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Absolute Resonance-Novel2

Chapter 0257: 38 Steps
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Chapter 0257: 38 Steps

As they descended into the onyx lake, Li Luo and his team saw a fathomless crater filled with not water, but raw, rich worldly natural energy swirling in a gigantic whirlpool. The size and power of the huge swirl made them feel small in comparison.

The edges of the crater were not smooth, with long, wicked rocks sticking out at haphazard angles.

"Ready? This onyx lake has 38 steps. Each step allows us to imbue our bodies with more energy... Let's set our target at the 35th step for now." Li Luo grinned.

Bai Mengmeng stuck out her tongue. "Leader, your goal's too far for me. I think I can only reach the 32nd step or so."

Out of the three, she was the weakest, still only at the Flowering Seed Tier.

"Well... let's just do our best. The deeper we go, the better the effects. Plus, it's our first time in an onyx lake, when the effects are strongest. We can't waste this chance." Li Luo nodded encouragingly to her.

The three spoke no more, taking the deep plunge down. Their feet soon connected with the solid stone below, and they instantly felt energy surging into them, charging their bodies with a refreshing tingle.

It ran through every passage in their bodies, even clearing up their sinuses. They gasped at the sensation.

It passed in a few brief moments, and they were left with a vague sense of dissatisfaction.

"That's too short," Xin Fu grumbled. "But I do feel like my resonant power has grown a little," He added delightedly.

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Li Luo nodded. He could sense that both of his resonance seeds had come alive in response to the power, although they had not been charged much.

Then again, it was just the first step.

"Leader, it feels like you charged for a few more seconds than us..." Xin Fu said.

"Really?" Li Luo said, surprised.

The few seconds had passed all too quickly. He hadn't noticed...

Bai Mengmeng thought it over. "Hmm, yes."

The first step was over in five or six seconds. A few seconds longer... Did that mean the effect on Li Luo was approximately double?

"Let's keep going."

In the next few minutes, the three cleared ten more steps.

Li Luo noticed that the charging time for him was indeed noticeably longer than his squadmates.

Just on the tenth step, he could already feel his resonant power growing rapidly. The single resonance pattern on his seed was growing brighter by the moment, swimming like a glowing dragon.

"Perhaps it's because of the dual resonances." Li Luo shrugged. action

Being able to take energy into two seeds instead of one was indeed a significant advantage.

The two accepted it as such. However, Li Luo alone knew what was actually happening.

If the charging process could be likened to a sumptuous feast, then Li Luo had two stomachs, while others only had one. He was a resonant power glutton, greedily wolfing down every last scrap of power.

Far superior absorption compared to the others.

Li Luo felt a trickle of excitement course through him. If he could make it to the bottom of the stone steps, how much power would he gain?

It was indeed a miraculous opportunity.

Buoyed, Li Luo eagerly continued downwards.

Two hours passed in a flash, and now the trio were at the 30th step.

All three were practically glowing with resonant power now. They were starting to look saturated.

None of them showed any indication of stopping. Instead, they were all greedily looking forward.

In just two hours, they had probably covered as much ground as two or three months of hard cultivation!

However, the pressure on them was starting to grow more noticeable. Even the onyx leaf’s protective effects appeared more diminished in the face of the tremendous crushing force they were feeling.

Any further, and it would be a test of their strength.

They took the leap to the 31st step together.

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Two other squads had arrived as well, although they were sweating profusely, gritting their teeth and trying to withstand the pressure.

Eventually, one person crumpled under the pressure, his body shooting upwards with the current. He was carried upwards and outwards quickly enough, his face still pale from the exertion.

The trio had no time to worry about others. They themselves were feeling the pressure as well.

The weakest among them, Bai Mengmeng, was clenching her teeth so hard that her jaw was popping.

Li Luo raised his eyebrows at her. She understood, but she shook her head.

He nodded, and the three continued on.

Step after step.

They were at the 34th step now.

This was Bai Mengmeng's limit, but her perseverance had paid off. The resonant power within her roared with life, building her stronger and stronger.

Her final result was a jump from the Lower Flowering Tier to the Upper Flowering Tier.

She sighed with both relief and regret, and gave a parting wave to the two boys as the current took her out.

She was not a particularly ambitious person, nor was she too interested in fighting or challenging limits. This was enough for her.

Li Luo nodded slightly to her. He was already surprised that she had made it this far. Any further and she might end up injuring herself instead.

As they watched Bai Mengmeng leave, Li Luo and Xin Fu exchanged a look, then they moved down to the 35th step together without hesitating.