Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One On our way out, more women stared. It was getting unnerving-I wanted to snap at them.
I was tempted to show them he was mine by wrapping my arms around his torso, but I wasn't sure he would like that. He had never been one for such close contact, so I kept my hands to myself. But as if he could read my mind, he wrapped his arm around me-possessively.
I stared up at him in surprise.
"I'm on my best behavior, but if those guys don't stop undressing you with their eyes, I might have to reconsider," he said. I followed his line of sight, and sure enough, about five guys stood there, watching me. The moment Daemon's gaze fell on them, they quickly walked away.
don't seem to be noticing how almost every female in the building is checking you out." I said, and his eyes met mine again, makingrealize that he truly hadn't noticed them. How was that even possible? Shad walked past him multiple times just to get a single look from him, I couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for them.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"We need to go now." "Where are we going?" "A hotel close by," he said, and I followed him back into the stolen car.
"You are going to return the car, right?" "Only if that earnsmore points?" "Yes. One point for being a gentleman and returning the car you stole." "Two points." He negotiated.
I pretended to be deep in thought before finally speaking. "Okay, two points it is." "Then it's a deal." We stopped in front of a grand, elegant building with the n'Goles Haven Hotel, London' displayed in golden letters.
A valet attendant approached, opening my door. I stepped out, and before he could do the sfor Daemon, he was already out.
"Welcto Goles Haven. Do you have a reservation?" "No." Daemon pulled a few crisp bills from his jacket and handed them over. The valet's eyes flickered with surprise before he quickly masked it, tucking the money away with a nod.
"Cwith me; I will show you to the receptionist." He said, shoving the notes into his own pocket. He led us into the hotel. It was even more beautiful from the inside; everything about the place screamed money, and Daemon fitted right into it all. The receptionist was a female who seemed to be in her early twenties; she could easily be a model with her long blonde hair, green eyes, sizable breasts, and beautiful smile-though I could notice her smile was directed at Daemon.
"We would only be staying the night." He informs her, and her smile widens like he just told skind of joke. "I see you haven't made a reservation, but I can arrange one of our best suites for you-perhaps the one overlooking the city," she said, subtly arching her back to emphasize her figure.
7/2 Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One "Would you like that?" Daemon asked me, and I nodded, not really caring where I slept, but in this five-star hotel, it was clear that everything had to be the best of the best, nothing less than perfection.
The woman barely spareda glance at first, but then her smile faltered as she gavea slow once-over, assessing me. For the first time, she seemed to seeas a treat or at least, someone worth noticing.
Daemon paid with his card, then smoothly placed a crisp bi on then bion counter. The receptionist's smile returned instantly-she might have just fallen in love right then and there.
"If you need anything at all, just letknow," she said, her voice smooth, her smile lingering a little too long. I knew exactly what kind of invitation that was.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmShe slid the key card across the counter in a sleek holder, and Daemon took it without a word. A staff member was already waiting to escort us to our suite.
"Tellyou didn't notice her flirting." "Actually, I did," he admitted, then his eyes met mine. "But I don't have eyes for her-or anyone else. Just one."
The room was just as perfect as the rest of the hotel. Floor-to-ceiling glass walls separated us from the city, offering a breathtaking view. At night, the city lights were mesmerizing-l could watch them for hours and never grow tired. Now, I understood the hype. But then there was the bed. Staring at it, it brought back memories. I remember the first twe had sex... It had been in his room, on a bed, just like this one.
"I'll take the couch," he says.
He always letshave the bed while he takes the couch-or, more often, he "more doesn't sleep at all. had asked him about it once, and he simply said he could survive on little to no sleep. So much had changed in just a few hours. I had seen a different side of him, and I wanted to explore it for the little twe had left here.
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