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Chapter 638 Departing
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Chapter 638 Departing

Erik found himself at the city's gate, a colossal structure that pulsed with energy and life.

Beyond its purpose as a mere gateway to the city, this grand entrance held a greater meaning. With traders from all corners of the world convening, it was a bustling hub and the heart of commerce for Testrovsc's Rest.

The atmosphere was filled with the bustling sounds of trade and negotiation, interrupted by bursts of laughter or intense arguments.

Such places were known for their electric atmosphere, filled with a heady mix of anticipation and excitement, which Erik could see all around him.

The symphony of sounds and a whirl of activity were almost overwhelming. This place was like a different world, one where mercenaries like him could find everything they ever wanted or needed.

The streets were a hive of activity, with stalls and shops strung together like beads on a necklace, each one offering something unique and enticing.

Erik's eyes widened as he gazed at the magnificent showcase of weaponry. The vibrant colors and intricate designs of each weapon were a sight to behold, leaving him in awe.

The variety of arms on display seemed endless, with every imaginable type represented.

There were melee weapons, their blades glinting under the harsh glare of artificial lights, promising power and precision to whoever wielded them.

They came in all shapes and sizes - from short daggers perfect for close combat to long swords designed for sweeping attacks.

And then there were the bows. Erik couldn't help but marvel at the variety on display.

There were traditional bows, their designs reminiscent of the ancient warriors who had once used such weapons.

The simple elegance of the traditional bows stood out in stark contrast to the technologically advanced ones showcased next to them.

These modern marvels were sleek and efficient, equipped with features such as laser-guided aiming systems and high-tension strings that increased their range and power.

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Erik was impressed by how well the old and new elements were integrated. The experience felt like time had folded in on itself, resulting in the perfect combination of the best aspects from two different worlds.

With its blend of ancient artistry and modern innovation, the city gate was a captivating destination where visitors could appreciate the mastery of a traditional blade and marvel at the innovative technology of a laser rifle.

The city's ability to balance its past and future was clear, serving as a testament to its commitment to preserving history while progressing forward.

The marketplace held a special significance for Erik, a mercenary, as it represented not only a place to trade goods but also a vast array of potential opportunities waiting to be seized.

However, it wasn't only weapons that could be found in this place. The presence of flying vehicles was noted. With a sleek and futuristic design, these hovering objects floated above the ground, emitting a soft hum from their engines.

There was a wide selection of models available, ranging from compact ones suitable for personal use to larger ones designed for transport or combat.

The ingenuity and skill displayed by their creators transformed each one into a true marvel of engineering, serving as a testament to their technological prowess.

As Erik scanned the bustling crowd, he recognized his dependable and proficient Logistic team, who had assembled and were expecting his arrival.

With purposeful strides, he made his way toward them, his eyes scanning and assessing each individual.

Once Erik arrived with his usual mask donned, Thorne, who was considered the foremost member of the group, cleared his throat. "How are you feeling, boss?" he asked, his voice rough with concern.

"I'm okay," Erik said, his tone measured.

While Faelan looked on with curiosity, Elara glanced at him, her face displaying a clear focus.

The revelation that a Seeker-ranked mercenary was hunting for a Crombo alone came as a complete surprise to him, marking the first time he had heard of such a thing.

"Erik, before we go out, are you confident about hunting this beast alone? Killing a Crombo is not an easy feat," Thorne went on, his eyes narrowing.

"You know, you may hire someone to help you, or you can ask the guild members. They just need to be of equal or lower in rank than you if you want to receive help."

Erik met Thorne's gaze, his confidence unwavering. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm strong enough to bring the beast down alone. I won't have any problems."

In a wordless display of connection, the group exchanged knowing glances with one another. They placed their trust in Erik's judgment, as his abilities had been shown. Despite everything, it was Thorne who voiced their shared worry. "Be careful, Erik. A Crombo is not to be underestimated."

With a nod, Erik acknowledged their concern and expressed his gratitude. However, as his gaze extended past them, something grabbed his attention. "You brought it?" he asked, looking at the large truck parked nearby.

Thorne followed his gaze and grinned. "Aye, we needed something bigger. The Crombo is a massive Thaid. The regular vehicles wouldn't cut it."

Erik approached the vehicle, taking the time to examine and appreciate its unique design.

The transport truck had a reinforced metallic body, making it ideal for navigating rugged terrain and heavy-duty purposes. Its flatbed was spacious, allowing for large cargo to be transported with ease.

The cab was equipped with state-of-the-art navigation and communication systems, making it a reliable choice for transportation.

The purpose of its design was to be suitable for challenging missions, those involving the transportation of big Thaids' corpses.

lightsnοvεl He turned back to Thorne, his eyes gleaming with energy. "This will do," he said, his voice filled with firmness.

Thorne clapped him on the shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie and faith. "We knew you'd approve."


The vehicle roared to life as Faelan took the wheel, navigating the path toward the Crombo's last known location.

The others settled into their seats, their faces etched with focus and anticipation.

Thorne glanced at Erik, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Have you ever seen a Crombo before?" he asked.

Erik shook his head, lying smoothly. "No, I haven't," he lied. "But I've done some research on this Thaid species before taking this quest. I must say, I'm quite impressed by its size."

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Thorne snorted, a knowing grin spreading across his face. "Impressed? That's an understatement, my friend. The Crombo is a spectacle like no other."

He then described the creature, "The thaid is one of the biggest ones you'll ever lay eyes on, seven meters tall and at least fifteen meters long. It resembles a lizard, covered in scales, with patches of fur scattered about. The skin looks scaly, almost textured."

As he listened, Erik's mind transported him back to when he had witnessed the fight between the Crystal Cross Gang member and the Crombo near New Alexandria, the images playing in his memory.

As Thorne continued to speak, his voice became animated. "The monster is a sort of bipedal creature, using its long tail to help it stand. And those frontal arms, thick and long, end in claws as sharp as razors. Those claws alone could kill any opponent within seconds."

Elara and the rest of the group listened, their eyes filled with a combination of awe and fear, as they had only been working as porters for less than three years and had never encountered a Crombo before.

Thorne's voice dropped to a near whisper as he went on. "Its head is strange, almost like a gecko's, but when it opens its mouth, it reveals rows upon rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes are reptilian, and it wears an animalistic grin, its fangs extending past its lips, ending just above its upper jawline."

He paused, letting the image sink in. "But you know what the most surprising thing of it all is? This thing it's Lomalins' natural predator! AH! Isn't it funny that such a beast eats worms?"

"Yeah, yeah, hilarious, Thorne," Erik said sarcastically.

"By the way, pay attention to its brain crystal power. Since the Crombo needs to eat a lot of Lomalins to sustain itself, it developed a brain crystal power that allows it to create a hardening slime. It uses this slime to trap the Lomalins while it devours them alive."

Erik's face remained impassive, his voice calm as he said, "I know all of this, Thorne. Don't worry, I'm prepared."

After observing Erik for a moment, Thorne nodded in agreement, his expression showing a hint of tenderness. "Alright. I trust you."

As the vehicle continued its journey, the group fell into a contemplative silence, with each person getting lost in their own thoughts. The landscape outside was a blur, a backdrop to the looming challenge ahead.

As they neared the place where a Crombo was last seen, the anticipation grew palpable. The air was charged with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Faelan eased off the gas, gradually slowing down the vehicle until it came to a safe stop.

The engine's rumble faded away, and the peaceful sounds of the untamed wilderness filled the air.

The atmosphere was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation as all eyes remained fixed on the horizon, with everyone aware that the successful killing of a Crombo would enhance Erik's rank, benefiting the entire guild.