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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 438 Meeting the Devil in Strange Places
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Although it was midnight, Foswood remained bright.

The nightlife here was at its peak at this hour.

However, we became increasingly restless as we waited at Vanderberg Palace.

We knew Ivanna would face more danger with each passing minute.

When Atlas’s phone rang, Lauren and I perked up and looked at him.

When he answered, his furrowed brows relaxed, “Is it just Jared’s people there?” I guessed

Jared had taken action when I heard


Atlas hung up and looked at me, saying, “You and Lauren stay here.

I'll be back in a moment.” “Where are you going?” I urgently asked, “Did you receive any

solid information?” Atlas explained, “It’s

still uncertain, so just wait for my message.

I’ll immediately inform you of any updates.” “What do you mean ‘immediately?’ That

means you must tell me what you know

now!” I stared at Atlas, refusing to yield.

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“Chloe, you know these people don’t care about consequences.

This time—” I interjected angrily, “That’s why I have to come! Ivanna’s in danger, and I

can't be selfish about my safety.

She risked her life for me when I was in danger.” Lauren hurried to me and grabbed my


She looked at Atlas and said, “Please let us come.

I[vanna’s important to us, especially to Chloe.

I hope you understand.” Atlas noticed my stern expression and realized I would follow him

as soon as he left Vanderberg Palace,

which would be even more dangerous.

Finally, he said, “Fine.

You can come, but you mustn’t be hasty when we get there.” 1 We were about to leave

when two people entered the room.

We didn’t expect them to appear so suddenly. One was Trinity, and the other was,

surprisingly, Stella. I was in disbelief, wondering why Stella was with Trinity. It seemed

Vanderberg Palace was mysterious as it harbored hidden talents and dark secrets. The

person who surprised me most was Trinity. I didn’t understand it since she had used much

effort to kidnap Ivanna. I thought she’d be afraid of Jared finding and rescuing Ivanna.

Perhaps Trinity’s meeting with Stella was more important than keeping an eye on Ivanna.

Atlas’s expression turned solemn when he saw Stella.

He said coldly, “Why aren’t you home at this late hour?” Stella remained composed as she

stepped forward and held his arm,

saying, “Why are you here? Weren’t you on a business trip? Did you just get back?” Then

she looked at me and smiled sweetly.

“Chloe, long time no see,” I smiled faintly and replied, “Yeah.” She looked at the three of


“Where are you going? Are you leaving?” I glanced at Trinity and noticed a sinister glint in

her eyes.

Her smoky makeup gave me an eerie feeling.

It was hard to tell if she was human, as her presence with Stella at this hour didn’t bode

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Atlas calmly responded, “We’re heading back.

You shouldn’t stay out too late, either.” He sounded like an older brother scolding his little


He glanced at Trinity but said nothing before leaving.

Trinity casually glanced at me, causing a chill to run down my spine.

I feigned ignorance as I walked past.

It was evident Stella didn’t intend to introduce us to Trinity.

It felt like an attempt to overlook her presence.

Lauren didn’t pause either and simply ignored our interactions.

As I was about to leave Vanderberg Palance, Stella smirked, saying, “Chloe, we should

plan a get-together.

It’s been a while since we last hung out.” I sincerely smiled back at her but didn’t respond

to her suggestion.

Instead, I simply turned and left.