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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 The decision Appareath, what I said shocked Lucas, but somehess, Gideon looked satished while he shook hand with him.

"Aker, I'm going to wait for you as the car." Gideon said, and even if I didn't want him to leavehere as I did want to expl like I expected, as soon as Gideon was far away, he poured his questions ons ine it to explain anything to Lucas, I nodded. Just "Alive, where have you been? Why did you never pretact"Lucas, I couldn't, but it's a long story." "You changed so much, you look so different, Alice, You said you go there to study, then you cback with a husband, with a family that looks like the mata itsell. What the hell is wrong with you."* "Trough" neatly shouted. He looked atand frowned.

"I don't think Lowe you an explanation. After I moved to Los Angeles, I met Gideon, and I got married to him. I'm happy." He looked at the ground after sighing "And what about skating? Or you prefer to give birth to his chilen? Becoming a young mum, doing nothing in a laxurious envionment?" He looked atwith pain in his eyes. That showedhe still wasn't over me.

*Lucas." I sighed, and I bugged him. He huggedback, maybe stronger than he should have.

"like you as a good friend. You were always my friend, and il I want it to stay this way." I whispered to him. He nodded, and after a few seconds, he let"I think I'll contine skating.” I said and smiled.

He nodded again "Then, maybe I'll see you in a competition. The way he said that hurt me, but I couldn't do anything about it. I liked him, but he needed to get over me.

"Yes." I nodded, stilling He looked atonce more, putting his hands in his pocket.

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"Well, then good luck, Alice." Then he turned around and walked away. His pain was visible, and I thought I would never forget his face when he said that, I watched him for a few seconds, then I turned around too. Gideon was in the cat, but I knew he watched the scene. I was concerned about having to explain everything, but in the car, he simply asked if I was okay, hugged me, and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Gideon." I whispered, He lowered his head.

*I love you too, Alice" He whispered to me.

The next morning, when I opened my eyes, I saw Gideon's handsface. He was sleeping soundly next toin our bed at home. I was still in a daze after yesterday, We travelled back straight after the funeral. Gideon askedif I wanted to stay longer, but I had enough of Montreal. The loss still hurtvery much. 1 only remembered the letter when we were sitting on the plane on the way back to Los Angeles. It was withall the time, but I never dared to open it. I watched Gideon. He fell asleep next to me. I decided to read it.

"Dear Alice.

When you get this letter, probably, I'm not existing anymore. I apologise for everything that I put you through. You'd have deserved a happy childhood, a loving family that I couldn't give you. I'm sorry I never was strong enough to leave with you. Pas sorry I was always: scared of his anger and the consequences. Even if you think the opposite, I always wanted the best for you, and I'd never forgive myself for my failure as a mother.

Please Alice, never give up your dreams. You are so talented and beautiful. You have the strength, persevering and toughness to have a different and happy life that I couldn't give you. He famous, be successful, and happiness will find you, I promise.

I love you always and forever," Chapter 67 The decision.

Probably she had a clear moment when she wrote this letter. I knew it wasn't easy for her, as the paper was snaked in a few places. She cried while the wasn't the best mother on Earth, I knew she loved me.

I couldn't stop thinking about her words. When I was a kid, I didnt understand why she encouragedto be a surfall skater for a better life. But as I realized she wantedto find happiness and escape our miserable life. I kept thinking about her face, herted, teary eyes when the bid farewell toat the airport. That was the last tI saw her.

I needed to stop thinking about it, as I felt I was about to cry. When I got back the memories before, in and after the funeral, I wanted to conti thought that if she could seefrom aboer, she'd be ponad offor not pving up.

skating | I had Gideon, and I couldn't be more grateful for having him, and I know next to him I wouldn't have any problem, but that was something that I finally felt I must do I checked the clock; it was five am. I slipped out of bed, not to wake Gideon up, and I went to the bathrooms. After freshening myself up and got dressed, I tiptoed out of the room. The gym was waiting for me. I started training, but not like recently, I needed to get used to training about thirty seven hours a week, and I needed bo get used to the pain as well.

I felt the missed time. It was harder than usual, but when I felt like giving up, 1 (I recalled my trainer's wants. They often talked about our limits. They and all par limits are created by our mind if you truly believe nothing is impossible, then your limits won't es They often said if you want to be the best, then every single attempt of yours has to be all or nothing I spent about two hours at the gym. I felt exhausted, but I felt fine inside as I did everything I planned.

Thad to train with Awa today, but I planned to stay on the ice after I fished with her. I hoped Gideon worldn't probably woke up by new. I took a towel, put it on my neck, and I walked up, mind. I looked at the clock, and I thought he Maybe the word, surprise, couldn't describe the feeling of what I felt, when I could smell thing delicious in the kitchen i way.

I stopped at the door, then I just watched him, appalled. He had his phone on the kitchen desk, and it played a video off how to cook breakfest while he cooked it himself. I had to smile. Probably, he felt I've been there as he turned around. He looked atwith a smile.

"Breakfast is arly ready" ser." I laughed. He laughed too.

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"You can't laugh at me. If you think it's funny, then I'll give you what you deserve "Do you mean a penishment?" "Exactly That madelaugh harder. First, I found that funny, second; If he meant the punishment I received last time, I didn't mind at all.He finished soon, and I helped him to set the table up. I had to admit that even though he probably made this breakfast as his first attempt in the kitchen; it tasted delicious, I only ate a little, as I needed something that givesmore energy, but as he put that kind of food on the table too, I knew he counted with that. Could he be more perfect? No, I thought.

After breakfast, I didn't let him clean up. When I finished in the kitchen, I went up to have a shower. He said he was waiting forat the pool. M didn't want t down after I trained, so I thought I could swim. I took a bikini that I thought he'd like. It was a white one, but it looked nice on my skin. It looked browner after I spent a lot of toutside in the sun. I put my hair in a bun, and I walked down. He watchedmove move to the pool.

"Where are you going?" "I'm going to swim." He said nothing, he just watched me.

I jumped into the water, then I swam simsly, After swimming for a while, he jumped in too, and so I felt hus hands around me. I hugged ham, too. "Don't you take a break?" Flauched "Why?" "Because i don't yus to be planted" Chapter 67 The decision "Bet Gideon, if you wantto compete again, unfortunately I have to train a lot.” He smiled.

He kissedtightly.

I really decided, but I also know when I competed, I was single. I never needed to find the tfor someone else, too.

I had Lucns, but he loved the ice just as much us I did. He wanted to letgo, but I hold him tighter, and 1 moved my legs around his waist while I held him closer