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Chapter 531 Fight Ring
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The conveyor belts sparked and smoked. Lee Seng followed David into the hole where the conveyor belts are going. Lee Seng waved the smoke out of his face as he maneuvered past the piles of dead monster bodies.

The conveyor belt slowly descended down the dark tunnel. If Lee Seng didn't have his dark vision, he would be completely engulfed in darkness, not knowing where to go. David marched ahead of Lee Seng. He still looked like a man on a mission. The sounds of wet blood squished beneath their feet as they went deeper and deeper.

They moved for a while until the sounds of growls and screeches quietly bounced through the tunnel.

"What's that noise?" Lee Seng asked. The tunnel eventually evened out, opening up to a bright light. David wasted no time, sprinting out of the light.

"Well, well, well!" A loud voice said enthusiastically. "Our guest shows up on time! And to think it's a DEBT COLLECTOR!" David slammed his arm onto the ground, watching as bones flew out in every direction. "Na, uh, uh! That won't work here, bone boy!" The crowd watched as the bones slammed into the force field. A large hole opened up.

"DAVID!" Lisa shouted. A chained box rose into the air, revealing Lisa as Lee Seng stopped short of the exit.

'They don't know I'm here.' Lee Seng thought. 'We'll act like they don't know I'm here.' His body shimmered as he masked himself in invisibility.

"Lisa!" David ran to the edge, trying to summon a large bone spike towards Lisa. The bone grew out of the wall, but stopped too short from Lisa.

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"David!" Lisa shouted. "Why did you come?!? You should've stayed hidden!"

"I came to get you!" David shouted. "Hold on! I'll come to you!" David backed up, readying himself for a jump.

"Na uh uh!" The announcer voice spoke. "It's not going to work like that! You're gonna play a game!" A thin prismatic film began to crawl downwards, blocking Lee Seng's only entrance/exit.

'Dammit.' Lee Seng quickly slid through, listening to the crowd cheer as the announcer appeared on screen.

"Well, well, well! It seems we have another guest!" The announcer announced. Lee Seng's invisibility flickered and dissipated in an instant. Lee Seng looked at his arms, gasping as the strange prismatic film washed over him. "I guess our intel was right! We'll just have to spice things up since there's two of you! Give it up, everyone! Our next fighters have been chosen!"

"Lisa! Hold on! I'll come for you!" David shouted. David started towards the edge again as Lisa flew into the ground with a loud scream. The ground started to close as David screamed for Lisa.

"David!" Lee Seng yanked David away from the closing floor. David landed on the ground with a thud.

"Lisa!" David scrambled over to the closed ground and punched at it. Everything he did, resulted in nothing.

"Oh! Lover boy seems to be in distress! Too bad they have to fight Vryks!" The announcer chuckled. The other entrances on the other side opened up, revealing the large Ostrich-Flamingo birds behind the prismatic film.

"You bastard! You ruined it! I could've gotten her!" David lashed at Lee Seng. Lee Seng dodged out of the way, feeling a bone deviate from David's arm into Lee Seng's arm. David grabbed Lee Seng and pulled him in as the bone dug deeper. "You ruined everything! Is this some kind of joke to you?!? You're such a dick! Why the hell did I even agree to stay with a Fox Spirit!"

"Oh, it looks like there's already some problems with the intruders! How juicy!" The announcer narrated.

"You're just a jinx like the old man said!" David shook Lee Seng. "I should've forced you not to come with me!" Lee Seng let out a sigh and ripped David's hold onto him away. He pulled away from David, releasing the bone spike in him as it quickly healed. David raised his arms, turning them to swords as the crowd watched in anticipation. They had all gotten front seats to some interesting fighters.

"Well, I would stick around for some drama, but we got a show to run! Let's get this party started!" The announcer slammed a button and the prismatic film disappeared. The Vryks' chains released and dropped. The Vyrks shrieked as they sprinted out. Lee Seng bit his lip and started to turn to face the current danger.

"I'm not done talking to you!" David dashed forward, swinging at Lee Seng. Lee Seng let out a sigh.

"Shred Human form." Lee Seng commanded. The mirage on his ears and tails reappeared in an instant. Lee Seng lifted his arm and watched the bone sword connect with it. A golden light shimmered as the sword sparked with his energy. The crowd gasped at Lee Seng's form. "You need to shut the fuck up and learn who's side you're on."

With a single push, Lee Seng sent David flying in the air. The Vyrks shrieked as they dashed straight for him. Lee Seng turned, his cold eyes landing on the birds. In an instant, the birds squashed into the ground, instantly killing them.

"W-what is this?!? It seems this fighter is more than meets the eye! What did the lover boy say he was? A… A Fox Spirit?!?" The announcer continued with his commentating. Lee Seng's tails fired straight for the barrier as David flipped himself and landed on the prismatic film. He pushed himself away from it, rocketing himself straight for Lee Seng.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" David shouted. "Bone Prison!" His sword arms exploded, firing shrapnels of bone straight for Lee Seng. Lee Seng went up in smoke as his tails stopped short of the shield.

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"It seems lover boy is initiating a fight with his own teammate! I guess this is what you get when you don't have a bond like us!" The announcer commentated. The crowd laughed as David landed at the edge of the smoke, glaring into the dust. His bones rattled as Lee Seng's tail flew straight for his face.

David narrowly dodged it, as the tail continued past, slamming into the barrier. The barrier sparked as his tail pushed against it. It bent in the opposite direction, continuing to grow as people screamed in shock.

"Oh! It seems Foxy, here, is trying to break the barrier! Well, let me tell ya something!" The announcer leaned forward into the camera. "You can't deactivate it! It's impossible! Hahaha!"

"It's not impossible." Lee Seng whispered. His tail flew back into the smoke as he stood up. He flexed and the shrapnel of bones flew off of him. He swiped left at the smoke and washed it disappear, revealing him. His mask had seemingly taken a different form he was unaware of. It revealed his mouth as the Fox mask moved like a strange liquid.

"You wanna die and wait for your little girlfriend?" Lee Seng asked David. David gritted his teeth. Before he could even do anything, Lee Seng's cold eyes landed on him. The liquid mask moved off of his face, towards his left hand. It danced around him and for the first time, David could clearly see who was behind the mask. David could feel a strange energy pour out of Lee Seng. He and the others began to shake as Lee Seng's bloodlust poured out.

"Don't play games with me, Bony." Lee Seng growled. He lifted his hand and forced the mercury to stay on top of his finger. "Or else I'll devour your soul so you can't respawn."

'What is this… pressure?!?' David asked himself. 'Why can't I move?' Lee Seng pointed the mercury ball at David and then pointed at the barrier and fired it off. The mercury shot out and slammed against the barrier, spreading as gold, silver, black and gray energy poured out of it.

"That didn't work either." Lee Seng whispered. He started over towards David, yanking the mercury back onto his face. A quarter of the Fox mask covered his right eye as he came to a stop in front of David. It only took one look for David to understand what the pressure was. Lee Seng's red and blue eyes had something else behind it. Something more sinister than a devil. It was Lord Cain's energy glowing in Lee Seng's eyes.

David began to stutter, instantly regretting his tantrum. He was so fixated on saving Lisa, that Lee Seng was fodder to him. He was replaceable.

'I was wrong…' David stuttered in his head. 'This isn't fodder… This guy… This guy's definitely Lord Cain's collector for a reason!' Lee Seng's hand flew past David, spooking him. David let out a scream as his eyes could only watch Lee Seng. Warm blood spilled on his face. Everything seemed to pull back in. David could hear his rapid breaths and feel the warm blood. He could hear the gurgle of something large behind him.

"You play tough guy really well, y'know." Lee Seng looked at David. His hand dug deeper into the large creature behind David, letting out a yelp. "But you're gonna have to practice it more. I don't like people who are all bark, no bite. Now let's get this over with and get Lisa, okay?"