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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 886 Discussions With The Grand Abbot
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"You've become quite popular," Lilian said to John, standing next to him as the two looked over the millions gathered before them. It was like an ocean of people, stretching out endlessly.

While her words were light, her face was scrunched up slightly. John glanced at her, and could tell she had not been expecting such a welcome from the city.

"The Grand Abbot told me the fights were broadcast to the people here," John said to her, explaining the crowd's reaction to their arrival.

"So that's why," Lilian sighed deeply, and then shrugged. She did not enjoy the attention, but knew she was helpless to do anything about it. Her true father already knew about what had happened, and other than him and the Asura, she did not really care about anyone else knowing about the truth.

"So, was the treasure you received worth all the fuss we went through?" she asked John curiously.

John smiled, and then nodded his head.

"Good," Lilian replied, satisfied. "Then it wasn't a waste of time. And your cultivation has risen once more. I'll need to step it up or you'll pass me before long," she added, staring at him curiously.

His progress was just too fast. In less than four years, he had gone from no cultivation at all to the Dao Transformation Realm. Even with everything she knew about him, it was still something nearly unbelievable. Although when it came to John, it seemed as though there was nothing he could not accomplish, no law of the universe he could not bend or break.

She shook her head lightly at the thought, and then shifted her gaze sideways towards the Grand Abbot who had stepped up to the two of them. The Grand Abbot inspected Lilian for a moment, and then nodded his head approvingly.

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"As frightening a master disciple combination as I've ever seen," he said, praising the two of them.

"You have more business with my disciple?" Lilian asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I do," the Grand Abbot said smiling. "You won't mind if I borrow him for a short while, would you?"

"Not at all," Lilian replied, "just be sure to bring him back in one piece."

"Why are you two talking about me like I'm not here?" John grumbled, and then sighed helplessly.

Both Lilian and the Grand Abbot smiled, and then the Grand Abbot gestured for John to follow him. John did so, and the two retreated back into the main building of the Divine Source Monastery. The noise of the cheering crowd behind him faded away as they meandered through a series of hallways, eventually arriving at a large yet plainly decorated room.

There were two sitting mats in the center of the room, and a small table between the mats. On the table was a teapot and two cups. The steam rising from the teapot indicated that it had been freshly brewed. Other than that, there was nothing else of note.

"Quite a simple life you live," John commented as he gazed around the room.

The Grand Abbot sat on one of the mats and gestured for John to sit on the other. He smiled at John.

"That is how us monks prefer to live," the Grand Abbot said, smiling warmly as he reached out and poured John some tea, and then himself. John smelled the fragrant aroma of the tea and smiled knowingly.

"How have you been enjoying my tea?" John asked with a playful smile.

"It is extraordinary," the Grand Abbot said before taking a sip, not a hint of surprise on his face or in his voice, as if he knew John was the source of the tea all along. John was not too surprised however, as someone as powerful as the Grand Abbot was sure to know many things.

John picked up his cup and took a sip, savoring the fragrant aroma and delicious taste. As he tasted and swallowed the tea, comprehensions of the Dao's flooded his mind in a strong yet soothing way. His mind was filled with ideas he had never thought of before, slightly raising his comprehensions towards several of his Dao's, especially the ones he had just recently learned.

His eyes widened with satisfaction as he stared at the cup of tea. He had tasted it many times before, but had never gotten much value out of it, as the tea was too profound for him to truly utilize. With his cultivation at the Dao Transformation now, it seemed he was finally able to obtain benefits from drinking the tea.

"No wonder people go so crazy over this tea," John mumbled to himself, taking another sip before setting the cup down.

His gaze locked with the Grand Abbot, who was sitting there in silence, watching John, waiting for him to speak.

"I have many questions," John said, getting straight to the point.

"And I have some answers," the Grand Abbot replied.

John studied the man for a moment, while his thoughts swirled chaotically. He had so many things he wanted to ask about, but knew not every question would receive a reply. His mind thought back to the World Dimension Seed, and the discussion he had with the Grand Abbot.

"Regarding the World Dimension Seed. You mentioned that a fully formed world would create a new World Dimension Seed on its own," John said.

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"I did."

"How long does that process take? How long until a new seed is formed?" John asked curiously. The Grand Abbot smiled, seeing where John was going with this.

"Nearly instantly," the Grand Abbot replied. "In fact, a nascent seed has already been formed, and is growing as we speak."

"I see," John said thoughtfully. "And how long would the seed have to form until it is useful to someone else? Say, the next person able to claim the seed for its own?"

The Grand Abbot picked up his tea cup and took a sip, then placed it down.

"It depends on many factors, such as the condition of the world, the state of the previous seed, and several other things," the Grand Abbot replied vaguely, "but in regards to the new seed that has already formed, it is already a treasure greater in worth than kingdoms and empires."

"It's already that valuable?" John asked, surprised to hear that. He figured it would be many years before the seed grew to a level that was worth anything at all.

"The World Dimension Seed that you obtained became fully self-sufficient a long time ago, and so it did not take from the world, and the world did not take from it," the Grand Abbot explained. "As such, the world itself has been storing up its energy to create a new seed for a long, long time. The new World Dimension Seed is already as strong and profound as some seeds that have been forming for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years."

John raised an eyebrow. He had not expected it to be that powerful already. If that was the case…

"Then, is it possible that-" John said, but he was cut off by the Grand Abbot quickly.

"Your master is already being escorted by Prior Hishen to the new World Dimension Seed," the Grand Abbot replied calmly. "If she is worthy, she will inherit the new seed."