black Dragon to kill you.”

“I don’t know who’s worrying about who. I’m going to kill your father,” said Eugene.

“Hmm…. Ehem. This Lady believes that the Black Dragon will not die at your hands. Evil human, I know you are strong enough to be the strongest among humans, but there is no way you are powerful enough to reach the Black Dragon, the strongest of dragons,” retorted Raimira.

“Ah, that’s good for you. If I die, your father will take excellent care of you,” Eugene said.

“Well, as I just said…. This Lady is not quite ready for the reunion….”

Raimira's shoulders slumped once more, weighed down by the burden of her fear. The looming presence of the Black Dragon had intensified her nightmares, tormenting her with increasing intensity as their journey brought them closer to the Black Dragon. Restlessness plagued her heart and mind, exacerbating the unease that gripped her being.

Raimira questioned her fear. Why was she so afraid of getting closer to her father, the Black Dragon?

“So…. This lady thinks it might be better for us to return now. Well, I am worried about you and—”

“Stop with the nonsense and go to sleep,” Eugene cut in.

“Eek… This Lady is being considerate of you…!”

“No, it’s because you’re scared.”

“W-why would this Lady be scared? There is no reason for me to be afraid of the Black Dragon. I-if I had to pick something I am scared of…. T-this Lady is scared that the Black Dragon might swallow you whole.”

A haunting nightmare resurfaced within Raimira's consciousness, vividly recalling the sensation of being swallowed whole. The harrowing memory sent shivers down her spine, causing her to instinctively curl into a tighter, protective ball, seeking solace from the tremors that coursed through her body.

“Hmm… I-if the Black Dragon tries to swallow you whole, this Lady will muster up my courage and… well… request the Black Dragon not to swallow you.”

“You’re saying something weird again.”

“Keep listening…! So, well, I will plead directly with the Black Dragon so that he will spare you, the human who is trying to kill him. And if possible, I will let you keep your life as this Lady’s servant.”

Normally, he would have welcomed her nonsense with a knock on the red jewel on her forehead. However, Eugene allowed her to continue and listened silently when he saw how her voice quivered and her eyes reddened.

“And… if t-this Lady is swallowed by something….”

“Then I will take you out of this “something’s” jaws,” Eugene said with a snort. “Although I don’t know what the hell this something might be.”

“T-this Lady does not know either.”

“And what if you get chewed up and die?” asked Eugene.

“Don’t say something so horrible!” Raimira cried. “In any case, this is a promise between you and me. Understand?” asked Raimira.

“Fine, fine,” Eugene grunted.

Eugene's response, though brief, held a soothing power that gradually calmed the tremors within Raimira. With a relieved sigh, she lifted her head, meeting Mer’s gaze, who beckoned to her from the shelter of Eugene's cloak.

“Hmph. This Lady has no other choice if you call me like that.” Raimira hopped towards Eugene, then squeezed into his cloak.

“Agh!” As soon as she entered, Raimira screamed.

“You arrogant little brat. Who are you to tell Sir Eugene not to go?”

“Agh! It hurts! It hurts!”

Mer’s retribution caused the cloak to wobble.