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Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 327 Overload [3]
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"Technically, your body is still not strong enough to use Requiem's full power. That's why I will be using it, not you," she said. 

"And…what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Hmmm, what will be the best way to explain it," she mumbled to herself. "Well, you know how we both can use Requiem, right?" 

"Yeah, I know."

"Just like that, I will be the one using Requiem's full power. But just like we share Requiem, I'll share that power with you," she explained. 

"Ah I see, so it's like that."

"Although there's a drawback in this. Remember I told you that the quantity of mana in the atmosphere has reduced way too much compared to my time? That has ended up weakening me quite a bit, so even I will only be able to use it for a few minutes."

"Will it be enough to take care of them?" I asked, signaling toward the army of demon beasts that had very much closed the distance between us. 

"Hehe, you'll see yourself," she giggled. 

'Well, not like I have a better choice,' I thought to myself. 

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Okay, let's do it," I said, and a smile appeared on her face. 

She walked close to me and stood in front of me, raising her right hand toward me while she materialized the Requiem sword in her left. 

Seeing her face was enough to know what she was expecting me to do, thus I held her hand. 

"Now then," she said, closing her eyes. "You might feel a little something, but don't get scared, okay?"

"Yeah sure," I said nonchalantly. 

Suddenly, a massive amount of pressure was released from her body, causing the ground beneath us to crack. I sensed a slight warmth emanating from her, but it was brief and quickly dissipated.

She opened her eyes and then I noticed a wave of darkness and shadows erupting from the Requiem sword. The amount of shadows increased in no time as they spun around her. 

As I was seeing this unfold, the shadows began to stick to Req's body. Then using our hands the shadows came to me as well and began to surround me. 

In a matter of seconds, I was able to see nothing. I felt something tightening around my body, it was soft and comfortable. 

It was too soft to be called a cloth, but if it was then it was the softest and smoothest cloth I'd ever come across. 

The shadows stopped whirling around us and disappeared into nothing, what came next was rather amusing. 

Req's entire body was covered with black clothing and a cloak. Then I looked at myself and saw that so was the case with me. 

My body was covered in pitch-black clothing and a hooded cloak. I looked at my hands and saw that I was wearing black fingerless gloves—the same was true for Req too.

Our clothing was basically the same with a few changes made according to our gender. 

I looked at her and then remembered something. "Req, isn't this the same as the battle outfit you used back in the time?" 

"Yup, this is the one I used. Requiem gives you this outfit when you use her at her full potential," she said. 

"So the Requiem sword right now is running at its max?" I asked.

"Yeah, although it won't be as powerful since its power is getting distributed to you along with me. I think you can say it's at fifty percent," she explained. 

"Ah, I see."

She was right. After this outfit was on me I was feeling a great boost in my overall power.

"Come on, don't waste time in the chatter! I said that I could only maintain this for a few minutes, right? Once I run out of mana it will take a good while before I can use it again," she said. 

"Yeah, yeah. I also want to get out of this mess as soon as possible," I replied. 

"Hehe, let's go then!" she said, with that same childish smile on her face. 

To be honest, what came next was not what I had expected when she said "Let's go".

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A disturbance rippled through the dust at our feet, and a strange force began to lift us from the ground. We started levitating, defying gravity.

Once off the ground, our ascent picked up speed rapidly, and within a matter of seconds, we found ourselves soaring high into the sky. The ground below us rapidly shrank in size as we ascended to great heights.

We took off at the right time since right now I was able to see all the demon beasts gather beneath us. 

Req raised the Requiem sword. I didn't know if she was using magiken or if it was connected to these outfits, but the blade was covered in shadows. 

She lowered the sword, directing its tip towards the beasts, and a dark energy ball materialized at the blade's end. The ball expanded steadily until it reached the size of a basketball, crackling with mana.

The energy ball grew, signaling an impending powerful attack.

"Watch out for your eyes," Req said. 

The next second a beam was blasted off from the energy ball. It went straight and hit the ground where the demon beasts were and exploded. 

As per the laws of physics, the light came first, paving the way for an explosion that expanded dramatically, resembling the sheer magnitude of a massive nuclear blast.

The sound came next and it was the loudest thing I'd heard in a while. By that time we were also inside the explosion, but surprisingly—or I should say unsurprisingly—both Req and I took no damage. 

For the next ten seconds or so all I saw was bright—or well, I expected it to be bright. But the light emitted from the explosion was black just like everything else related to the Requiem sword. 

When the explosion died and I got a clear look at our surroundings, I saw that the ground had been completely demolished. 

Of course, the demon beasts were gone too. They had been decimated, even their cores were nowhere to be found. 

At that moment, there were a thousand things that I could have thought about. But what came to my mind was…

'So this is how I lost my first kiss, huh…'