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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 458
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Chapter 458 I’ll Put Some Medicine and Leave

Madeline breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the elevator doors shut. She was about to lean against

the wall when she fell into someone’s warm embrace instead. She turned around to find Noah looking

at her cheekily, his arms bringing her body closer toward him.

To his surprise, Madeline did not resist his advances. Noah had not seen such an agreeable side of

Madeline’s in a long while now and he was grateful for whatever little affection she showed him. He

cautiously stroked her soft, brown hair. “Is it very painful?” His voice was soft and gentle.

She nodded lightly. “My back hurts, and my tummy hurts even more,” she complained. These cramps

were going to be the death of her.

“Mommy, let me nurse you back to health!” Thomas insisted. He was almost in tears seeing his

Mommy in pain. In his mind, Mommy was a strong woman who never whined or complained even

when things got hard. If she was saying something about the pain, it must be something truly terrible!

Madeline squeezed her son’s cheeks gently. She noticed the worried expressions on Colton and Zeke’s

faces as well and felt slightly guilty for upsetting them. This was not the first time she had experienced

such pain after all. This was something she had to go through every month, but this month in particular

felt a lot worse than usual.

She allowed herself to drown in mom guilt for a brief moment before trying to stand up straight and

detach herself from Noah. She wanted to portray herself as a strong figure in front of her children.

However, Noah only held on to her tighter, not allowing her to break free from his embrace. “You don’t

have to put up a front. I don’t work this hard for you to suffer in silence,” he whispered in her ear.

Madeline felt a warmth blossoming in her belly as she felt his breath on her. “Why do you work so hard

for, then?” she smiled as she asked him.

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“I work hard so that the person I love may experience unbridled happiness,” Noah said, just before

planting a light kiss on her nose.

Thomas let out a loud snort, while Zeke covered Colton’s eyes and turned him in the direction of the

elevator door so that they did not have to witness their parents’ very public display of affection.

Unbridled happiness… it was a strangely foreign term to Madeline. Just then, a wave of sharp, painful

cramps crept in on her, causing Madeline to grab on to Noah’s sleeve in agony. Noah instantly felt her

pain and her need for him to be close. He brought her closer, allowing her to rest her body on his,

hoping he could at least offer some comfort.

Back at Maple Forest Villa, the kids had gone back to their respective rooms while Noah carried

Madeline in his arms into the master bedroom. He helped her take off her shoes and was about to

unzip her dress when Madeline stopped him. “I can do it,” she blushed.

“What kind of a brute do you take me for? You’re already in such a state. What could I possibly do to

you?” Noah grumbled as he stopped whatever he was doing.

Madeline wet her chapped lips. “No, I didn’t mean it like that,” she said.

Amidst everything that had happened, including her back injury and her period, he did not have the

time to properly look at her. Now that Madeline was lying down on the bed, Noah noticed for the first

time how perfectly her dress hugged her slim figure. Now that she was looking at him like that, his skin

prickled with heat.

“If you’re shy, you could lie down on your stomach. I’ll put some medicine on your wound,” Noah said

and waited for her to respond. Madeline, on the other hand, thought he would just go ahead without

expecting a reply. After a moment of silence, she turned her head to face him, giving him a quizzical


Noah immediately sprang into action, deftly and quickly removing the straps of her dress. Thankfully,

the material of the dress was light and loose, so it had not rubbed against her wound.

“Hmm, looks like the wound is healing up nicely. There’s no sign of infection. You’ll just need to rest at

home for two days or so and you’ll be just fine,” Noah said as he inspected the wound.

As he mentioned it, Madeline thought about how the injury had happened because of the argument

they had in the first place. Madeline frowned at the unpleasant memory.

“Maddie, you look a little more… voluptuous today,” Noah mumbled like he was in a trance, stirring

Madeline from her thoughts.

As she turned to look at Noah, she noticed his gaze pointed directly at her chest. As she looked down,

she noticed her breasts were no longer restrained by her dress and were dangerously close to spilling

out. Noah was getting a good view of her cleavage from where he was seated. They looked soft and

tender and absolutely mouth-watering…

Madeline noticed Noah gawking and blushed profusely. She immediately turned to one side to cover

herself up, but she had not noticed Noah had already unbuckled her bra when he was tending to her

wound. As a result, she accidently gave him a front seat view of the show.

“Argh, you pervert! Get out of here!” Madeline yelled as she grabbed hold of the pillow beside her and

threw it in Noah’s direction.

Noah’s initial intention was to tease her to diffuse the icy tension between the both of them, but he

simply could not resist her. It was sweet torture for him having to look at her practically half naked.

“Don’t move. I’ll leave once I’ve applied the medicine for you. If you keep moving, I might just think that

you actually want…” Noah’s voice was husky, as if overwhelmed by desire.

“No, I don’t want anything from you! Apply the medicine! Don’t say another word!” Madeline gave up

resisting Noah’s advances, burying her head in the pillow instead and choosing not to say anything

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else. She knew Noah would not allow another male doctor to treat her wound and would rather do it


Noah was surprisingly compliant, not making a single sound as he applied some ointment onto his

finger and gently rubbed it onto her wound in small circles. Every time his fingers came in contact with

her skin, she felt a jolt of electricity down her spine. When his fingers glided across her funny bone, the

tickling sensation almost sent her into a fit of laughter.

“Are you done?” Madeline wanted to sound snappy, but she found herself sounded softer and sultrier

than she intended it to. Her voice sent a gush of blood rushing downward from his stomach. What

normal man would not react to a woman who sounded as seductive as Madeline, especially after

drawing circles on her bare skin?

“Hurry up. Stop rubbing mindlessly,” she rushed him, but it was no use. Madeline’s voice only brought

back memories for Noah. All the wonderful, pleasurable times they had spent together as a couple five

years ago came flooding back, and he remembered these moments as vividly as yesterday. He felt his

pulse racing and his skin heating up against his control.

“I’m done,” he muttered before pulling the sheets over Madeline’s body and rushing into the bathroom.

Madeline’s eyes followed Noah as he entered the bathroom and locked the door. Seconds later, she

heard the sound of water gushing violently. Was he taking a shower without a clean change of clothes?

Why was he in a rush?

Just then, as if she suddenly realized something, her ears turned red and she turned herself away from

the bathroom. Not long after, Madeline unknowingly drifted off into sleep. In her drowsy state, she felt

herself being brought into a hug from behind and a little warm patch being placed on her stomach. Is

this what heaven felt like? She wondered. She chased the source of the warmth in her dreams and had

the best sleep ever that night.