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Child of Destiny

Chapter 923 The Former Best Partners: The New Death God And God Slayer (Part 3)
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Flouree and the rest of her group immediately get information to get ready for the battle.

The Guardian Knight quickly positioned himself at the front of the group, facing Zero and Lawless on each side. He raised his shield in front of him, fully ready to activate a protective skill if ever the two made their moves.

Behind him was the Shaman of the team who quickly summoned some wooded totems that boosted their stats – an eagle totem that boosted their speed, a bear totem for their strength, a whale totem that gave them additional magical powers, and a turtle totem for their defense.

At the same time, this shaman also opened a metal gate above him that continuously summoned spiritual beings such as ghosts and wraiths.

The priest of the group was also chanting out a series of verses that seemed to be prayers that gave additional buffs to the group.

Flouree and Jia also remained at the rear of the group while casting Mana Shields on themselves as well as spells that were ready to fire at their opponents at any given moment.

Flouree also activated a special ocular skill to keep an eye on Faker. For her, he was the most dangerous opponent that they currently had. After all, there was nothing scarier than a threat that you couldn't see.

In the meantime, Faker was currently bouncing up and down in his spot with a certain rhythm, seemingly working on his footwork.

Lawless, on the other hand, was cracking his fists while staring at their opponents with a smirking smile. He looked like a hungry beast that was staring at his cornered prey.



Then the two finally made their moves almost at the same time.

Faker suddenly disappeared from the sight of his opponent despite Flouree keeping an eye on him. She lost track of him as if he was not in front of her.

In the meantime, Lawless quickly sprinted straight to them, not caring about anything. He already used his bloodline transformation, the time was ticking, so he didn't have time to waste.

Seeing Lawless charging at them, the Guardian Knight, GoodyShoe, quickly activated a skill without hesitation.

He couldn't leave the formation since their focus was not to fight the three. It was to defend each other and find an opportunity to escape their current prediction. Due to that, he only took a couple of steps forward and slammed his shield at Lawless.


The collision immediately created a shockwave that sent in different directions. But since his body was blocking his allies behind him, they didn't get affected by it.

GoodyShoe quickly moves his body slightly to the side, letting his teammates have a clear view of Lawless. And right after he did that, Jia quickly sent a barrage of fireballs from behind.

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Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Lawless was already expecting such an attack would come, so he quickly took a step back before inhaling deeply. Such actions made his chest expand as his lungs were filled with air.


And with a powerful shout, he released all of the air that he gathered alongside a powerful force accompanying them.


His shout created a gale of wind that moved forward, clearing all of the fireballs heading toward him. They looked like a fire on a candle that was blown by a fierce wind.

Flouree was about to follow up on the previous attack when she sensed a threat directed at her. She quickly canceled her spell and cast a defensive barrier instead.


Faker's dagger collided with the invisible barrier that Flouree had summoned, making him fail his ambush once again.

But despite that being the case, they couldn't touch Faker as they didn't have the means to take care of him. They didn't have enough melee fighters that pin him down in place or an archer to mark his movements.

Fortunately, they at least had the ghost and wraiths that their Shaman had summoned through the metal gate above them.

Right after Faker revealed himself, those spiritual beings quickly charge at him like a tide of a monster horde.

Unfortunately for them, they found a bad match this time. Faker possessed a Transcendent Race called Underworld Elf and his class was Abyss Walker, given those names, attacks of spiritual beings were ineffective against him.

He activated a special mana armor that surrounded his body, protecting him from the advances of those ghosts and wraiths. And quickly after that, he forced his way into the formation of their opponents, heading straight to the priest situated right in the middle of the group.

Naturally, the others wanted to stop him but Lawless suddenly went on a rampage, pushing GoodyShoe back and making the Shaman focus his attention on them.

Jia didn't hesitate and quickly teleported right between their priest and Faker before casting an ice wall that blocked his path.

Faker quickly halted his steps and deceivably turned around headed back to Flouree once again, catching his opponents off-guard.

Flouree was immediately caught in a difficult dilemma of whether she was going to retreat or attack.

If she chose to retreat them their formation would instantly fall apart but if she chose to attack, she needed to consider hitting her teammates since Faker was currently right in the middle of their formation.

Whichever she chose, she needed to pay a certain consequence and neither of them was favorable for their group.

This was the problem with their team composition. They didn't have enough fighters to be their frontline.

She wanted to curse the others who chase after 'Faker', failing to contain their emotions. Well, she couldn't totally blame them as she was also feeling the same.

She knew that a trap was waiting for them but she still chose to chase after Zero and divide their forces in the process.

Speaking of Zero, that guy was still not making his move and just observing the fight in the distance. She didn't know if he was waiting for an opportunity to strike them or if he was thinking that his help was unnecessary.

Regardless of his reason, he was still able to give Flouree and the rest an invisible pressure that was impossible to ignore. His existence alone was a threat to them even if he was not doing anything.

During this time of crisis, a string of information entered Flouree's head as she was looking for the best solution to escape her predicament. But it didn't long before she accepted that couldn't do anything but choose the most obvious choice.

"Chace of plans, we are going with A-Box Formation. Take care of yourselves," she commanded as she used Blink to get away from her position, leaving their current formation.

The others were taken aback by her orders but didn't question them and quickly followed without hesitation.

The Shaman started distancing himself away from GoodyShoe and Lawless and joined Jia and the priest behind him.

After that, he quickly sat on the ground and put his hands together, starting to chant a series of spiritual words. And a few moments after that, a group of wooden totems suddenly materialized in the air and started following the ground thirty meters away from him, surrounding the group.

Then a faint light suddenly connected the wooden totems and created a cage that trapped everyone inside it.

Seeing that the cage was completed, GoodyShoe forcefully pushed Lawless back before turning around and charging straight to Faker who just lost his target.

Jia and the priest also made their moves right at that moment. The former melted her ice wall and turned the water produced by it into water whips that flew straight to Faker, covering his escape route.

In the meantime, the priest raised her staff in the air, producing a brilliant light that illuminated the surroundings. It was to prevent Faker from entering stealth and letting him escape their encirclement.

At the same time, the ghost and wraiths that were attacking Faker earlier quickly turned their attention to Lawless and started flying straight at him.

It was to prevent him from assisting Faker.

Their decisive actions clearly showed their vast experience in battle as they flexibly adjusted to their situation. It also showcased their great familiarity with each other as they didn't need to say anything when doing all of those adjustments and just executed those actions naturally.

But despite seeing their flawless actions, Faker and Lawless remained calm.

If they were only talking about understanding each other, then these two gods were not lacking in that area.

First, Faker sheathed his daggers and reached out on his back, taking out the flying daggers from his combat belt.

He then threw them in a certain direction.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

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But the strange thing was he didn't target anyone with them as the flying daggers flew on towards an empty space. They flew past GoodyShoe who was charging at him from the side. In fact, it looked like he was targeting Lawless at that time instead of his opponent.

Time seemed to slow down at that moment as the opposing side was trying to figure out what he was planning.


Then Jia, who kept a close eye on Faker's actions, noticed something attached to the latter's fingers. It was at that moment when she noticed a glimmer of light in the air between GoodyShoe and Faker.

"Watch out! There are metal strings attached to those daggers!" those were the only words that she could say at that moment since everything was happening a little too fast.


But it was already too late to respond at that time since Lawless, who seemed to be forgotten for a moment, suddenly released a powerful much stronger than what he did earlier.

The roar carried a powerful gust of wind that swept everything in its path.

Naturally, the ghost and wraiths that were heading at him were not affected by it since they were currently in their incorporeal state. The air current just passed through their body and continued moving forward.

On the other hand, the daggers that Faker had thrown were swept by the violent wind, changing their course and heading back to where they came from.

Faker did a wide pulling motion, dragging the flying daggers back to him. But at the same time, he was also controlling them skillfully, making the metal strings wrap around the Guardian Knight who was not expecting the sudden development.

GoodyShoe still had good battle instincts since he quickly halted his charge with a powerful stomp on the ground, planting himself in place. It was also to prevent Faker from pulling him over.

But what he didn't expect was Faker using his body as a sturdy pole.

Faker strongly tugged the metal strings, but instead of pulling GoodyShoe towards him, he pulled himself over the latter and flew straight to the Guardian Knight.

"Sh*t!" Jia cursed as her water whips barely missed Faker at that time.

Left without a choice, GoodyShoe used one of his lifesaving skills. He was originally planning to tank whatever damage Faker had, after all, he was plate-armored class while the latter was an assassin.

But after a quick consideration, he didn't dare to take the risk since there was a high chance that Faker could just one-shot him with a series of skills – just like what he did to Voltage earlier.

Jia wanted to assist their Guard Knight at that time, but Lawless already broke through the blockade of ghosts and wraiths at that moment and was already heading toward the Shaman.

She left the priest to help GoodyShoe while she threw a barrage of spells at Lawless, trying to stop the madman from getting near them.


Outside that chaotic battle, Flouree appeared a few distances away from the cage and faced Zero who seemed to be expecting her choice.

The two of them faced each other, not making a move and seemingly gauging the current strength of each other.

After a brief moment of a staredown, Zero released a sigh. He now understood how powerful the Reality Manifestation State was.

Unless the opposing side had the means to increase their strength exponentially like the one that Justin and a few from Silent Night had, then all of his future opponents would not be able to give him the thrill of battle that he desired.

"Let's just hope that the future plans of the developers will make the other players catch up properly at the upcoming change," he muttered as he started assuming a battle stance.
