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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Leah was terrified when she heard the voice.

“Who the fuck are you? Do you have a death wish… Ahhhh!” The perverted man’s arrogant

words were replaced with a painful scream.

“It’s Han. Why is he here?” Some people around the area recognized him.

Han kicked the perverted man. Then, he approached Leah. He kept looking at Leah’s

exposed skin. Leah was very scared so she kept backing away from Han. She felt something

cold touching her back as she backed up all the way against the wall. Han lifted her head

forcefully. He said coldly, “Who allowed you to dress like this?”

Leah had tears in her eyes. Her skinny body kept trembling, “Mr. Howard, don’t you like

seeing me this way?”

“Are you blaming me?” Han chuckled as he tightened his grip, “Leah, who are you to blame


Looking at the hatred in Han’s eyes, Leah trembled with fear. She wondered how they

ended up in this situation. Was it because this man didn’t love her yet he was forced to

marry her? If that was the case…..

“Han, I’m tired. Please let me go. I’m willing to divorce you.” Leah finally compromised.

However, the fingers on her back were still gripping tightly. The fingernails were almost

piercing Leah’s skin.

Han chuckled, “Don’t try this trick on me.” He didn’t believe this woman would really

divorce him.

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“I wasn’t joking. I just want you to let me go after we divorce. Let’s not disturb each other’s

lives anymore. All right?” Leah was desperate.

Han suddenly realized that she really wanted to divorce him. But why should he agree to it?

He was enraged. He frowned and chuckled, “You have no right to suggest a divorce.”

In an instant, he took her inside B301 before throwing her to the ground. Leah felt her

organs being crushed as she hit a table. She watched in despair as Han closed the door,

blocking her way of escape.

“Han, what do you want?”

Han loosened his tie. He ordered Leah, “Take it off.”

Leah was dumbfounded. She curled herself up in a corner. Looking at the thin uniform she

was wearing, she asked, “At a place like this?”

“Are you going to call for lan’s help after escaping the mental hospital? Are you going to

divorce me and go to lan’s side?” Han chuckled. He sat on the sofa after throwing his jacket

on the ground, “I have no patience. Come here.”

With determination, Leah resisted his orders for the first time, “Han, I don’t want to do this.”

“You don’t want to do it with me? Who are you going to do it with then? lan?” Han grinned

sarcastically, “Don’t you know your identity yet? You are just a tool for me to have fun with.

No one dares to touch you as long as you’re still in my possession,” Han’s words were


Leah had heard words like these countless times in the last three years. It still hurt her no

matter how many times she heard it before.

Han lost his patience after seeing her dawdling. He threw her on the sofa. Han went down

on her and caressed Leah’s body.

Leah wasn’t strong enough to resist him. Tears flowed down her eyes, “Han, please let me

go.” Her tears fell on Han’s hand. Han got agitated all of a sudden. However, he couldn’t do

it anymore.

He seldom saw Leah cry even if they had been married for three years. Even if he tried to

humiliate her, she would only have a disgusted look.

Chapter 26

“Do you hate me touching you that much?” Han stared at her face. Leah stubbornly turned

her face to one side. “Tell me!” Han turned her face to look at him forcefully.

Leah knew how paranoid this person was. She sighed and said, “There’s nothing between

lan and me. He only helped me because he pitied me.”

“Would he even help you if you didn’t go to find him?” Han chuckled.

Leah retorted, “lan is a stranger who pitied my unfortunate encounters. Should I go to you

instead of him? Do you think I’ll jump into the fire after I’m out of the frying pan?”

“Seems like I’m being too nice to you.” Han stared at her coldly. The hand that gripped her

chin wast tightening. It hurt a lot.

Leah couldn’t endure the pain anymore. She started crying. She shoved Han away and said,

“Who are you to treat me in this way? Han, what have I done to offend you? If you want a

divorce, I’ll agree to it…”

She had gone through countless experiences of fear in the last two days. She even cheated

death twice, so she was already having a slight mental breakdown. She was crying and

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screaming like a crazy woman.

Han was supposed to feel happy seeing Leah being tortured. However, he felt

uncomfortable for some


At that moment, someone knocked.

Han covered Leah’s mouth, “Shut up if you want to live.”

When Leah finally calmed down, she went back to the corner of the sofa. Han opened the

door. It was Molly who was standing outside. Han walked outside before closing the door. He

asked, “Why are your here?”

Molly took a quick peek inside the room behind Han suspiciously, “I missed you. I heard you

were having a discussion here with Mr. Sawyer so I came to find you. Are you done?”

“Yes,” Han nodded.

“Can I go inside? I’m feeling a bit tired.” Molly asked tentatively.

Han said, “I still have another meeting later.”

Molly’s schemes backfired so she had to ask what was on her mind, “Then… Han, did you

see anyone else?”

“Who would I have seen?” Han replied with a question of his own.

Molly’s smile froze. She quickly wrapped her hands around Han’s arm, “Well, I’m afraid that

you might meet some bad person since this place is quite complicated.”

Han kept quiet. He had no patience to deal with her, “You shouldn’t be in this place. I’ll ask

the driver to send you back later.”

Han returned to the room after Molly left. To his surprise, Leah had already fallen asleep.

She was curling in the corner of the sofa. It didn’t look like she was sleeping well. Han

covered her with a blanket after he saw the thin piece of clothing Leah was wearing.

“Keep an eye on her. Don’t let her escape.” He ordered his bodyguard as he left the room.