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A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 515 - How Can He Get Anna’s Passport?
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Mark's Pov:

Tom: Your tickets were booked along with your two children, who are Anna and Alex...


(I am shocked the moment I listen to Tom, what he is talking about?

Did he just say Lucus booked the tickets for both of his children?

What does it mean?

Did Lucus want to take away my girl from me?

No, after looking at Anna's behaviour at the airport I can understand Lucus didn't force Anna to escape from the city, actually, Anna went to the airport voluntarily…

And why Anna went to the airport?

Did she go to the airport to escape along with his dad?

Is she trying to save her dad?

Or did she go to just meet his dad?

Why doesn't she consider how they attacked my sister?

Even though she knows that he is the primary suspect in Ria's case, how can she help her dad to escape from the city?

I am confused…

I am totally confused and I can't take any decision right now because if Anna is really tried to escape from the city then why she will accept to our wedding?

I better take a decision about her after I clear my doubts with Tom...

In between my thoughts, Tom came to our room and started his little interrogation with Anna, and after listening to Anna's reasoning I am still confused and can't take any decision on her, I don't know whether I should believe what she is saying or not. So I followed Tom to ask his opinion because his facial expression change when he looked into the file he holds and I guess he finds something important init but he did not discuss anything about it...

So I just want to know his opinion, and I followed him to his room...

Mona is staying in that room along with Alex and she immediately gets up from the chair and came close to us the moment she recognises me and Tom...

Mona: Hey Tom, what happened..?

(Tom did not answer to her question and immediately take his seat and connected Anna's phone to his system and busy in looking at the information and involved in his own thoughts, Mona did not disturb him and she immediately came close to me.

Mona: Mark, please stay calm and don't be mad at Anna…

Please try to understand the situation and don't blame on her for no reason...

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

(I looked at Mona with my Furious face.)

Mona: Mark, please...

Mark: You know one thing, Mona?

The history of flight tickets includes both Anna's and Alex's tickets along with her dad's ticket...

Mona: What?

(Even Mona shocked after listening to me. She immediately looked at Tom for confirmation, and Tom nodded his head as yes and busy in looking into his system, Mona is shocked but she gets stabilized in a few seconds.)

Mona: So what?

(She said loudly and looked at me.)

Mark: So what?

Is this situation is very casual to you, Mona?

My girl, who is going to be my wife in few more hours, don't you think it is odd when she is trying to escape from this city along with his dad who is the primary suspect in Ria's case?

And after listening to this, you are saying so what…

Mona: Mark, how can you judge her just because the flight tickets were booked in her name and Alex's name?

If you are blaming her for that reason, you should have blamed Alex too...

Because the ticket was booked on his name too, so do you think Alex booked his tickets to escape from the city along with her dad and sister?

Mark: Stop with your stupid reasoning, Mona...

Alex is a kid, and Anna booked his tickets without his concern...

Mona: Exactly Mark, even I am saying the same thing. Why don't you think someone booked the tickets in the name of Anna and Alex without her concern?

And if my guess is not wrong, I am sure someone is trapping Anna into Ria's case, so please don't take any decision until we conclude the investigation with her dad...

(It's a waste to discuss with Mona, so I immediately turn to Tom for his opinion on the investigation he takes. Even Mona went close to Tom and looked into his eyes for his answer.)

Mona: Say, Tom, what do you think?

(Tom took a deep breath and started his explanation.)

Tom: Guys, please listen to me carefully...

Aana said she went to the airport to look at her dad and she also said she got the messages from her dad about his whereabouts...

(by finishing his words Tom again looked at the monitor in front of him, which is connected to Anna's phone.)

Mona: Okay...

Tom: But I did not find any messages in her iPhone...

Mona: Maybe she might delete the messages...

Tom: She did not delete the messages, Mona, she said confidently that her dad sends the messages to her and gave me the phone to check the messages, if she really deleted the messages she might have told me about it, but she didn't...

Mona: So what do you think, Tom?

Are you doubting Anna?

Tom: Mona, you know I don't come to a conclusion until I find the evidence regarding it...

(Tom said indirectly that he has some evidence to doubt Anna, but he is hesitating to say out and I don't have the strength to listen to him, it really hurts me if I listen that Anna is trying to cheat me...)

Mona: What are the other evidence you have, Tom?

(Tom forwarded the file to Mona and Mona's face immediately turned to shock and I immediately take the file from Mona's hand and looked in it and I find Anna's and Alex's original Visa and passports.)

Mark: What?


(I spell out loudly, Tom looked at me and nodded his head as Yes...)

Mark: As far as I know Anna's passports should be in the locker at Ria's room, Where did you find these passports, Tom?

Tom: We find these passports in Lucas travelling bag...

Mark: How can he get Anna's passport?

Tom: At present, I have no clue, Mark, and can you please tell me who are the others knows about Anna's passports are at Ria's room locker?

(I immediately went into my thoughts and visualise everything from the day of our Grindelwald trip. After the Grindelwald trip, we did not use her Visa and passport. As far as I know, no one knows about where her Visa and passport lie. Suddenly I got a flash and yes, once Anna asked me about it, and I asked her the reason and she did not say anything about it. I immediately looked at Tom.)

Tom: What happened Mark did you did you find any clue?

Mark: After our Grindelwald trip Anna asked me about her visa and passport details, and I told her that they are at Ria's room locker and other than her no one knows where are the Visa and passport...


Tom: So other than Anna, no one knows where are the Visa and passport, am I right?

(I nodded my head as yes, but it's hard to digest the fact. Does it mean Anna met her dad and gave her Visa and passports to him and request him to book the tickets to escape from this city?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It's really hurting me, I can feel the pain in my heart, and tears filled in my eyes…

If she really plans to escape from the city along with her dad, then why she planned this sudden wedding?

Why she convinced me of this sudden wedding?

Does she think I don't have any feelings?

Why doesn't she care about my feelings?

Is she really loving me?

Or she is using her love trap to escape from me along with her dad?)

Mona: Guys, listen to me...

Aana may ask you casually, it does not mean she planned by stealing her own passports and trying to escape from the city along with her dad...

Please try to understand the situation from the other side...

(I immediately looked at Mona with my Furious face.)

Mark: Can you please try to understand the situation from my side...

(I shouted at Mona, Mona looked at me with her worried face and try to convince me again by holding my hands.)

Mona: Mark, I am thinking from your side, and that's the reason I don't want to put you and Anna in this mess...

Please try to understand and don't break your fragile love towards Anna for the trap planned by the others...

I know how genuinely you both love to each other...

So please try to understand the situation, Mark...

Please don't get into the conclusion…

(Mona is again trying to convince me but it's tough for me to digest the situation after I realise about Anna's Visa and passport, I looked at Tom with my helpless condition bit Tom is still busy in reading Anna's messages and his face turned to shock again and he immediately looked at Mona)

Mona: What happened, Tom? 

Tom: Anna's bank account is credited with a huge fund...

(Tom again looked at me.)

Tom: Mark, is that you who transferred money into her account?

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