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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 262  Consequences
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Chapter 262  Consequences

Archer transformed into his dragon form, unfurling his massive wings that carried him through the sky, guided by Hemera's directions.

After flying for a while, he reached a border castle. He decided to land on the wall his presence sent shockwaves through the Republic's soldiers, igniting panic.

When the castle commander saw him sitting on the wall, he wondered what the beast wanted so he made his way to it.

Gracefully, Archer moved to the courtyard to wait for the man who he noticed was making his way to him.

As the old commander approached, he shifted back into his humanoid form, leaping down from the wall with a resonating thud.

The bewildered man approached cautiously, asking, "What's your purpose here? Do you realize you've entered the territory of the Delphosia Republic?"

He answered with a smile, Archer's voice carried nonchalance. "Honestly, I don't care. Tell me, do you have my brother-in-law, Leonidas Helios?"

At the mention of the name, the commander's eyes widened, causing Archer's grin to broaden.

With a slight edge, he continued, "You'd do well to share everything you know unless you wish to experience the sensation of me tearing your souls from your bodies."

Stepping back, the commander's voice trembled with uncertainty. "Who are you?"

Archer's grin deepened, sending shivers through the guards.

Slowly advancing, he replied, "I'm known as the White Prince within the Lunaris Empire, and I've heard the Solarians have bestowed upon me the title of their Dragon Prince."

Nodding as if introducing himself, his demeanor quickly shifted to one of thinking. "However, I need a second name, one for me and my girls."

Confusion filled the minds of the commander and his soldiers, but before they could reply Archer cast a spell, Soul Sunder.

Dark tendrils appeared and grabbed hold of several soldiers, they soon collapsed as their souls were torn away, severing their life forces.

Everyone's fear became obvious as the man quickly revealed that the prince was held captive in the capital, within the royal palace.

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He did this hoping the boy wouldn't kill any more soldiers, but a satisfied smirk appeared on Archer's lips upon receiving the information.

However, his next words spread even more fear among the soldiers, igniting panic within their ranks. He declared, "The girl I desire promised me a date if I saved her father. So, I'm not sorry."

Archer swiftly cast Soul Sunder and Flashpoint, unleashing scorching flames that transformed into deadly missiles, claiming the lives of numerous Delphosian soldiers.

Souls were ripped from some soldiers, causing them to collapse like lifeless dolls. Enraged by the devastation, the commander lunged at him, who met the assault with an unsettling smile.

Swiftly sidestepping the swing, Archer seized the opening and clamped his hand onto the man's face.

Without mercy, he cast Eldritch Blast directly into the commander's face. The result was stark and grim – the headless body crumpled to the ground.

Fueled by the fact he will level up again, Archer rampaged through the castle, eliminating soldiers while sparing the maids and butlers.

He eventually reached the commander's room after politely asking a maid for directions, which she happily provided after he gave her a gold coin.

Upon entering the room, he tore it apart and found the treasure he sought, tossing the chests into his Item Box.

Leaving the castle swiftly, Archer stepped into the courtyard, where dozens of soldiers appeared and surrounded him.

The scene triggered laughter from him as he quickly cast Void Blaze all around him, enveloping everything in flames.

Soldiers were reduced to ashes, shrouding the area in eerie silence. Surveying the aftermath, Archer noticed nothing amiss. He opened a portal and summoned Hemera.

Stepping out of the portal, she wrinkled her nose before speaking. "Arch, what kind of trouble have you caused now?"

He shook his head in response. "I need you to relay a message to your father. Inform him that the Delphosians have Prince Leonidas captive in the capital and urge him to join forces with the Lunarians, who should be en route."

She was shocked but nodded and jumped back through the portal. With that task complete, Archer summoned his new loot goblins.

Tiny Stone Men emerged from the ground and began gathering valuable items. While wandering around the castle, he snacked on sweet bread and realized his supply was running low.

An hour later, he had collected 134 hearts and more treasure chests. Placing them into his Item Box, he dismissed the Stone Men.

Shifting into his dragon form, he flew towards the capital. Archer repeated this process with five castles he encountered until he found himself perched on a hill, gazing down at the Republic's capital.

Creating a portal to his domain, Archer called for Hemera once more. This time, she was accompanied by Hecate and Talila.

They fixed their gaze on him, awaiting his words. Reverting to his humanoid form, Archer began explaining his actions since leaving them.

Upon learning that he had raided several castles and seized their treasures, Hemera and Hecate reacted with a lack of surprise, considering Archer's reputation for greed.

Gesturing toward the city, Archer addressed Talila, "Your father is being held there. I plan to attack the palace, rescue him, and claim their riches all for myself."

The three women nodded in agreement as Talila expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Archer."

They headed back to their domain, while he transformed into his dragon form once more and flew towards the capital.

Upon his arrival, the Delphosians were already informed about his attacks and had prepared their defenses.

Although the soldiers were aware of the impending threat, they launched a barrage of spells from the city as Archer drew closer.

However, due to his Anti-Magic, the spells had no effect on him. Undeterred, he continued forward and smashed into the city's gate.

The collision caused chaos, sending soldiers flying off the wall and some being crushed by rubble.

Archer took off once again, heading for the palace. When he spotted it, he landed in the courtyard and was quickly surrounded by soldiers.

With a sigh, he swiped his claws and tail, transforming them into a mist of blood. He was well aware that the Delphosians were known for their hatred for other races.

Hemera had conveyed to him that, ever since their arrival from the north, they had spread chaos in the west and launched repeated invasions against the elf empires.

Returning to his humanoid form, Archer entered the palace after summoning some Stone Men to serve as his guards.

They managed to defeat twelve soldiers before the attacks ceased. However, for every Stone Man the Delphosians brought down, another would take its place.

Archer strolled through the palace, curious about a Republic having such a grand place, but he didn't dwell on it much.

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He reached a massive door and instructed the Stone Men to break it down, surprising the people inside.

Then he noticed a man accompanied by his family, and a smile graced Archer's lips.

Despite the worry etched on their faces, he had no intention of harming them; his target was solely the soldiers who dared to attack him.

Approaching them, Archer inquired, "Where is Prince Leonidas Helios? If you don't surrender him to me, I'll bring your city to ruin and bring an end to your Republic."

He nodded his head, his eyes narrowing as he issued a brief command to a nearby guard. "Go, fetch the Prince. We must confront this situation directly."

The guard saluted and hurried away, leaving the commander to face Archer's imposing presence.

A smirk curved on his lips as he observed the guard scurrying off.

Shifting his attention to the Stone Men beside him, He instructed them to ransack the palace and bring him all the wealth.

They diligently carried out their task, dispersing silently and smoothly throughout the palace.

Their solid forms glided with grace, all while maintaining a clear objective - to gather anything of value.

The man continued to gaze at him, wondering about his origin, but he chose to ask a question. "Who are you? Do you realize the gravity of your actions?"

Archer turned to face him, "Yes, and I don't care. You kidnapped my brother-in-law, so here I am."

He glanced around, selecting a bench to sit on, while the man and his family maintained their unwavering gaze on him.

Their frustration intensified, and the wife couldn't help but confront him. "Who do you even think you are? Just being a dragon doesn't count for much. Our soldiers have triumphed over your kind in the past."

In response, Archer's lips curved into a smile. However, the woman's expression shifted to one of realization – she had committed a serious error, for that smile was evil.

Swiftly, he stood and moved towards the balcony. Yet, one of the guards lunged at him. With a smile, he summoned his tail and lashed out.

It struck the man, sending him crashing into the wall. He crumbled to the floor just before Archer cast Crown of Stars.

Violet orbs encircled him and shot out whenever a guard approached. As he stepped onto the balcony, the noble family trailing behind, they kept their distance.

Pointing towards the distance, he commented, "Is your city's military quarter in that direction?"

The man nodded, and Archer's smile widened as he declared, "Now, witness the consequences of insulting me."

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]