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Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 76 Is There Anyone Sitting With You?
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6 days later, Alex finally arrived at his final destination.

The royal capital, Nagels.

"Haa~ traveling for 7 straight days was really exhausting. Maybe next time I should bring a motorcycle or a car here."

Shaking his head, Alex said, "Anyway, this place really looks majestic. Worthy of being called the royal capital."

Just like Alex said, Nagels is a really grand place full of things that can only be imagined by most people in remote towns like Kupido Town.

Here, elegance is at the epitome in Alex's opinion.

High class carriages and people wearing jewelry are not uncommon here.

The roads are also well made, you can really see that it is made with great materials.

However, under the glamorous look of this capital, the dark slum here is bigger than in any other city.

Alex didn't pay much attention to anything.

Right now, all his thoughts are focused on one thing.

Trial Tower.

It is the only reason why Alex took the time to travel for 7 whole days from Kupido Town all the way here to the capital, Nagels.

When Alex successfully entered the capital, he immediately noticed a tall tower at the heart of the capital, piercing through the cloud.

Excitement flashed through Alex's eyes as he exclaimed, "Woah, is that the Trial Tower? It looks really… amazing!"

"I can't wait anymore, Ferri, let's go towards that tower!"


Just as the two were planning to head towards the tower, Alex and Ferri's stomach suddenly sounded at the same time.

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Alex paused, with a wry smile, he said, "Well, I guess it doesn't matter if we eat lunch first."

Ferri whimpered, agreeing with Alex.

So, a pair of a human and a wolf started searching for a place to eat.

The capital is really the capital, even restaurants and other establishments are countless here.

From left to right, you will see restaurants of all kinds.

Selling each of their specialty, trying to attract customers through their great dishes.

Alex randomly entered one of the restaurants that had a lot of customers and sat down on an empty seat.

As usual, Ferri was once again left in a stable.

Alex picked up the menu that's already on the table and started choosing some dishes that looked appetizing.

After he finished, Alex called for a server and told his order.

The server left soon after.

Alex leaned his back on the seat, closed his eyes and started listening to the voice and conversation of the people around.

This is one of the reasons why Alex went to a restaurant that's bustling with people, to listen to some news!

"Hey, Roger did it again, he entered one of his neighbors' houses and tried to seduce people."

"Huh? Who's Roger? Also, did he seduce the wife or the daughter?"

"None of the above, he seduced the Father!"

Hearing their messy conversation, Alex stopped listening and started searching for another target.

Soon, Alex found news that piqued his interest.

On a table not far away, a group of 4 people are eating while talking joyously.

"Tsk tsk, Miss Elisa did it again!"

"Yeah, she is really amazing."

"No, no, she's not just amazing, she's godly!"

"I agree, imagine, she's only 19 years old this year and she's already at level 100, and a certified Tier-3 player!"

"Yes, she's really worthy of being called a genius!"

"The Flores family is about to have another powerhouse. Soon enough, they might start dominating the three other great houses."

When one of the four said that, the eyes of the other three widened and they hurriedly covered his mouth.


"Don't say such stupid things!"

"Yeah, if someone hears you, you might get beaten up or worse, you can even get yourself killed!"

Realizing his mistake, the man's face turned pale and cold sweat ran down his back.

Looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that nobody heard him.

He looked back at his friends and said, "Thank you, brothers, I owe you one this time."

The others waved their hands dismissively, not really taking it seriously.

After a while, they were about to start back the topic when suddenly, everyone fell silent.

The noisy restaurant suddenly fell silent.

Confused, Alex opened his eyes, only to see that everyone was looking at the entrance of the restaurant.

Alex followed their eyes and saw a beautiful girl with a cold temperament entering the restaurant.

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From her looks, Alex estimates that she's around her late teens or early twenties.

From her movements, there was a certain elegance to it that others can't imitate.

When she entered the restaurant, her presence seemed to weigh down on everyone, making them all look meek.

Alex was confused, wondering about the identity of this girl.

However, he didn't have to think long because people started whispering quietly to each other.

"Wow, that's Miss Elisa, right?"

"Yeah, she's really so beautiful!"

"Oh, not only is she beautiful, she's also strong and rich!"

"She's like the perfect girl that heaven sent down on our world!"

All kinds of praise came out of the people's mouth while looking at the girl at the entrance.

Now, Alex finally learned the identity of that girl.

The genius of the Flores family, Elisa Flores.

Looking at her, Alex muttered, "Hah, those four guys were just talking about her a minute ago and suddenly, she appeared here."

At this time, a waitress approached Elisa.

Cautiously, she said, "Uhm, Ma'am Elisa, there's currently no available table."

"But, if you want, we can clear a table just for you!"

Hearing her words, Elisa turned her eyes at her causing the waitress to lower her head and stare at the ground.

Indifferently, she said, "No need, I'll just look for an empty seat."

After saying that, she looked around before finally locking her eyes on Alex's table.

Then she told the waitress, "There, I'll sit on that man's table."

Without waiting for her to reply, Elisa already started walking towards Alex.

Stopping in front of Alex, with a cold face, she asked, "Is there anyone sitting with you?"