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Chapter 543 Satyr Demon
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David rushed to meet the enemies. His bone arm swords slashed through the first enemy, falling backwards onto the others. The other enemies staggered.

"Get him!" The thieves shouted. Lee Seng watched as some of the descending thieves spotted him and moved at him. Lee Seng clicked his tongue as he moved away from a fireball sailing straight for him. The flames exploded against the wall as Lee Seng lifted his hand up. A wall of stars formed, blocking the thieves from coming closer.

"Got eyes on the intruders! They somehow got to building 51STRX!" A thief shouted. "Requesting back up!"

"What're you doing?" A thief shouted at the others as they tried to push against the cosmic wall. An older man pushed people away, revealing himself as he stood at the wall. "You think this will hold you? Ha, think again!"

The old man's skin turned purple as horns grew out of his head. They curled up into the sky as his legs formed into furry legs with hooves as feet.

"Satyr?" Lee Seng whispered. The satyr looking demon took a couple steps back and charged forward ramming his head into the wall. Lee Seng watched as the wall shattered on impact.

The Satyr flew forward as it's horns radiated with hot purple energy. The Satyr-demon ran into him, knocking him off his feet and flying away as he continued rushing forward. Lee Seng bounced, flipping and stopping himself.

"Get him!" The thieves shouted.

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"I guess I'll top myself off." Lee Seng shrugged. The katana appeared in his right hand. In a single motion, Lee Seng unsheathed the katana and slashed at the Satyr-demon. The Satyr-demon deflected the attack with it's horn, the force knocking its head away, dragging the Satyr backwards as Lee Seng did the same.

The building began to warp and bend as metal and concrete fired out of the sides of the hallways. Lee Seng released his weapon and scabbard, back flipping backwards as the spikes flew at him.

Lee Seng landed on his hands, lowering himself and instantly pushing himself straight up. Spikes from behind and in front of him slammed into each other. His feet began to touch the ceiling as he began to spin himself in the air, grasping a hold of himself in mid-air.

'The training paid off.' Lee Seng thought as the ceiling began to bubble. Without missing a beat, Lee Seng pushed his hand out, physically moving him away as his legs dangled, never getting nipped by the spikes.

"You can't get one guy?!?" The Satyr-demon shouted. He began to rush down the hall for Lee Seng, destroying the spiky path in front of him with ease.

"Cover him." A female thief ordered the other Glasses. Fireballs flew straight for Lee Seng as the hallway continued to turn into a spiky death trap. Lee Seng swatted the spikes away, shaving them off as his eyes registered the fireballs coming from him too.

His hand swatted one of the spikes and moved in front of him. He held it out, blocking the fireballs. The Satyr-demon jumped, crouched and launched himself straight for Lee Seng.

"That won't work!" The Satyr-demon shouted, shattering Lee Seng's defenses in an instance. The fireballs and spikes landed on Lee Seng, sending him backwards as the Satyr-demon landed on the ground.

,m "Hold!" The Satyr-demon threw his hand up. He slowly moved over to the smoking body. "He can't be dead from a single hit like that…" He neared the unmoving body, a smile growing as the Satyr-demon realized what they had just done.

"You gotta be joking." The Satyr-demon man chuckled. His form began to shift back into the form of an old man. He began to turn and announce to the group they had done it when he realized the Glasses weren't there anymore. They were all dead with no one insight.

'What's going on here? I don't hear any fighting.' The old man thought. Something triggered in his head, quickly forcing him to dodge to the side. Lee Seng's fist flew wide as the old man spun, swinging his arm straight for Lee Seng's face.

This forced the smoking Lee Seng backwards. The old man took a better look at Lee Seng. He noticed the young man was slouched over with something crawling on him. His eyes narrowed like he was trying to study as his form shifted back into the Satyr-Demon-esque form.

"I should've known you wouldn't have died from such a cheap attack." The old man fully turned around. "That's my mistake."

"One of the last mistakes you'll make, fake demon." Lee Seng smiled.

"Fake?" The old man chuckled. "Who says I'm fake? I'm as real as it gets!" The old man flew forward, sending a kick straight for Lee Seng's face. Lee Seng backed up, dodging the hoof. The hoof slammed down, pushing the old man forward for another kick. Lee Seng dodged the attacks, narrowly letting the kicks almost hit him. The old man's face scrunched. His attacks became quicker.

When Lee Seng started to move a bit faster, the old man's horns went from a purple-hue to a pitch black color. Coal burned brightly in his eyes as he stomped on the ground, cracking the ground.

"You're dead!" The old man shouted. He rushed straight for Lee Seng who had just jumped backwards. "Nowhere to react!" The old Satyr lowered his horns, ready to puncture the strange young man into many pieces. The katana and scabbard flashed into his hands. He swung the scabbard downwards, hitting the horn right on as the old man threw his head up.

Lee Seng hovered in the air as he held the old man from budging from his spot. His horns were mere inches away from entering Lee Seng's body.

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"Argh!!!! DIEEEE!" The old man shouted. His strength grew, pushing upwards as Lee Seng suddenly pushed down and slashed at the old man. The old man slammed down on his face as Lee Seng's quiet feet landed. The burning sensation of fire and something eating at him made the old man twitch.

"'Don't judge a book by its cover.' I guess they're right. You're quite fast." Lee Seng commented. He twirled his katana, pointing the blade down at the old man. "But you will never be as fast as me." The old man looked up at Lee Seng as the blade pointed straight at his head. As soon as the blade flew down, a burst of energy fired out from his head. The horns lodged themselves into Lee Seng's calves, pushing the old man away as Lee Seng cursed in pain.

"Don't judge a book by its cover? Ha, I could say the same thing, kid." The old man stood up. The pitch black horns regrew. "And to think you need help."

"Argh!" David thrusted his arm sword forward as the old man dodged. The Satyr-demon swung his head down at the blade, shattering it on impact. David began to swing his other arm sword, but was met with a hoof in the chest. David rocketed backwards sliding across the shards of concrete and metal.

Lee Seng pulled the last horn out, dropping it onto the ground as he let out a frustrated sigh. The old man turned and smiled.

"It's futile. Both of you won't be able to beat me. I haven't even used my ability, yet." The old man commented. Lee Seng's wounds were slowly closing as he rushed forward with his katana raised. "I wouldn't run in that condition, son."

"I would worry about yourself, old man!" Cosmic energy flew straight for his neck. The old man's smile grew wider as the cosmic energy flew through him, flying past David.

"What the hell?" Lee Seng muttered.

"I told you it's futile. You can't kill me even if you wanted to." The old man's hoof flew into Lee Seng's chest, kicking him backwards. "Let's have some fun, shall we? You killed my crew and now I must kill you because… It's only fair."

David flew at the old man, screaming as he swung wildly. The old man dodged, spinning around and throwing a kick out. David dodged the attack and continued his barrage as the old man was forced back towards Lee Seng. The old man shook his head and ducked, instantly bursting straight at David. His horns dug into David's stomach as the old man threw his head upwards. David flew into the air with the horns in his stomach as the old man kicked David back towards the stairwell.

"Hundred years too early, kid." The old man shook his head as his horns grew. "I can dodge any attack if I wanted to. Any attack you land on me is because I want you to hit me. You have to do better than that." David groaned as the black horns stuck out of his stomach. Lee Seng pushed himself up onto his feet as his wounds finally healed.

"Unkillable?" Lee Seng grunted, drawing the old man's attention. "Fuck that… Anyone who says that always goes down… That's how it… Always is."

"Oh? Not done?" The old man raised his eyebrows. "Maybe I'll hang you on my wall."