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Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 123 - Power Of The Swordsman
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The sword stabbed and began to push itself. Black vine-like tentacles emerged and began to wrap around the head of the orc and used it to pull the sword deeper into the orc.

The orc was defenseless, and while it tried to use its remaining strength to pull the sword out, his arms began to grow weak as the sword began to drink up its blood.

By the time the nearby orc realized what had happened to his friend Kyros had already reached him.

Kyros jumped up and bypassed the many obstacles and primitive defenses that were erected not too long ago.

His speed and power allowed Kyros to maneuver through the wooded fences and barricades and reached the other orc. He then summoned the massive weapon which the large orc carried. 

The ax appeared out of thin air, and Kyros slashed down.


The powerful cut halved the orc into two parts.

The ax disappeared, and the Bloodied Sword appeared on Kyros's hands again as the first orc that was stabbed had already died.

"Time to see if my strength is better." Kyros smiled and wielded the sword on his hand.

Jobs and job classes weren't things that could be acquired through training. Although a person can wield the sword, the blessing of various Gods and Fallen were necessary to provide a boosted strength.

Cultivators have to save up a lot of money to purchase access to the blessing of a path.

The first foundational blessings were Archery, Swordsman, Axe Wielder, Barehanded, Magic wielder, and many more codes.

Many jobs that require Force have their own blessings. This includes blacksmith, alchemy, artificer, and other jobs. Each has its corresponding Code, which has been passed on. The blessings were stored into an Idol or a Totem, which would then be housed in Temples, Guilds, Orders, Brotherhood, and whatever groups specialized in certain codes.

There were other blessings that cultivators needed to purchase if they want to achieve the next rank up. Reaching a certain level was not the only requirement, but the cultivator needs to acquire several blessings to perform a Class Up.

Martha not only received the essential blessing of Archery from the Bow God, but she had already purchased additional blessings. In fact, she took the blessings of two different paths as she could not afford the skyrocketing prices of a Class Up. 

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The Code of the Archer had numerous branching paths depending on the blessings you purchase and the Class of archer the person selects. Some archers focus on accuracy, others on speed, while others merge their powers with magic.

Martha Bowheart was so talented that with the two blessings she received, she could already reach the skill that many True Aim and Quick Bow archers could do! Many believed that she already took a Class Up. The Bowheart questioned her skill that she was even suspected of stealing and embezzling the clan's money to purchase these Class Ups and deny having done so. 

But the truth was Martha saved up all her money to have two different blessings. A small portion of those blessings was transferred over to Kyros. But now, Kyros was concentrating on harnessing the blessings that the three H's received from their basic Swordsman class.

Kyros also received the Swordsman blessing to awaken two jobs in the Swordsman tree on his previous life. Kyros was both a Quick Blade and a Defender Knight. Of course, with his family's specific training in applying Force Power, they were able to break common sense and build a path that did not require the blessings of the Paladin's Code.

Everyone who has met Kyros in this life believed that he already received the blessings for the Quick Blade's path, but they were wrong.

Kyros had no blessings yet. And now, he finally had.

Kyros felt that the sword in his hand became something connected to him. It felt lighter, and he could easily control his sword and feel the smallest details of the sword. Then, for a very brief moment, Kyros saw a towering figure.

Once more, Kyros and Calaminus found themselves standing in a strange world.

"This place again? But how? What triggered it?" Kyros was amazed. This was the same place where he saw the beings look at him and where he learned of the Alpha and the Omega and the struggle of the Beginning to fight the End.

"West Virginia again!" Calaminus was amazed. And then, the pair saw it.

A divine being of great power peered through time and space. The towering figure stood as large as a planet. It was as if Kyros was gazing at the night sky, but he could only see the torso of this gigantic figure.

"Hmm? Oh, Calaminus! Wow. You're so weak! I want to bully you, but it's been quite a long time. Well... although time really doesn't work like how you must experience it now as you lost your manhood." The towering being laughed.

"Manhood? Calaminus...? Don't tell me?" Kyros was horrified.

"N-no! He means my godhood!" Calaminus defended.

"So that's the boy!" The divine being laughed as he looked at Kyros.

Kyros felt a strange familiarity with the being before him.

"Who are you? Why do you feel so familiar?" Kyros wondered.

"Ah, right. This is my god form. It might be too daunting for you, who can only see in the physical realm. Here. Let me assume a more familiar form." The gigantic being shrunk and began a strange sword. It was standing on a strange throne that had sixteen wings. 

"Ancient Sword God! Hyperion Steel! You're alive?!" Calaminus recognized the long fallen Ancient God.

"Wow. Being mortal really corrupts your senses. You can't even grasp what I am now. I am dead, but I am not. Death and life can't really define us. You met me too early, Calaminus! I originally thought we would meet much later when you could at least recall what it's like to be a god. But it looks like her son is quite awesome. So he's the one who will bring my lost family to power?" The being laughed and gazed at Kyros.

"Lost family?"

"Yes. This explains how you feel quite 'familiar' with me." The sword chuckled.

"Awaken your powers quickly, young one. Be the spark that will lift my descendants from the dust and mire. I sense that he is already born. And it seems that Fate did as promised and tied their destiny with yours. Another power lies dormant within the Steele Family. I see that you already received the blessings of Atlas and found his Gigantes. Give that little Gigantes my regards once he wakes up. Oh, and I don't need to say this, but don't get too relaxed... Our help is only to give you a chance of fighting the End. With the tangles of Destiny you have on you, chances are, you might not even beat their weakest soldier. And you have an entire galaxy to fight!" Hyperion chuckled. 

"Anyway, that's about all the 'time' I have for you. Cultivate more, and you'll find the truth behind everything. For now, I shall grant you the First Blessing of Steel. Hmm... I'm guessing 0.00001 percent should do it. We don't want you to get too strong now, would we? I heard you suppose to be very smart. So I'll give you a drop, alright?"

"Erm... What's smaller than a drop? This guy is not just smart, Hyperion. He's like the aspect of intelligence himself!"

"Nonsense! My Code is not so simple that your puny brains can comprehend. Have this drop kid. And be a sword god better than me!" Hyperion laughed as a bright light shone.

Kyros found himself back on the orc town with his sword on hand. 

[Wielder of Sword job acquired!]

Kyros clutched the sword tight.

And it felt like the entire world stopped.

"I told you, Hyperion. Great! Just great!" Calaminus cursed.

Up high in the Heavenly Planes, the king of the Planes World suddenly stood up.

"What was that?!" He was amazed.

Champion Supreme Pyrekaiser Fafnir, who was attending to the king, also turned and gazed at Kyros's distant place.

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"A warrior of great power is born. One who specializes in the sword. It is as if a new Path has opened. A Sword Path!"

"Gandor! Are you here?!" The king shouted.

Magistrate Supreme Gandor Ellisium suddenly appeared as he ripped through the void.

"Your Majesty!"

"The Greater God! Is she still here?"

"No, your majesty. Her search for Cracky Batcheeks led her to other distant planets."

"Seal all traces of that power! If a New Path is born, someone in the Planes World will have the chance to become a god! Call for my daughter!"

"I'm here, your Grace." A beautiful woman wearing the armor of bright white sat down.

"The Supremes are quite busy with our chores, and I have to keep watch of the mess here. So go down and search for traces of that power. We need that path!"

"As you will, your Grace." A bright light enveloped the woman, and she disappeared.

Meanwhile... Down in the blackest darkness of the Netherlands.

A figure emerged from a pool of black-red blood.

It had a long serpent-like tail and large red horns. His body looked as if it was made of bronze, and he had a face that looked like that of a man.

"A Path is born!" The man exclaimed.

"My liege, your orders." A tall figure that had the appearance of a bull asked.

"Send my daughter. That Path must be ours to devour!" The man roared.

In the realm where Hyperion was, Hyperion Steel stood there horrified.

"What the fragment?!" He cursed.