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Chapter 630 Findings
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Chapter 630 Findings

Erik and Rebecca stood in the vast storage area, surrounded by the cellars that held the frozen Thaids' bodies. The weight of the discovery burdened them, recognizing the operation's magnitude and cruelty.

"There's no doubt about it, Rebecca," Erik said. "These guys are responsible for all the city's thefts."


Erik then pulled out his phone and dialed Lysa's number. 

"Lysa," Erik said to the phone.

"Any news?" the woman inquired.

"Yes, we've located the thieves, and we've already handled the situation," he stated firmly.

"Good," she responded.

"I need you to come to a location I'll send you. Bring your vehicles to retrieve the bodies, along with some interest. We'll be waiting."

Lysa's voice crackled through the phone, her tone businesslike but with an undercurrent of satisfaction. "Understood, Erik. We'll be there as soon as we can. Thank you for this."

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Erik ended the call and put his phone away, turning back to Rebecca. "She's sending her people. In the meantime, I'll look around."

"Why? We found these guys already…" Rebecca retorted.

"I want to see if I can find something more about their operations," the young man said. "Did you come across any computers I can use while exploring the area?"

Rebecca nodded. "I found some computers on the first floor," she said, her voice steadier now.

"There's an office there."

Erik's eyes narrowed, a new sense of purpose in them.  "Good. I will go look then," Erik replied.

Rebecca nodded in understanding, and Erik left the storage area, still feeling the coldness of the room clinging to him as he went to the first floor. With a lively spring in his step, the young man bounded up the stairs.

As the young man made his way to the upper floor, his footsteps reverberated through the empty building, creating a cacophonic sound contrasting the eerie silence. The aftermath of the battle was clear as the lingering scent of violence permeated the air. 

Focused and determined, Erik's mind was clear on the task at hand. There was much work to be done, considering the immense scale of the operation they had brought to light. 

While ascending the stairs, Erik couldn't escape the feeling of the weight carried by the building's hidden secrets, as if the walls themselves had silently borne witness to countless unspeakable atrocities.

Reaching the first floor, he found himself in a corridor lined with doors. He moved with purpose, his eyes scanning for the office Rebecca had mentioned. There was an urgency in his movements, a determination that drove him forward.

Finally, he found the door he was looking for and pushed it open. The room was filled with the soft hum of technology, the glow of computer screens casting a pale light over the desks and chairs.

Rows of computers were arranged neatly, each one connected to a complex network of servers and monitors.

Erik's eyes were drawn to the workstations, the signs of the Crystal Cross Gang's meticulous planning and organization clear in every detail. 

Files, documents, charts, and spreadsheets—all of it laid out with precision and care. This was not the work of amateurs; whoever was behind this operation knew exactly what they were doing.

The office was in tune with the rest of the building, its clinical efficiency a chilling reminder of the cold calculation that had gone into the crimes committed here. 

Erik sensed the lingering presence of those who had toiled in this room, their invisible influence orchestrating the sinister workings that had caused immense pain and anguish in the city.

As he stepped into the room, he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. This was where he would find the clues he had been seeking.

The air was charged with a sense of excitement, as what he was going to find here was bound to tell him more about the Gang that almost killed him in the past.

<System, I want you to connect to any device you can here and download everything, > he ordered the biological supercomputer.



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Erik experienced a sudden and intense jolt, one that went beyond a mere physical sensation. It was as if a door had been thrown open in his mind, and he stood at the brink of something immense and unfamiliar.

The "injection" of information began. Data streamed into his mind, a torrent of images, words, numbers, and emotions, all of it flooding his senses in a chaotic and overwhelming rush.

As he closed his eyes, it was as if he was transported into a world of memories that were not his own. Memories that had become a part of him, memories of secret meetings, video footage, coded messages, financial transactions, and covert operations. 

In a flash, he saw it all unfold before him - the faces, the voices, the fear, and the desperation of those caught in the web of the notorious Crystal Cross Gang. It was like reliving a thousand moments all at once, each one etched deeply into his mind.

The experience was overwhelmingly intense, primarily because of the vast amount of information stored in the computers. Erik's body was tense, and he struggled to catch his breath as he tried to process the deluge of data. 

Slowly, the flood subsided, the disjointed fragments coming together to form a coherent picture. Patterns emerged, connections were made, and the full scope of the operation was laid bare before him.

Upon the completion of the process, Erik was filled with an overwhelming sense of comprehension. 

The clarity he had gained sliced through the chaos and uncertainty that had previously clouded his mind. He was now fully aware of the magnitude of the criminal operation and the powerful entities that were involved.

The information he had gained was invaluable, a roadmap to the heart of the enemy's operations.

He looked around the room, the once impersonal machines now bearing silent witness to his newfound knowledge. They had served their purpose, giving him the insight he needed to move forward.