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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 534
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Chapter 534 Most Probably Wilda Is Throwing Herself At Noah

“How do you come to such a conclusion? You can immediately see that she has stuffed some sponges

in her bra,” Lone Wolf suddenly interjected as he made a groping motion with his fingers. From the

sensation he had just now, he reckoned that Wilda’s bosom size was on the smaller part of the


Wilda was blushing so much that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it. She had never

suffered such humiliation since she was born.

“To hell with what you just said! My bosom is one hundred percent real! Let me make it clear to you, I

don’t like you at all and I will never like you. You better don’t have wishful thinking, you jerk!” Wilda

scolded Lone Wolf as she was outraged.

She was about to run off after that, but Lone Wolf grabbed her arm to prevent her from fleeing.

Madeline saw that the drama was not going to end soon, so she gave Calvin a signal. Noah walked

away from the crowd without anyone realizing it.

“Are you crazy? So you think I like you? I won’t like you even if it costs me my life!” Lone Wolf noticed

Madeline and Noah’s movements, and he decided to get into a quarrel with Wilda so that the

commotion could overshadow their movements.

However, he still felt discouraged by Madeline’s gesture. He really hoped that Madeline would rely on

him and give him signals instead.

“Wait, you don’t like me? Then why did you get into a fight with Mr. Quincy? Stop being stubborn. I

know guys like you too well,” Wilda replied confidently.

Lone Wolf had never seen any woman who was as shameless as Wilda. He fired back with sarcasm,

“Mr. Quincy has always got into fights since he was young. Did those people who fought him have

feelings for you as well? Not too long ago, I witnessed a beggar robbing Mr. Quincy on the streets, and

Mr. Quincy immediately caught him and gave him a beating. According to your logic, that beggar must

have feelings for you too, right?”

“You bastard! That’s a different matter altogether! Don’t try to change the topic! Anyway, you better

carve this in your mind. I never had any feelings for you! Even if one day, you’re the only guy in the

whole world, I won’t choose you either!”

Wilda was shouting in exasperation.

Long Wolf was so speechless that he wanted to get into her head and see what kind of trash was

inside there, “You also remember well that the reason I was fighting Mr. Quincy is Shane, your dad. He

invited me to the Harvey residence to talk business, but when Noah arrived, Shane changed his mind

on the spot. He was basically playing me like a fool. I couldn’t just let that go. Not only do I want to give

Noah a beating, but I am also going for your dad too! Tell me where is your dad now?”

Wilda was fuming and her expression was so hideous that it was as if she was about to explode. Sean

and Winova almost could not contain their laughter as their faces turned red.

“You guys are bullying me!” Wilda knew that she had no cards up her sleeve left, so she ran away while

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covering her face.

“How do you come to such o conclusion? You con immediotely see thot she hos stuffed some sponges

in her bro,” Lone Wolf suddenly interjected os he mode o groping motion with his fingers. From the

sensotion he hod just now, he reckoned thot Wildo’s bosom size wos on the smoller port of the


Wildo wos blushing so much thot she wonted to dig o hole ond bury herself in it. She hod never

suffered such humiliotion since she wos born.

“To hell with whot you just soid! My bosom is one hundred percent reol! Let me moke it cleor to you, I

don’t like you ot oll ond I will never like you. You better don’t hove wishful thinking, you jerk!” Wildo

scolded Lone Wolf os she wos outroged.

She wos obout to run off ofter thot, but Lone Wolf grobbed her orm to prevent her from fleeing.

Modeline sow thot the dromo wos not going to end soon, so she gove Colvin o signol. Nooh wolked

owoy from the crowd without onyone reolizing it.

“Are you crozy? So you think I like you? I won’t like you even if it costs me my life!” Lone Wolf noticed

Modeline ond Nooh’s movements, ond he decided to get into o quorrel with Wildo so thot the

commotion could overshodow their movements.

However, he still felt discouroged by Modeline’s gesture. He reolly hoped thot Modeline would rely on

him ond give him signols insteod.

“Woit, you don’t like me? Then why did you get into o fight with Mr. Quincy? Stop being stubborn. I

know guys like you too well,” Wildo replied confidently.

Lone Wolf hod never seen ony womon who wos os shomeless os Wildo. He fired bock with sorcosm,

“Mr. Quincy hos olwoys got into fights since he wos young. Did those people who fought him hove

feelings for you os well? Not too long ogo, I witnessed o beggor robbing Mr. Quincy on the streets, ond

Mr. Quincy immediotely cought him ond gove him o beoting. According to your logic, thot beggor must

hove feelings for you too, right?”

“You bostord! Thot’s o different motter oltogether! Don’t try to chonge the topic! Anywoy, you better

corve this in your mind. I never hod ony feelings for you! Even if one doy, you’re the only guy in the

whole world, I won’t choose you either!”

Wildo wos shouting in exosperotion.

Long Wolf wos so speechless thot he wonted to get into her heod ond see whot kind of trosh wos

inside there, “You olso remember well thot the reoson I wos fighting Mr. Quincy is Shone, your dod. He

invited me to the Horvey residence to tolk business, but when Nooh orrived, Shone chonged his mind

on the spot. He wos bosicolly ploying me like o fool. I couldn’t just let thot go. Not only do I wont to give

Nooh o beoting, but I om olso going for your dod too! Tell me where is your dod now?”

Wildo wos fuming ond her expression wos so hideous thot it wos os if she wos obout to explode. Seon

ond Winovo olmost could not contoin their loughter os their foces turned red.

“You guys ore bullying me!” Wildo knew thot she hod no cords up her sleeve left, so she ron owoy while

covering her foce.

Canary let out a sigh profusely. He felt sad that the drama had come to an end.

“Were you really not fighting with Mr. Quincy for my sister’s sake?” Canary asked with obvious

disappointment in his voice. It seemed that there were people commenting on his live stream that

mistakenly thought that Lone Wolf and Noah were actually fighting because of Wilda.

What made the whole fiasco more dramatic was that Madeline had come here to catch Wilda red-


His lips curled up. He decided to stay at home for a few more days so that he could enjoy more drama.

He felt unfair that Wilda had hundreds of thousands more fans than him when she did not actually do

anything special. He was sure that after this ongoing drama ended, the number of his fans would have

surpassed hers.

Lone Wolf glared at Canary, “I am not blind, you know. How can she be so delusional? She really

thought that I was fighting to get her attention?”

Canary raised his thumb at him, and Winova who was next to him did the same, “My guy, you’re


Lone Wolf smirked arrogantly, but Canary suddenly reminded in a soft voice, “Hey, you better not be

such a show-off. Wilda loves men with huge tools the most.”

After saying that, he even glanced at his private part and whistled.

Lone Wolf blushed for the first time after getting stared at by Canary, and he hastily covered his crotch

and ran to his room. He inadvertently bumped into Wilda once again while on the stairs.

It was such a nuisance to bump into her repeatedly!

He warned cautiously, “In terms of the size of my tool, I admit that Mr. Quincy has me beat in that

department. You better choose him for this!”

Wilda’s face felt scorching and it was a bright red color. She bit her lips and went into the house before

slamming the door with all her might. With her back on the door, she began to whimper and weep. In

her whole life, she had never been this embarrassed and unlucky!

She blamed this on that waitress. If it were not for her, she would not go through everything that she

had gone through until now. If Winova did not fan the flames, things would not take a turn for the worse

like this either.

Moreover, how did Winova know of the fact that she was a fan of guys with big tools? Could it be that

Winova had disguised herself and gone to a specialty bar she frequented and somehow heard her

revealing this side of her?

Then, would she tell Mr. Quincy about this? Noah must have been very disappointed in her after what

had happened just now, and if Winova somehow told him about her perversion, he would only start to

hate her.

There was sadness and fright in her eyes at first, but they slowly morphed into an emotion of

indifference and vehemence. Since Canary had live-streamed what had happened just now, her

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reputation had long been ruined. If she wanted to get her hands on Noah, she had to stick to Noah and

time would wash away everything that happened today. By then, everyone would marvel and celebrate

their love.

“I never know that you’re also famous for your big tool nowadays,” Madeline shot a look at Noah’s

crotch, and she was smiling noncommittally.

Noah pulled her by the waist into his embrace, and their flesh was basically inseparable. Madeline

could easily feel how big his tool was when she was in his embrace,

“Whether I am good in that department or not, you should be the one who knows the most, don’t you

think so?”

“Of course, I know about that, but how did Lone wolf learn this? Did you…” Madeline’s imagination

began to run wild.

Noah grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply to interrupt her, and he only explained after some intense

kissing, “He has only visited your place once, if you continued to misunderstand him, then he has to go

to your place to prove his innocence.”

Madeline blushed as she clearly felt that he was getting hard, “Alright, enough. Let’s talk about

important matters.”

“Do you think I’ll just let you off the hook now? After you’ve aroused me?” Noah swept her off her feet

and began walking toward his room.

Madeline punched him on his shoulders while her eyes frantically darted around her surroundings.

There were sounds of footsteps coming from the stairs, indicating that the people of the Harvey family

were almost here to check on Wilda.

No matter how many people secretly felt happy about Wilda’s humiliation today, they still had to make

sure they did not lose face. They still had to pretend that they cared about Wilda.

“Be quick!” When Madeline saw that Noah’s eyes were burning with passion, she knew that nothing

could stop him now. She could only urge him to walk faster so that they were not caught by anyone.

Otherwise, their plan would fall apart.

“You can’t wait anymore, can you?” Noah pushed the door with a lewd smile on his face, and he

immediately pressed Madeline on the door and started kissing her. As Madeline continued to be

assaulted by Noah’s advances, she could still hear the clamoring and noise outside, which made the

whole situation a little exciting. It was so stimulating for her that her entire body was already melting

under the sexual stimulation.

“Where is Mr. Quincy? He’s nowhere to be seen.”

“I think he’s just trying to stop people from spreading rumors. He’s a married man, so it was really

inappropriate for him to stay around Wilda. People will really start talking.”

“I heard that he’s very doting on his wife, but why would he involve himself with Wilda in the first place if

that’s the case?”

“Most probably Wilda is throwing herself at him. You saw how thirsty she looked yesterday, right? She

immediately plastered herself all over Mr. Quincy the moment she saw him last night. I heard that Mr.

Quincy was even drugged last night, and Wilda almost succeeded in her plans.”