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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205 There Must Be Someone Else

Moming came, and as the first batch of aluminum–framed windows had arrived, I sent Ava

to daycare early. Then, I drove to the warehouse. Before I could finish inspecting the

goods, I received a call.

It was from that sharp–witted woman I met last time, Inviting me to a suburban club. After

entering the address into the navigation system, I realized it was on the border of the

neighboring city. It was a long way from here.

I had a feeling the person I was meeting was not her, Someone else must be involved. I

debated whether or not to tell Atlas about this as I rushed toward the location.

Ultimately, I decided against it. I still didn’t know their intentions for wanting to meet me.

Why worry him. unnecessarily? Besides, I was selfish. I feared losing him, even if it meant

being far away from him. 3

When I arrived at the club, my suspicions were confirmed. There stood Atlas’s aunt, whom

I had met once from a distance. The sharp–witted woman introduced her as Mrs. Celine


Perhaps it was the Pierce family genes, but his aunt was undeniably beautiful. She was tall

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and exuded an air of authority. Stella was right–she was formidable, and there wasn’t a

trace of warmth about her.

Her every move exuded a cold aloofness, from her hairstyle to her eyes to her clothing.

When she saw me, she squinted and raised an eyebrow. “Have a seat.”

I sat beside her on the sofa, pretending to be calm despite my nervousness.



know why I asked you here, Chloe?” Her tone was simple and unassuming. I suspected

this was her most restrained demeanor. However, her question was tricky, making it

difficult to answer.

It would imply I had done something wrong if I said I knew. Yet if I said I didn’t know, she

would see me as evasive. I looked at her, remaining silent. It wasn’t out of disrespect, but I

didn’t know how to respond.

Fortunately, she didn’t press the issue. She calmly produced a stack of photos and slowly

flipped through them as if I didn’t exist. Her attitude toward me was one of disdain.

She looked at me after going through the thick stack of photos. Then she handed the

images over. “The shots are quite good, worthy of a professional. Take a look for yourself.”

accepted the stack of photos, puzzled. As my gaze fell on the first one, my head seemed

to buzz and


The photos depicted Atlas and me in passionate embraces. There were moments of our

farewell at my doorstep, moments of him opening the door, gazing at the moon together,

villa late at night.

and carrying


my child into the



There were also pictures of my parents and Ava, captured from various angles, at her

daycare, holding hands with her grandma, dining out, or even on a bus…

The child is lovely. She looks very cute!” Celine remarked. “I adopted my daughter when

she was just this big. Back then, she was adorable and obedient, with beautiful eyes. I

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raised her on my own. It wasn’t easy,

but it’s been quite fulfilling.”

I didn’t understand the purpose behind her sharing this with me. However, I understood

when she mentioned that a professional took the photos. She was subtly implying that her

methods were


I began to regret not telling Atlas before coming here.

“So, ever since I adopted her, I’ve arranged for her future to serve my own.” It seemed

that what Stella

said was true. From the day Celine adopted her, she had a purpose in mind.

“You’re a clever woman!” She looked at me, meeting my eyes directly. Her eyes held a

haze of unreadable

emotion, but there was still a chilling light.

I clenched the stack of photos tightly, my heart pounding.

“I’m not as clever as you make it sound. Mrs. Celine, please be direct with me. I might be

a bit slow.”

She suddenly laughed. Her smile was unexpectedly beautiful, with rosy lips and bright

teeth. Her e were charming, but it sent a shiver down my spine.
