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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 248 Bandits & Outlaws
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He looked at the young man and grinned even more before pulling both girls close to him.

"I'm Archer," he introduced himself assertively, "and these two are MY girls. So, leave them be, or your family will suffer the consequences of your foolish actions."

Upon hearing his words, Merenptah lost his temper and retorted, "See, princess, he doesn't care about you if he's willing to have another woman."

But before Merenptah could continue his verbal attack, Archer swiftly appeared in front of him and delivered a sharp slap, sending the mouthy boy sprawling to the floor.

Before the other two boys could react, Archer summoned his tail and swiped their legs, causing them to crash to the ground as well.

The three girls who were with the guys backed off before they got hit. Archer looked down at Merenptah and spoke.

''Nefertiti is my fiancée. If you dare approach her again, I will not hesitate to take brutal measures against you and every member of your family. Do you understand?''

Merenptah looked up at the white-haired boy with dragon eyes and white scales, but he couldn't hold his tongue. ''You don't deserve her, you damn lizard!''

Upon hearing this, Archer lost his temper. He turned to Nefertiti and asked, ''Will losing this fool's family affect the empire?''

She nodded her head, making him sigh before he forcefully stomped on Merenptah's knees, resulting in audible crunches.

One of the girls rushed forward, panicking, and tended to the young man, who was now rolling around in pain.

The girl looked up at Archer and asked, ''Why would you do such a thing?''

Archer looked at her and answered, ''He tried to court my woman, what does he expect? If anyone has a problem, tell them to ask Nefertiti to contact me, and they will get the same treatment.''

Upon returning to the two girls watching the scene, he noticed Nefertiti wearing a radiant smile, while Hemera seemed visibly troubled.

Concerned, he looked at her and asked, "What's up, Hemi?"

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She looked up at him and asked. ''Why did you hurt him so badly?''

Archer sighed and explained the reason behind his actions. ''Well Hemi, if I didn't do that, he would have bugged her for ages until he decided to take it up a notch, it always happens. So why not put an end to it before it begins?''

Hemera thought about his answer and decided it was the logical thing to do; she nodded her head and smiled. ''Sorry for doubting you. It does make strange sense.''

With a smile on his face, he chose to inquire about Nefertiti's race. "Nefi, could I talk to you for a moment?"

She nodded in agreement, and the three of them made their way to an unoccupied bench, away from the commotion.

As they walked, teachers and staff hurried over to attend to the fallen Merenptah. Turning to the Sun Elf, he politely asked for a favor. "Hemi, could you give us a minute, please?"

She smiled and pulled out a book before heading to sit on another bench.

The two of them sat down, and he turned to her. ''So, I understand you're a succubus, but from what I know, they are lustful beings that suck men dry.''

Archer went on to explain what he knew about her race. After listening to him, Nefertiti started laughing.

He wondered why she was laughing and asked, ''What's funny?''

Nefertiti calmed down, and then she started explaining, ''Well, you are right. We are lustful beings, but only with our chosen. Once we choose our man, we will never stray. Even without your mark, I'd never look at another man.''

She also explained that succubuses are rare on the Western continent as they primarily live on the Northern continent.

After talking for a little while, she had to go to her class. Nefertiti gave him a kiss and walked off while waving at him.

Hemera walked over to Archer and sat down next to him as he watched her walk away. She spoke, ''I hope everything is alright, Arch.''

He turned his head to her with a smile and nodded. Archer cast Gate to where they left the caravan and continued on their journey.

As they were walking, Hemera wanted to see the sights, so he summoned his wings and took off after picking her up.

Archer's powerful white wings extended from his back, casting a glistening aura as they basked in the golden sun.

With Hemera in his arms, he effortlessly lifted her in a princess carry, her heart pounding with excitement.

As they soared higher into the beautiful blue sky, the stunning landscape of the Mediterra spread before them, reminiscent of the picturesque Mediterranean coast back on Earth.

The azure sea stretched out, its waves lapping gently against the sandy shores not far from them. Islands adorned with lush greenery dotted the waters miles away.I think you should take a look at

The aroma of salt and sea breeze filled the air, evoking a sense of tranquility and wonder. Archer navigated the sky with grace, taking Hemera on a breathtaking journey.

They glided over quaint coastal villages, where white-washed houses with vibrant blue rooftops stood proudly against the rocky cliffs.

Olive groves and vineyards carpeted the rolling hills, painting the landscape with shades of green and gold.

They passed by ancient ruins, the remnants of civilizations long past, standing as a testament to the rich history of the region.

The beauty of the Mediterranean landscape was mesmerizing, and Hemera couldn't help but gasp in awe.

With a mischievous grin, Archer executed a playful loop in the air, causing Hemera to let out a mix of laughter and exhilaration.

They swooped low over a secluded cove, where crystal-clear waters sparkled like sapphires beneath the sun's caress.

As they soared through the skies, their eyes caught sight of a magnificent lighthouse perched high on a rugged promontory.

It stood tall and proud, its beacon guiding ships safely through the vast azure expanse below.

Gullbeasts soared alongside them, their calls harmonizing with the soothing sound of the waves below.

Hemera clung tightly to Archer, her heart racing with joy and wonder. The landscape below seemed like a living painting, with every stroke of nature's brush creating a masterpiece of serene beauty.

After a couple of hours of flying, they finally arrived at Astreopolis City, situated on the border between the Solari and Lunaris Empires.

Hemera's face lit up with a wide smile as she beheld the breathtaking landscape from above. As they began their descent after Archer made the decision to venture into the city.

She turned to him and asked, ''Why are we entering the city? We don't need anything.''

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Archer turned to her with a grin, knowing she would love the reason, and answered, ''Well, I've come here to buy more spellbooks for the library and inform the guild that I've completed my quests.''

When Hemera heard this, she got excited and randomly grabbed hold of his hand, causing Archer to laugh.

They proceeded toward the city gate after Archer disguised his features to appear like a pale-skinned elf. However, they were halted by a guard who called out, ''Stop!''

The couple halted and waited for the guard to speak again. He approached them and inquired, ''What's your business here?''

Archer looked at the man and replied, ''We're here to visit the guild and purchase some spellbooks.''

The guard examined the two and nodded his head, he stepped aside and let them pass by.

The massive city gate, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and ancient heroes, stood tall and proud, welcoming visitors into the heart of the Greek-like city.

Beyond the gate, they entered a bustling cityscape with narrow cobblestone streets lined with charming shops and colorful stalls.

Archer thought the architecture mirrored the beauty of ancient Greek cities back on Earth, with white-washed buildings featuring ornate pillars and terracotta-tiled rooftops.

The aroma of freshly baked bread and Mediterranean cuisine filled the air, enticing passersby with the promise of delectable treats.

Vendors peddled their goods, and merchants displayed vibrant tapestries and pottery, showcasing the local craftsmanship.

As they walked deeper into the city, Archer and Hemera were greeted by friendly locals, some dressed in traditional Lunarian attire.

Laughter and music echoed through the streets, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

After walking for a while, Hemera spotted the Adventurers Guild and pointed it out to him. They both headed towards it.

Inside, they approached the counter where an older man was sitting. He looked up and greeted, "Good morning, young man. How can I help you today?"

Archer took out his adventurer's card and a bandit patch that he had ripped off when he looted the hearts. The man took the card and scanned it.

After inspecting the card, he nodded and said, "You have two more quests to complete before you can take the Rank D test. Would you like to take any more quests?"

He nodded his head. ''I'll take any quest involving bandits and outlaws.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]