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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 573 - Don't compare...!!!
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There were sayings: a man would never be able to fight a crocodile from the water; the Irish and Astor families had the sthought.

"Mr. Allen, long tno see.” Nate suddenly heard a sound; when he turned, he saw a young man standing behind him, both hands were in his pocket and smiling at him gracefully.

For a second, Nate felt he was looking at the child who grew up before his eyes, but when he remembered who this man was and what he did.

Blood boiled in his veins, but when he remembered David's warning, he cooled down.

"And you're?" Nate Allen gave his best; he didn't let a single expression out of place and looked at Oscar with a gentle smile.

When Oscar felt Nate didn't recognize him, he sighed in relief because he didn't want Nate Allen to find out about him yet.

"This is my grandson, Oscar Astor; good to see you, Nate." Old master Astor walked to Nate and stood beside Oscar.

The older man held a grudge against Nate Allen; he never wanted to go against the Allen family since he was an old friend of Nate Allen, but he didn't leave him a choice, so he had no other way.

The older man was narrow-minded and always remembered things that made him lose money; no matter who it was, it didn't matter to him.

As long as his family nand profit were on the line, he wouldn't consider sacrificing his child.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Old master Astor." Nate was straightforward, even though he couldn't vent his anger on the Astor family yet because David didn't want them to finish so soon; he had other plans.

When Old master Astor heard Nate call him Old master Astor instead of uncle Astor, he felt Nate meant something; even Oscar felt the changes in Nate Allen.

"We're glad you came; | invited your parents, who also came. Did you meet them?" Old master Astor asked him, but deep down, he pointed at something with his words.

Nate sneered in his heart, "I did not, not | want to; you might already hear we're not father and son anymore; Mr. Allen has only one son." Nate would not forgive them for what they did to his family.

Not in this life anymore.

Oscar was the silent audience; he observed Nate Allen with shrewd vision. He felt something was wrong with Nate Allen since the judging eyes around him did not bother him.

"Son, you shouldn't hurt your relationship like this; after all, they are your parents.” Old master Allen said with a complaining tone that he was an old-minded person.

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"This is my matter, Mr. Astor; we shouldn't discuss my matter at your party, right?" Nate didn't even bother to show him fake respect anymore. Nate knew the old master Astor was deep-water fish.

But he didn't know Nate was expected in this area; he had never minded people talking about or bad-mouthing about him.

Otherwise, Mia Smith would have succeeded when she tried to force him to marry her.

Oscar smiled while looking at the wineglass in his hand. Today he was about to show Nate Allen something which would shock him to the core. When the tcomes, he wouldn't have the tto pay attention to his company.

"It's already time; let's begin the ceremony.” Old master Irish knew Nate Allen wouldn't take their bailey, so they didn't waste their ton him anymore if they wanted to survive.

They have to fight against Nate Allen when the tcomes. Of course, they would stand against him, but it is not the right time.

Oscar nodded; he took his fiance's hand and walked to the stage; Nate stood on the spot and waited for the next show that Oscar Astor had prepared for him.

Oscar looked at his watch; it was tfor the show, When they walked to the stage, he sent a message to Rebel through his eye and waited; the elders gave speeches and wished them their best life, one after one is completed, when they were about to exchange the ring.

"How can you betraylike this? You said you would marry me?" a woman's voice caught everyone off guard, their attention to the person.

It shocked everyone when they saw a beautiful woman walking in a beautiful gown, the girl had a unique charm, and everyone was staring at her with shock.

Nate also followed their gaze; when he saw the girl, his heart stopped for a second; he felt his heart about burst; it was none other than Kate, his daughter whom he missed to death.

But when he was about to step forward, a voice cthrough his earplug that he hid in his ear; no one knew he had earpieces in his ear.

"She is not." the voice alerted him.

Only then did Nate stop on his track, reluctantly.

Oscar's eyes on the woman, his expressionless eyes turned gentle; even for a second, he wanted to believe this was the girl he wanted her to be, but he knew this was all nothing.

"Who is she?" everyone whispered one to another; only Mia and Jack knew who it was; their jaws fell to the ground. They kept staring at the girl and then at the man. They couldn't believe their eyes.

They saw something impossible.

"Hey, who the hell are you?" Old master Astor's daughter asked the girl.

The girl fearlessly walked to the stage and stood before Oscar. "You said if | leave my husband, you will be with me. Are you trying to betray me? How can you do this? The girl questioned him fearlessly.

Oscar looked at the girl; he missed this face to death, but not this person.

"Oscar, who is this crazy girl?" Old master Astor asked his son.

The girl finally turned to the older man and smiled sweetly. "Grandpa Astor, don't you recognizeanymore? I'm Grace Allen." When the girl announced her identity, the crowd was in an uproar.

Old master Allen's face turned blue out of shock; the Astor family felt thunderstruck on them; their face couldn't hide the surprise they got from this girl.

"Wow, who is she? Which Grace Allen and why did the Astor family look so shocked?" people gossiped.

Suddenly one of them screamed, "Hey, | heard the Allen family had a daughter named Grace Allen. Do you think she is that girl?" "How could this be? That girl died when she was five years old." Others defend the girl.

But no one was sure until the girl turned to the coward. "Hello, everyone; I'm Grace Allen, Nate Allen, and Kylie Allen's daughter.” The girl suddenly announced.

The girl raised her head and looked at the crowd; finally, people could see the details on her face.

"Oh my god." someone screamed.

The girl looked at Nate with teary eyes when she spotted him; after all, Oscar had planted everything in her mind.

The girl looked excitedly like Kate; no one could doubt anything.

But no one knew behind her fake skin; there was another woman; it was none other than Shelly Waston; this was why Oscar never tried to kill her.

Because she perfectly matched the experiment when he needed to execute his plan, that's why he protected her from others and gave her royal treatment.

Oscar was grinning in his heart; this girl didn't disappoint him; she acted perfectly, and now he needed to take ahead with his plan so that he could end this matter in front of the world.

"Why are you here?" Oscar suddenly asked; he asked loudly enough to prove her identity; he knew once he ruined Kate's reputation in front of the world, it would be easier for him to wipe off her identity from the world; only then could he live the dream life he had dreamed of having with her.

"Who said I'm going to marry you? Don't mess here; leave.” He said to her, When the fake Grace heard him, she sobbed loudly, "how can you say this to me? You said if | leave my family, you will letbe with you; Oscar Astor is how you keep your promise.

Don't think because I'm not rich like your fiance; you can just throwaside?" Fake Grace shouted at him; when the crowd heard this conversion, the party was a mess; they whispered one to another.

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Nate finally knew why David said she was a fake.

On the other side, David put Kate to sleep and went to the study room. He was watching a Livestream show on his laptop.

He laughed when he saw that man who called himself blood king trying to play such a lgwith him.

David already knew what he was planning the moment Dr. San told him what he did; that's why he didn't go to the party because he knew there was no need to go there.

Since the blood king wanted to play such a foul game, he didn't want to waste his tgoing there; he wanted to play with this moth******* |ike a dirty drain rat.

Since he wants to ruin his wife's character in front of the world, he would give the Astor family the humiliation their ancestors would fear getting.

"Dad, get ready; they will drag you into this mess. Don't disappoint me," David said in the earpieces.

"Are you sure she is not Kate?" It's not like Nate believed what the fake Grace said in front of the people, but what if Oscar did something to her memory? That's why she beclike this.

"Dad, don't compare this trash with my Kate; she is not my kate; my kate is with me," David said with a cold smile; he would never forget the pain they tried to give his wife and how that man tried to claim what belongs to him.

If he did not bury this mother***** 50 feet underground, his nis not David Xiver.

"What do you mean? " Nate felt his heart was not going to rest for the day; he was getting one after one shock.

"She is with me; | found her and brought her back to the villa." David didn't inform anymore; only Derek and Robert knew other than Adam. If not for Adam's slippery mouth, even Robert wouldn't know until tomorrow.

He wanted to surprise Nate, but since the situation was not like he wished, he didn't hide it anymore.

Nate couldn't react much since people were staring at him, but his eyes turned teary; he couldn't express his feelings with a smile, so tears showed.

But in people's eyes, they thought he was crying; they thought he was shocked because his daughter suddenly appeared, yet the next moment gave him his life's worst humiliation.

"You are really my daughter?” Nate walked forward and cried in front of everyone; fake Grace turned to the man who walked toward her.

Oscar looked at her expressionless face, but he told her she should grab this opportunity with the secret code.

"Dad." The fake Grace ran to Nate and cried in front of him. Nate couldn't feel any rage when he remembered this girl was not his daughter.

But he barely could keep his anger in check when he saw how Oscar played with his daughter's face. Someone else wore his daughter's face because of this monster.

How twisted-minded is this person to play with people's lives like this? David was right; this motherfucker doesn't deserve any kindness even though he was someone closer to Kate when she was a child.

"Daughter, what are you doing here? Who brought you here? Don't you know our family is going crazy after they kidnapped you? Tell dad who kidnapped you; I'll rip apart his head." Nate said those words from his heart, but it was for his daughter; he was furious.