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Chapter 994
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Tang Shaoyang put everything away and focused on one issue, Yu Shun. He stayed in the capital even though the other factions tried to meet him. The leaders from the other factions tried to meet him to congratulate The Tang Empire for canceling the tower break. He refused to meet them, not until he solved the issue with Yu Shun.

Tang Shaoyang hoped this was not an issue that needed to be solved, but his feeling told him otherwise. While there was no proof that Yu Shun created the flesh towers, his guts told him Yu Shun was the creator of the recent flesh towers.

And today, he received the report from the guards from the border that Yu Shun had returned. Today, he would know everything.

Tang Shaoyang sat on the throne with his eye closed. This was classified as a personal issue, not an empire issue. Not all the higher-ups of the empire were present. Wei Xi, Cao Jingyi, Zhang Mengyao, Kang Xue, Lu An, and Luo Lan sat below the platform of the throne, on the side while waiting for Yu Shun's arrival.

[Sir Yu Shin has arrived, Your Majesty.]

Origin announced Yu Shun's arrival. Right after the announcement, the door was pushed out, and Yu Shun entered the throne hall. The young man smiled, but there was a difference in his smile. That was a playful smile as if he found something funny inside the throne hall.

"Good afternoon, Brother Shaoyang," Yu Shun waved his hand in the air, greeting the man on the throne. Both were close enough not to use the formality in a private meeting like this, "Huuu…. My girlfriend is also here." A frown formed as soon as he spotted Luo Lan next to Kang Xue. He sounded surprised to find her in the throne hall.

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"I heard there's something important. What is this about, Brother Shaoyang?"

Tang Shaoyang responded after a few seconds of silence. He found something interesting in Yu Shun, the dark energy. As soon as the young man entered the throne hall, he immediately detected the dense dark energy inside Yu Shun, which was impossible for a human to have dark energy inside their body. He had dark energy, but he had it after the race evolution. Demon's blood, Dragon's blood, and High Human's blood flowed inside his body, meaning he could adapt to the dark energy instead of harming him.

However, Yu Shun was just a human, not even a High Human. It was impossible for the young man to have the dark energy reside inside his body.

At this point, Tang Shaoyang was ninety percent sure that Yu Shun was the culprit behind the flesh tower's appearance. He was not sure what Yu Shun did, but he was sure he used the flesh tower to absorb the dark energy or even changed the body so that body could accept the dark energy.

"Then I will be direct to you, Yu Shun. Did you create the flesh towers?" He did not beat around the bush and directly voiced his suspicion. The question meant Tang Shaoyang suspected Yu Shun.

Zhang Mengyao, Kang Xue, Wei Xi, Cao Jingyi, and Luo Lan were shocked by this. This was a totally different scenario than the one they had planned. By asking that, it meant Tang Shaoyang believed that Yu Shun was the culprit.

Yu Shun's frown went deeper as he had a disbelief look on his face. His expression was pure disbelief, hurt by the accusation, "Of course not! Why would I create the flesh tower? In the first place, I don't know how to create the flesh tower!"

The hurt expression lasted for like twenty seconds before Yu Shun smiled playfully once more. He grinned widely, "Do you expect me to say that, Brother Shaoyang?"

Zhang Mengyao, Luo Lan, and the others were shocked once more. They were relieved hearing the young man's first response to the accusation. They were not expecting Yu Shun to act like this.

"Of course not. You are the only one who was not surprised by my acting. As if you already know everything, and I don't expect I will get exposed this early," Yu Shun shook his head in pity, "That's right. All the recent flesh towers are my work, and I have harvested a hundred flesh towers. I should be stronger than you now."

"Stronger than me? Is that why you keep making the flesh tower? To get stronger than me? But why? Why do you want to get stronger than me?"

The Emperor was confused by Yu Shun's reason. Yu Shun did not get into a rivalry against him, not like Lu An, Wei Xi, and Zhang Mengyao. He remembered that the young man told me that he just wanted a safe place for himself and his girlfriend. He had never heard of any ambition from the young man. Even when he offered the Marshal position to the young man, Yu Shun rejected the offer.

"So I can protect Luo Lan from your evil hand! I have to become stronger than you so you can't take her from me! I will not let that happen!" The playful smile disappeared as Yu Shun raised his voice, pointing his index finger at Tang Shaoyang.

Tang Shaoyang made a strange expression on his face as he heard those from Yu Shun's mouth. It totally confused him as he never thought those would come from Yu Shun's mouth. It bewildered him how Yu Shun came up to that conclusion. He barely had an interaction with Luo Lan less than five times in the last few months.

"What? What are you talking about, Yu Shun? Why would I take Luo Lan from you? Do you think I am that low?" He was not angry; he was just in utter disbelief.

"Fuhuhuhu…." Yu Shun let out a chilling laugh, "You may not have the intention to take Luo Lan from me now, but what about in the future?"

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"I will never take her from you, now or even in the future! I don't know where that comes from, but whoever tells you that is not true. This is absurd." Tang Shaoyang tried to convince Yu Shun. The young man might have changed, not a human anymore, but he regarded Yu Shun as a little brother. Just like how he regarded Lu An.

"God told me," Yu Shun grinned, "God also told me how I will surpass you. No, in fact, I should be stronger than you now!"

"God?" A deep frown formed on Tang Shaoyang's forehead the moment Yu Shun mentioned God. He realized that there was an external influence that changed Yu Shun.

"Yes! The God of Undead Antorias has shown me everything about you! God Antorias has shown me your lecherous nature! All the women around you will never be enough. Soon you will take your subordinate's wives! No, in fact, you have done that!" Yu Shun grinned ear to ear as if he had Tang Shaoyang's biggest secret, "The former Elven Queen Ava! You take her away from the former Elven King Revalor! This is just the start. After you do it once, you will do it again and again in the future. Maybe, the next one will be my girlfriend, no? So why do I want to get stronger? To protect her from you, Brother Shaoyang!"

Everyone in the room was shocked to hear the revelation. It caused confusion for a while, but then they did not hear any response from Tang Shaoyang. Everyone in the throne hall looked toward Tang Shaoyang, wanting to hear the denial. However, it never came out as Tang Shaoyang remained silent.

"Is that what you want to talk about to us?" Zhang Mengyao asked Tang Shaoyang. She remembered that there was something he needed to tell the girls, the biggest mistake he had ever made. Yu Shun now mentioned it, and everything clicked in her head. He wanted to confess to the girls about his misdeed.

Tang Shaoyang let out a sigh and nodded. Kang Xue did not show any reactions, while Zhang Mengyao pointed her index and middle finger toward her eyes and Tang Shaoyang back and forth, "We will talk later for sure, a long talk. But we need to finish our business here."

Yu Shun was surprised after seeing everyone's reaction. He expected Zhang Mengyao and Kang Xue would burst out toward Tang Shaoyang, but nothing happened. Then he looked toward Wei Xi, "What about you, Brother Wei Xi! Don't you afraid that he will take Sister Jingyi from you? Don't you afraid!?"

"It's kinda concerning, but I am willing to hear the reason. There must be a reason why that happened," Wei Xi smiled, "Also, if he wants to take my wife, why would he wait until now? Why won't he do it from the start? In fact, he can just kill me outside the territory and tell everyone that the beast or monster killed me if he wants to take my wife. However, he does not do that, and I believe he will never do that to me."

"It's so stupid to raise me in power and status and then take my wife, no? But I know very well that Your Majesty is not that stupid, even though he is a bit reckless… sometimes."

Wei Xi let out a sigh and continued, "What baffles me is why would you believe that God Antorias, Yu Shun? Why would you believe someone you never met? The God you are talking about is not a real God. You should know that, right? It's just a rank in the system, and if we keep leveling up, we will be a God, too, someday, no? Why would you believe the stranger you never met instead of putting your trust in someone who saved your life?"