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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 356 The Nether Realm (7)
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Chapter 356 The Nether Realm (7)

Archer was flying around the Nether Realm hunting packs of creatures, right now he was sitting on an overhang admiring the creepy-looking scenery.

As he sat there he saw some flying creatures in the distance just circling a large tree. Getting curious he jumped off the overhang and started flying toward them.

When he got closer he cast Element Bolts made from lightning before sending them flying at the creatures.

The bolts soared through the air and struck each one and exploded into blood mist causing the others to fly toward him.

Archer quickly cast Crown of Stars which started to fire violet motes at the incoming creatures.

After doing that he started hovering and took a deep breath as he let out a deafening roar that brought them to a halt, forcing them to hover in mid-air so he could scan them.


[Rank E]

He looked at the dozen or so beasts and growled at them before offering them a choice. ''Serve me or die.''

The Nethertalons looked at him and nodded their heads causing him to smile. So he continued.

''Go to your nests and recruit more of your kind. If you fail to return when you hear my roar I will kill you all. Now go.''

When the creatures heard him they all nodded and flew off as they wanted to get away from this monster.

Once he was done with the birds he turned to the tree and wondered what was in it. So he descended to the forest floor and saw a massive nest under the tree.

He wondered what creatures lived here but he didn't have to wait until some weird acid flew at him.

Archer Blinked out of the way and saw a creepy-looking black ant appear out of one of the holes.

His keen eyes caught sight of grotesque, monstrous ants emerging from the shadows. Their gnashing mandibles and spiky exoskeletons gave them a nightmarish appearance.

When one emerged from the nest entrance he scanned it.

[Nightmare Drone Ant]

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[Rank F]

That's when he saw many more crawling out more holes but he activated Aura Detector and pinpointed the Ant Queen deep in the nest.

He decided he wanted these creatures in his monster army as they could reproduce in the domain once he created an area for them.

So now he knew where the queen was he killed the ants he saw and entered the nest. Archer cast Blink to move faster through the tunnels.

After an hour of Blinking through the tunnels and killing any ants that came close, he found the queen's chamber and saw bulky-looking ants defending a half-human half-ant woman.

While looking at them he scanned the bulkier looking ants because he grew curious.

[Nightmare Praetorian Ant]

[Rank SS]

The woman had long silky black hair with bright blood-red eyes and had the top half of a human while the bottom half was an ant.

He shook his head and spoke. ''Ant Queen. If I'm correct this world is dying?''

When Archer spoke something launched itself at him but he sidestepped the creature and grabbed a hold of it with his tail.

He slammed it down so hard that it dazed the thing, Archer held it up and got a good look at it.

It was a skinny humanoid ant with scythe-like arms and looked like a mix of a human and an ant but scanned the ant.

[Nightmare Assassin Ant]

[Rank B+]

Archer's expression shifted from stunned to a more sinister smile, tinged with excitement and a hint of plotting.

As the queen and her praetorian ants caught sight of this shift, a shudder ran through them.

But she didn't sit still as she ordered some of her warriors to attack this strange intruder. That's when three ants lunged at Archer.

When he saw this he laughed to himself and cast Element Bolts into the ant's heads causing them to drop to the ground dead.

More appeared and attacked him but he bobbed and weaved around the attacks before killing all but one.

He grabbed a hold of the thing and scanned it.

[Nightmare Warrior Ant]

[Rank A]

Archer crushed the thing before throwing its lifeless corpse to the side and looked at the Ant Queen. ''Can you understand me?''

The queen looked at him with worried eyes but nodded her head causing him to smile even more. ''Can you speak?''

She looked at him and spoke in a heavy accent but he had no problem understanding her. ''Stop killing my children. They are just protecting me.''

Archer nodded his head and looked around before seeing a boulder, he walked over to it and sat down as he pulled out some bread.

He started eating as he felt more ants circling around him but it didn't bother him as he put Jade's lesson to work and concentrated.

After closing his eyes he let his Aura run wild and it extended to the circling ants. His Aura felt like a predator was watching them.

The ants fled closer to the queen. Archer looked at her and warned. ''Tell them not to attack. I'm just here to talk.''

She gave him a nod as she made a weird noise and the ants backed off making Archer smile.

He finished the bread before speaking. ''So ant queen. This world is dying, are you aware?''

The queen looked at him as she answered. ''Yes. The land is dying and food is hard to come by.''

Archer nodded before standing up as he looked around the chamber before turning to her. ''Do you have a name? I don't want to keep calling you queen. It's weird.''

When the queen heard him she shook her head and wondered why he asked. But Archer just smiled before giving her one. ''From now on your name will be Vivienne.''

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. ''Why are you naming me you weird Netherfolk child?''

Archer feigned being offended. ''You offend me. I'm not one of these creepy creatures. I am a handsome white dragon.''

Vivienne looked at him with question marks over her head making Archer chuckle as he explained. ''I can give you and your children a home but you have to fight for me whenever I call?''

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She narrowed her eyes before speaking. ''Where is this home you talk of? This world is dead.''

''I have a place where I can create a home for you and bring all the Netherbeasts from this place so you can still eat,'' Archer spoke as he pulled out another piece of bread.

Vivienne looked at the strange boy and one of her children warned her against the deal but she asked either way. ''You only want us to wage war for you?''

Archer smiled when he heard her before answering. ''Yes. If you do I'll give you a safe place for you and your children. I'll also make sure you have loads of food but you have to swear an oath to be loyal to me and my family.''

When the ant queen heard this she grew curious and thought for a little while. She looked at the boy and saw no lies so she took the gamble.

''Okay, I will join you handsome white dragon.'' She said with a confused look on her face as she assumed that was his race's name.

With laughter bubbling forth, Archer introduced himself, springing to his feet as he made his way toward Vivienne. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart.''

She looked at the boy and nodded her head but before she could speak he took out some bread and handed it to her.

Vivienne took the bread and ate some. When she tasted it her eyes widened and looked at him in surprise. ''Taste so nice.''

Archer took out some more and gave her them, the other ants saw this and were confused until she told them that he was their master now and they got back to work.

He finished his food before asking. ''Have many Netherbeasts attacked the colony?''

Vivienne nodded her head as she explained that many creatures attacked her children and tried to get to her.

But thanks to her warriors they failed and were driven away, while Archer was listening to this he sat down next to her and scanned her.

[Nightmare Ant Queen (Vivienne)]

[Rank: S]

Archer saw that she was powerful but shrugged as he was happy they were in his new monster army.

That's when she stopped talking and looked at one of her children, Vivienne turned to him and asked. ''More invaders are coming. Can you help us?''

He looked at her with a grin before stating as he leaned back with a relaxed sigh. ''Once you swear the oath to become fully mine in mind, body, and spirit I will help, my little ant queen.''

Vivienne looked at the sneaky boy and didn't know how to react but suddenly her children's warnings grew.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]