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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 265 Truly Beautiful
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While exploring the town, Archer received a message from Hecate regarding Sarah waking up. He informed the girls, who expressed interest in joining him.

Archer briefed the Sparrows on his destination before opening a portal. However, he was followed by Talila, who decided to tag along.

As the group emerged from the portal, they found themselves in the room where Sarah had been resting. Archer scanned the room and noticed her sitting up in bed.

A large, inviting bed with plush linens rests against one wall, its wooden frame expertly crafted from branches and logs.

Pillows and cushions in earthy tones are arranged thoughtfully, inviting moments of relaxation or perhaps a cozy read in the afternoon light.

She appeared as if she had just woken up from a deep slumber. Spotting Archer, her eyes widened, and she stumbled out of bed. "A...Archer?"

He nodded and responded, "Hello, Sarah. It's good to see you finally awake."

Sarah glanced around and noticed all the girls seated, observing the situation. She then redirected her attention back to Archer.

''What happened?'' She asked in a confused voice.

Archer went on to explain everything that happened since he rescued her from the noble family that gave her the Nightfall potion and Hecate was able to wake her up.

Sarah didn't know what to think but all she knew is that she wanted to head back to the capital and sort things out.

She spent another hour catching up with Archer and getting to know his Fiances, once she felt back to normal she asked him what quests he has done.

Archer explained that he had been hunting bandits and slavers.

Sarah acknowledged this and shared her own plans. "Once I've resolved my own matters, I'll schedule the Rank D test for when you're back in the capital."

With a smile, he cast Gate. She approached and embraced him, expressing gratitude for rescuing her from the nobles.

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Archer watched her walk toward the portal and stepped through, which closed behind her. The girls smiled, and Ella spoke, "It's good that she's awake now. She was asleep for way too long."

Archer nodded in agreement. He turned to Hecate with a grateful smile and said, "Thank you for your help, Hecate."

The grey elf smiled before making her way back to the lab. However, before she left, she approached him and whispered, "Can we make love soon?"

His eyes widened, and he nodded as he replied, "Of course, my moon witch."

Upon hearing his response, the woman stepped back, a look of shock on her face. She then curiously asked, "You don't care if people call me that?"

He shook his head with a smile, leaning in to whisper into her long ear. "Nope. I love witches, especially the one who will give me those two angels."

As Hecate heard him, her grey skin turned a shade of red, and the other girls laughed.

However, Teuila approached him and whispered in his ear with a grin on her face, "You've been skipping training. Tonight, you will be worked to the bone. So, stop flirting with the others and prepare yourself."

Archer looked at the Aquarian with narrowed eyes but soon laughed and replied. ''Yes, we will train tonight princess.''

Teuila nodded after getting her own way and he opened a Gate to the town, when they entered they soon found the Sparrows buying food.

While they were doing that the girls broke off into small groups and went around buying all sorts of food.

Archer found a stall that sold sweet bread and bought everything. After he had done that he went to search for the girls.

He could Teuila and Hemera buying sweet-looking things, Ella and Sera walked up from behind them with bags of stuff.

They asked Archer to store all their stuff which he happily did, after buying loads of food they soon found the Sparrows and decided the leave the town.

The group found the north gate and exited. Before them, a road unfurled like a ribbon of destiny, leading into the heart of the uncharted Beastlands.

The path was rugged, winding through dense forests, over craggy hills, and beyond the reach of civilization.

Each twist and turn seemed to promise both peril and discovery. The road was overgrown with foliage as if nature itself.

Ancient trees lined the way, their gnarled branches reaching out like ancient sentinels, bearing witness to the passage of time.

Their leaves whispered secrets in the wind, tales of creatures and mysteries that lurked in the unexplored realm ahead.

Archer's heartbeat with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He was no stranger to danger, having faced his fair share of challenges.

But the Beastlands was a realm untouched by the influences of society, a place where primal instincts and the unknown reigned supreme.

It was both exhilarating and humbling to stand on the precipice of this uncharted territory.

The air was punctuated by the distant roar of an unseen beast, serving as a reminder that the Beastlands had earned their name for a reason.

Hemera approached him, taking a deep breath, her voice soft yet filled with authority.

"The Beastlands are unlike any other place, Archer. It's a land of untamed magic, where the boundaries between reality and myth blur. The creatures that roam those wilds are fierce, shaped by instincts older than time itself."

She paused, her fingers idly tracing patterns on his back, sending shivers cascading down his spine as she continued to speak.

"Legends speak of creatures that defy imagination, beasts of elemental fury, shapeshifters capable of adopting the forms of shadows or storms, and guardians who fiercely protect their territories with a ferocity rivaling nature's own wrath."

Upon hearing her words, a spark of excitement grew within him. He nodded in response, his anticipation evident as he set his foot onto the road.

Simultaneously, he cast his Anti-Magic spell and kept the Aura Detector activated, sensing Teuila's approach.

As the other three girls engaged in conversation, her gaze fixed upon him, carrying an air of curiosity.

She leaned in slightly, her voice gentle but inquisitive, "What are you planning to do when we return to Avalon?"

Archer was uncertain how to respond, so he simply shrugged and continued walking. The road soon became flanked by the forest, its dense foliage casting dappled shadows on the path.

Approaching him, Talila's voice held a warning tone, "There are various creatures and wild tribes in this area. We've encountered attacks multiple times on our way to Mediterra."

He smiled at her and responded, "Yes, I'm aware. We'll be cautious, Tali."

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Her smile mirrored his sentiment as she conversed with him and Teuila during their journey. As they walked for hours, Archer's Aura Detector suddenly picked up incoming signals.

Quickly alerting the girls, they prepared for potential danger. A brief pause ensued before a group of wild humans emerged from the forest.

As their eyes met the newcomers, the wild humans charged, their cries and incoherent shouts filling the air.

The girls swiftly engaged in battle, with Teuila taking the forefront and Ella launching a barrage of arrows.

Sera's energy was infectious as she bounded around, her claws slashing at their attackers.

The Sparrows found themselves with little opportunity to act, as Archer's group efficiently neutralized the threat.

After facing numerous encounters with peculiar beasts during their months-long journey through the Uncharted Beastlands, they finally reached a clearing that bordered a river in the Land of Plenty.

A substantial stone bridge spanned the swift-flowing waters. Archer stood by the bridge, his gaze fixed on its structure, lost in contemplation.

Ella approached him silently, offering a piece of bread and inquiring, "How are you feeling this morning, Arch? Is that attack still bothering you?"

He turned his attention to the half-elf and replied, "I'm better now. It took a few days for the effects of the poison to wear off. I can't understand why that creature had poison barbs."

A soft laugh escaped her lips as he started eating. Frustration lingered in the air, and he sought a way to unwind.

Archer shared his plan with Ella, who giggled and wished him luck. He used his Blink ability to appear near Hemera, surprising her with his sudden presence.

Recognizing him quickly, Hemera allowed him to lift her into a princess carry, conveying a mutual understanding between them.

He cast Gate and they appeared atop a mountain. The area was spacious and open, featuring a veranda close to the edge that provided a view overlooking the vastness of the Beastlands.

Hemera turned to Archer with curiosity, asking, "What is this place, Arch?"

With admiration for the scenery, he began to explain, "I discovered this spot when we first entered the Beastlands. The Stone Men helped me build it. No creatures can reach this height, and even the flying ones avoid this place."

She nodded her head. ''Yes, it is truly beautiful. It seems like a quiet place to relax as the sun goes down.''

Archer looked over to her with a smile before snatching her lips causing her to become muddled but soon returned the kiss.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]