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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 97
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Casper headed straight towards the hospital. After seeing the injured members of his crew into the

emergency department, Casper immediately proceeded to the police station.

The size of the truck pulling up at the entrance of the police station elicited the attention of the officers

on duty. Casper had entered the police station for less than a minute when he emerged again,

accompanied by a swarm of policemen. Casper sat down obediently, agreeing to have his statement

taken down by the police officers.

“This was entirely an accident. I’ve actually recorded everything. You can take a look at this,” Casper

said, retrieving the camera he had kept hidden on his body. The entire incident had indeed been

captured on tape from start to end.

When the policeman had verified Casper’s tale, he looked up at Casper with a gaze of bewilderment

and respect.

The policeman found it rather hard to believe that this fellow sitting cooperatively before him could have

single-handedly subdued the thugs, even managing to defeat them in a battle of one against four.

Casper and Stallion were released afterward, with Stallion having received credit for his role in the


It was only after the investigation had concluded that Casper discovered the thugs belonged to a

criminal organization that had committed numerous crimes. The criminals that Casper had handed over

to the police would be the means by which the law could penetrate the organization and eventually

destroy it.

As it was part of the necessary evidence needed to convict the organization and its members, Casper

reluctantly left his pinhole camera and its accompanying footage with the policemen.

His plans, however, had been thoroughly shattered. Casper could only publish the recordings when the

police concluded their operations.

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Casper could only comfort himself with the fact that he had done a good deed. He would have to

formulate another plan with regards to Horington food street.

“We’ve managed to uncover what was going on at Horington food street. Now we just need to find

another way to draw the public’s attention to it,” Casper said, slightly vexed. He turned to look at Elena


Elena, however, was equally clueless. She, too, furrowed her brow with indecision. If only we could

have stuck to the original plan! Elena thought mournfully.

Casper stroke his chin thoughtfully. After a while, he admitted, “I can’t think of anything, either.”

Elena sighed. “If we can’t come up with anything, I’m afraid that Horington food street will perish in our


“It won’t!” Casper said fiercely. “I’m sure this investigation, once revealed to the public, will ignite their

interest in Horington food street. Besides, the policemen said that they would give some credit to us for

our role in their operation.”

Elena shook her head regretfully. “Who knows when that will even happen? The police will need time to

plan their bust meticulously.”

Stallion yawned lazily, then patted Elena on the shoulder. “Don’t fret, Elena. When there’s a will, there’s

a way. Give me three days. I’ll surely think of something.”

Casper traipsed back to school, wearied from the eventful night.

Who would have thought that my role in a legitimate business would still have landed me in such a

situation? He reflected, bemused.

It was dawn by the time Casper returned to his room. He cracked open the door and tiptoed in to avoid

disturbing his roommates. When he reached his bed, Casper sprawled onto it and fell asleep

immediately, spent from the night’s activities.

When Felix woke up shortly after, he glanced over to Casper’s bed out of habit.

Casper was lying curled up on his bed, snoring lightly. Felix shook his head in dismay. Who knows

what time that fellow got back last night? He muttered to himself.

It was already noon when Casper awoke. Felix was sitting in the study gaming, enthusiastically

defeating his opponents.

“Felix, why are you always cooped up in here gaming? Why don’t you go outside for a walk?” Casper


Engrossed in his game, Felix replied without turning his head, “Not everyone’s as busy as you. There’s

nothing much for us to do after school’s over.”

Casper yawned. He sat against the bed and reclined against the wall, closing his eyes. “Don’t say that.

You can always find something to do. Why don’t you go out on a date with Wendy? Don’t stay in your

room all the time,” Casper nagged.

Felix snorted. “Wendy’s always busy. I’ve tried asking her a few times, but she’s always had something

else to do. I don’t wish to keep disturbing her. She might find me annoying.”

As Casper got up from his bed, Felix continued, “By the way, Remy brought some food back from the

cafeteria for you. Eat it while it’s hot.”

Gratefully, Casper hastily washed up and sat down at the table, ready to tuck in. He was about to take

a bite when a thought occurred to him. Raising his head, he called to Felix, “Where’s Remy? What’s he

up to?”

“In class,” Felix responded. “He’s at his elective.”

Casper paused, then asked doubtfully, “That can’t be. Remy doesn’t take an elective, does he?”

Felix was vigorously tapping away on his keyboard as he answered Casper distractedly, “He doesn’t,

but Remy’s fallen for a girl. He’s been following her around every day for a while now. Take a look at

the schedule he pasted on his table. It’s hers.”

“No way!” Casper roared with laughter. A sly smile flitted across Casper’s face as he crossed the room

to take a look at Remy’s table. A schedule had been neatly pasted there. “Remy’s really serious about

this, isn’t he?” Casper remarked, snickering.

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Felix’s screen went dark, and he fell back against his seat. He spun around and faced Casper, eager to

continue gossiping.

“You haven’t seen him? He’s a complete slave to her at this point. One frown from her is enough to

send him spiraling for half a day. Even the mere mention of her name turns him as red as a tomato. I’m

ashamed to see how little dignity he has left,” Felix scoffed.

Casper couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement. “Didn’t Remy use to declare that no woman would

ever get the better of him? How could he have fallen so low? He’d better be careful. The deeper he

falls, the more it’ll hurt.”

Felix nodded sagely in agreement. “That’s right. I think we should sit Remy down and advise him as


Casper smiled at Felix’s concern. “Let’s wait a little while longer. After all, we shouldn’t intervene much.

He might take it the wrong way.”

Felix concurred. After a moment’s rumination, Casper suggested with a twinkle in his eye, “Why don’t

we go and take a look at who this legendary girl is?”

Felix sprang to his feet. “I think I heard Remy say her name before…It’s Jessica something.”

He trailed off, scrunching his face up in an effort to recall. Casper, however, stared at Felix blankly.

“What did you say her name was?” He demanded.

“Jessica… I think it’s Jessica Taylor.” Felix said uncertainly.

Casper groaned inwardly. Did Remy really fall in love with Jessica?

He exhaled slowly. Struggling to conceal the tumult of emotion that was rising within him, Casper said,

“I’ve never heard Remy mention the name Jessica before.”

“Uh, I think it was about a week ago. Remy came back to the room last Tuesday saying that he had

fallen in love. He went on for quite a while about it,” Felix replied, vividly recounting the events of that

fateful day.

Casper desperately searched his memory for the incident. Wasn’t last Tuesday the day I met Jessica

for the second time?

Flummoxed, Casper could not decide if it was pure coincidence or a carefully laid trap.