Chapter 20 Night Patrol
With my back against the wall | look in the direction of Moon Storm Pack, | wish I could be there in the morning
when Rick wakes up
Twilight says and | slowly op” find out that he is taken out of the competition. “No one is in the kitchen.”
the door to make my way inside, keeping an eye on my surroundings.
The door to the hallway is open and so is the door to the dining room. First | go to the dining room to find the
statue of the male that founded our Kingdom, he never carried the title of King but most consider him. the first
Roval we had and | know that he will hold the reward for Moon Storm Pack.
I look around the dining room that is completely empty and | wonder if this room gets used if there are no
visitors, it looks so huge and unpersonal when it is empty. | walk up the stage to sit in the King’s seat and look at
the room from his point of view, “Not a seat would want to fill.“Twilight says in my head and 1 slowly get up to
grab the first reward.
| have to grab a chair to reach for the box that is placed on the statue’s shoulder, whoever put it there. made
sure it wasn't really noticeable. | walked around the statue twice before looking up and down the statue, but
once | spotted it | quickly got it down from there. | place it in my backpack before | go back to the kitchen and
head towards the main living room of the Palace.
“Why do we have to go to the main living room?” Twilight asks and | smile as | duck into a bay window. “Prince
Reginald was called the little Prince, even though he was as tall as Deimos. “I answer her and she is rolling
around in
my head as she calls Deimos “little Gamma” over and over again.
“That is the little Prince.” | say to Twilight as | step in front of the painting, only to drop to the floor the next
second when | hear footsteps near the window. | look up at the painting to see where the reward is hidden and |
see a sachet hanging of the back of the painting. Once | make sure that the coast is clear, | get to my feet and
snatch the sachet of the painting-
“What do you think is in there?” Twilight asks as | put it in my backpack. “I don’t know. Why don’t we wait until
we get back to Gaia's place and had ssleep.” | answer as | walk towards the exit, but | turn around quickly
as | realize | can never open that huge door without anyone noticing it.
Luckily | had seen a small door not far from the painting and | walk over there as | listen for any sounds in the
vicinity, but it seems this is my lucky day. | make my way out of the Palace and climb the nearest tree to make a
plan to get out of Mystic Moon Pack territory. | smile when | see Leander walking around the Palace with another
“He was the one that nearly caught us, Twilight.” | say as | keep staring at Leander, | know that if keep staring
long enough he will be able to feel it and | wonder if he can find where it is coming from. Twilight is game, | keep
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtstaring at him and after a minute or two he starts looking around.
His buddy is talking to him and Leander apparently answers him as he also starts looking around, but neither one
of them seems to understand where it comes from. | let my eyes glide up the Palace walls and | smile when | see
Deimos stepping on to his balcony, a moment later Eryx steps onto the balcony above
Both of them are scanning the area, “Looks like Leander tipped them off.” Twilight says, but this twe don’t
keep our eyes on Deimos or Eryx. They will probably be able to locateand that would mean losing my
rewards, no way in hell I will let that happen.
After about twenty minutes they all give up, Deimos ar Eryx go back into their rooms and Leander assumes his
patrol around the Palace. The moment he rounds the corner | want to get out of the tree. but
Chapter 20 Night Patrol
Twilight warnsto sit still and a moment later | see Deimos looking out his window. “Sneaky bastard.” |
minute or two after he has stepped away from his window before I get out of the tree and make i
to their southern border. Along the way | have to climb a few trees again, but | get out of the territory without
getting caught and I sigh in relief when | see our own border cinto view.
“Honey, I'm almost home.” | say through the mind-link to Gaia and she tellsthey are almost done with
border patrol. | tell her that | will get ssleep first and tell them all about my adventures in the morning, my
feam wishesGoodnight as | walk into my bedroom.
“Zalia, are you awake?” | hear Nyx ask from the other side of the door. “I am now.” | answer and she apologizes
as she walks into my room. “Your Dad cby and wanted to know if you were okay.” She says as she sits down
next toon the bed and I tell her | will link him after | have told them about last night.
During breakfast | tell my team about my night and | show them the picture | took of Rick and his Beta, “Maybe
we should post those pictures online.” Hestia muses and Gaia tells her it will lead back to us, a risk none of us is
willing to take.
“Get the rewards, | want to know what it is.“Twilight says and | get up to get my backpack. “This is the reward
from Moon Storm Pack.” | say as | place the box on the table. “This one is ours.” | say as | place the sachet on
the table. | sit down next to Gaia before | grab the sachet, | open it before | turn it up side down and a delicate
golden necklace falls on to the table.
“Fuck, that is the necklace the little Prince gave to his Mate.” | mutter and | wonder what will be in the box. it has
to be a reference to the first Royal I pull the box towardsand | slowly open it to reveal the ring the first Royal
gave to his Son when he took over, becoming the first King of our Kingdom.
The five of us just stare at the jewelry in front of us for a few moments, before Gaia askswhere | will keep it
safe. “I will link Dad and ask him to cover. | will explain things to him and ask him to keep them in the safe
in his private office.” | respond and all four of them agree with me, it will be saver to ask Dad to keep the jewelry
in his safe.
“Dad, when you have t| would like to see you at Gaia's place.” tell him though the mind-link. I will be there
in half an hour, Donovan is being an ass.“Dad answersand when | tell the girls what Dad said we all have a
good laugh. Donovan has always been an ass, especially if he thinks that he isn’t at fault.
| remember when we were about ten years old he had told Gaia she couldn't join us for training and when | had
asked him why she couldn't he had said, “Because she is an Omega.” | had taken a swing at him and he ran into
the living room to hide behind Luna Hester but when she found out why | was angry with him she forced him to
train Gaia himself.
He tried to get from under the
punishment, but it only resulted in the
punishment to get more sever. Alpha
Brad made him train Aha DMbS
J th .
Ppp foNa™an and every the
whined about it Alpha Brad added a
day, the end result was that he had to
trai them for three months. He never
learned from it though, he still whines
about his punishments and Alpha
Brad still adds to his punishments.
Gaia has a copy of the Kingdom on
her laptop and there is a red cross
running through Moon Storm Pack
and Moon stong.RAEK Foright I will
Ake bub ndown Pack, but | will not
go to the Palace for the reward. | will
save that for another night, | want to
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmget at least two rewards at the time
and that means | will have to take out
another Pack. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Fuck.” | hear Dad mutter and | see that he is staring at my chest. “You are still in the competition.” He says and
| tell him that | took out Donovan and Gibson. “You took those pictures and taped them to their doors.” He says
with a huge grin on his face.
Chapter 20 Night Patrol
| tell him that | figured out what the
extra challenge is and what | did
: : “
during the night, “I need you te, place
the JE iy theccdfityour bedroom
Fir your private offi :
©] your private office. | don't want
them to get lost or for someone to
q »
accidentally find them.” | say as |
show him the contents of the box
and the sachet. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
We all have a good laugh as I tell them how | spooked Leander and that he woke Deimos and Eryx to help him
search, “Make sure you write down their patrols from last night, it might help you the next tyou go to the
Palace.” Dad says and Gaia asksto tell her what | remember about it.
Dad takes the box and sachet with him and the five of us go over the patrols at the Palace. | assthey will
switch their strategy at spoint, but for now it will cin handy knowing how they run patrol at night.