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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

"Ms. Angie, have you forgotten me already? I sacrificed a hand for you, you know! I was so

sad about that too!" Asher blocked Angie's way with his remaining hand, staring fixedly at

her with a mixture of derision and anger.

His accusing gaze made Angie feel cold all over.

"Asher Walter, is it? Evidently, you want to lose your other hand as well, don't you?"

"Bitch, please. You have some nerve, talking all high and mighty like that; you're nothing

underneath all your fancy trappings. Do you really think you're still a princess on a throne?

Nonsense! Grab her, boys. Today I'm going to get some payback for that missing hand of


Asher's eyes kindled with pleasure at the thought of finally being able to exact his

revenge. He gestured, and several men grabbed hold of Angie, holding her fast.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Let me go!" Angie had never dreamed that she would

encounter an enemy upon going out today and was thrown into a panic.

She still wanted to marry into the Quincy family; she could not afford to lose a hand! That

was unthinkable!

Frightened, she struggled furiously, but Asher's men held onto her firmly and dragged her

toward the back of the bar.

"Where are you taking me? Let go of me now! Help!" Angie shrieked, dropping her dignity

entirely. However, all the onlookers were watching the drama unfold with great

entertainment; none of them cared about her fate. Even those who had previously

championed her as Imperia's charitable princess merely watched, smirking with derision

as she was hauled off.

At this point, Angie was overcome with terror. She could not allow herself to be ruined by

these worthless bastards!

Just as she was about to be dragged to the back door of the bar, she suddenly caught

sight of a familiar figure. Immediately she screamed, "Madeline!"

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Madeline had only just stepped into the bar with Albert when she heard someone

shrieking her name. She turned to see who it was, only to discover that it was Angie.

How serendipitous!

"What's going on, Ms. Angie? Have you inadvertently offended someone?" Madeline

walked over to where Angie was with a faint smile that could charm the birds off the trees.

"Madeline, help me please! I'll owe you a favor if you do!" Angie pleaded, her eyes never

leaving Madeline's face. She knew she was embarrassing herself, but this woman, whom

she detested so much, was her only hope of escaping this horrible situation!

"Ms. Madeline, this is a personal grudge we need to settle between ourselves. I'm asking

you, please, don't get involved." Before Madeline could reply to Angie, Asher spoke up.

Madeline dropped her gaze to the stump of Asher's missing hand. With a sigh of regret,

she murmured, "Ms. Angie, I'm very sorry, but Mr. Walter's not under the jurisdiction of the

Charity Association any longer. I'm afraid I can't help you!" She gave Angie an

embarrassed, awkward look.

Asher took this as permission to proceed and pulled Angie toward the back door.

"Y...you're both in cahoots? Madeline, you'll pay for this!" Angie's shrieks echoed through

the bar, as jarring to the ear as an off-key instrument.

Madeline's expression darkened immediately. She took a step forward and rested her hand

on Angie's shoulder for a moment. "Angie Grant, you're as stupid as ever. Have you

forgotten my name is also Madeline? You stole that other Madeline's husband and

children. You even caused her death. Do you really think she'd lift a finger to save you?"

"You…you're Madeline?" Angie's world immediately turned upside down! What on earth

did Madeline mean by those cryptic words?

Was she actually her sister, Madeline Grant?

That Madeline had been dead for ages; what was this woman talking about? How could

her sister Madeline come back from the dead? It was impossible!

Madeline paid no further heed to Angie, despite Asher's men dragging her out the back

door of the bar. "Keep an eye on things. Don't let them kill her; we still have unfinished

business between us!" She instructed Albert quietly, watching the back door swing shut.

"Yes, Ms. Madeline." Albert acknowledged his orders, then threaded his way around the

milling crowd and went out the back door as well.

Madeline seated herself at the VIP cardholders' area and ordered some cocktails from the

hostesses. She was in an expansively good mood. Even though the bar and its

surroundings grated on her nerves a little, she did occasionally enjoy watching people

hustling and bustling about. It was a reminder that she was still very much alive and able

to appreciate the material pleasures of this world.

A message notification suddenly beeped on her phone. She checked it immediately; she

was quite sure it was from that young rascal, Thomas.

As expected, Thomas had indeed sent a message!

"Mommy dearest, your beloved son's been kidnapped today!"

"You're sure of this?" Madeline sent back immediately.

"Hee hee, of course I'm sure. I was the one who came up with the kidnapping scheme in

the first place!"

Madeline was momentarily bereft of speech. Now she knew beyond doubt that her young

punk of a son had a hand in the matter. In fact, ever since Thomas visited the Quincy

household and left it so hurriedly, she had known he was probably responsible for most of

the affair.

Of course, this did not stop her from carrying out her revenge! That was why she had

burned down the Grant residence and deliberately let Bruno get away unharmed.

Thomas messaged again, "Mommy, don't be angry, ok? Your little angel's already made 10

million dollars today! You have no idea how wealthy my scumbag of a daddy is. I really

hope I can inherit his money soon!"

Madeline sent back a reply. "Err…good luck with that."

"I won't disappoint you, Mommy!" Thomas replied.

Madeline stared at the chat log and rubbed her forehead helplessly.

It was a waste of time to worry about young Thomas. It was a good day if the little devil

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didn't find someone to fleece; she had to thank her lucky stars when that happened!

"Ms. Grant, I was under the impression you'd hurt yourself, yet you're still visiting a bar?"

A low, attractive voice came from just above Madeline's head. Involuntarily, she looked up,

straight into Noah's face, half-concealed in the shadows.

She had been too engrossed in returning Thomas's messages and was completely

unaware that someone had come up beside her. She did not know if Noah had seen her

conversation with Thomas either…

Madeline had a moment of uneasiness, but it soon passed. Instead, she deliberately

allowed an expression of worry to appear on her face.

"Mr. Quincy, there's something you probably should know. The love of your life has been

waylaid by a bunch of ruffians and hustled into the back room. You should go and rescue

her before it's too late!"

Noah made no move to depart despite what Madeline had told him. Instead, he sat down

opposite her. "Do you really want me to go to her rescue?"

"Of course!"

"Stop pretending already. You're rejoicing at Angie's misfortune, aren't you?" Noah

sounded oddly relaxed even as he said this. It was as if he was discussing someone else's

affairs rather than his own. In fact, he made it sound as if it was none of his business at


This was something entirely unexpected, as far as Madeline was concerned. Angie's

reputation might have been ruined, but she had been Noah's one and only beloved for

quite a few years. How could he just sit there and disassociate himself from the matter?

"Very well then, since it appears I can't hide the truth from you, I'll come right out and say

it. You deserve someone better, Mr. Quincy."

The momentary flicker of puzzlement in Madeline's eyes did not escape Noah. Like the

proverbial spark that started a prairie fire, that flicker set something in motion, even

though he was not aware of it then. "Someone better like yourself, perhaps?" He asked


"It may be night time right now, Mr. Quincy, but you really shouldn't dream so much!"