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6 Times a Day

Chapter 278 Midnight Crazy Blowjob [DM SPONSORED]
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Alan pulled down the sheets and blankets on Susan's half of the double bed until they lay in a useless heap around their feet and ankles. Then he went right back to fondling and suckling on her breasts. That put his erection back between her thighs, which at least was too low for fucking.

Both of them had completely forgotten about his nightmare, if indeed he'd ever had one.

Susan knew she should be mad, but she couldn't stop smiling. She looked down at her exposed nudity, then at her son's big hard-on poking into her inner thigh, then finally over to Ron where he was still blissfully snoring away. She was so turned on that she wanted to scream for joy. She knew what her son was doing to her was wrong, horribly wrong, but it felt so fantastic that she was completely helpless to stop it. The fear that her husband could wake up and discover her at any second made it all that much more deliciously sinful and exciting.

She thought, I've never felt so alive! My son is such a MAN! He just takes what he wants, and right now what he wants is his busty mommy! He doesn't care that Ron is right here; he knows that Mommy is slave to his cock, anytime, anywhere! Besides, Ron cheated on me, so why should I care about what he thinks? Isn't it time that I start to live for myself? And that means serving my son and his wonderful cock! MMMM!

But still, it's so cruel to do this while Ron is still here. If the tables were turned, I would just die. I really have to stop this! I need to somehow lure my studly and virile son out of the room.

She grabbed his erection and began stroking it. She whispered huskily, "Tiger, I'll bet all that suckling and playing with your mommy's big titties has made you nice and hard. I'll bet your balls could use a thorough draining."

He just murmured as he suckled, "Mmmm-hmmm."

She raised her head briefly to make sure Ron's eyes were still closed. Comforted by his continued light snoring, she said quietly as she pumped Alan's shaft, "Mommy loves jacking you off. Your cock is hot and alive in my hands! But I would love it even more if I could give your big, thick sperm-filled meat a nice suck. Mmmm! Mommy can't wait to get all those pulsing hot inches of cock-meat into her mouth! But not here! It would be too noisy and messy. Let's go to your room right now and have lots of fun. How does that sound?"

He disengaged. "Great, Mom." But instead of making a move off the bed, he straddled her and then climbed up her body until his long, stiff dick was dangling right over her mouth.

She hissed with renewed fear, "No, baby! Not here! I said 'in your room'!"

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But he seemed not to hear her. "Come on. You said you want to suck it, so suck it!"

Aroused beyond comprehension, she finally gave up all resistance. Her mouth had been firmly shut, but then he started to tickle her underarms. She opened her mouth to protest and laugh, but somehow it just stayed open, and even opened wider and wider as his erection drew closer to her red lips. She remained motionless, but let him feed inch after inch of hot cock into her mouth.

Normally when Alan got a blowjob, he was so happy that he was content to just stand there and enjoy the terrific erotic pleasure coursing through his body. But this dream Alan was much more aggressive than the real world Alan. Kneeling over her, he began thrusting his hips vigorously, effectively fucking her face. Meanwhile, he steadied himself by grasping her shoulders, somehow managing to caress and massage them despite his increasingly wild thrusting.

Susan was humiliated, but even more aroused than before. She didn't know whether, technically, she was climaxing or not, but every passing second she felt better than she had during her best orgasms, and the waves of pleasure simply never ended. Her son kept fucking her face minute after minute after minute like an unstoppable fucking machine.

My God! I love it! My son is fucking my face in my marital bed with my husband sleeping right next to me, and I love all of it! It's so wrong. I'm going to go to Hell for this, but I don't care! Mmmm! I just hope Ron doesn't wake up, but Tiger is shaking the bed so violently and I'm moaning so loudly, how could anyone sleep through this?! It's just a matter of time now before Ron discovers everything! Then he'll know; he'll know that I've been completely tamed by my son's cock! Mmmm! Mommy's just a naked, big-titted, cocksucking son-slut, Ron! Sorry 'bout that! Hee-hee! I'm evil! Pure evil! But I just can't resist these eight inches of sinful bliss! Eight? Heck, it has to be ten inches long, at the very least! MMMM! SO GOOD!

By now, Alan was practically standing on the bed, shaking it so much that it rocked back and forth like a major earthquake was hitting the room. And Susan was completely unrestrained in her moaning. Had it not been that her mouth was stuffed full of juicy thick cock, she would have been screaming to the heavens.

She hadn't looked Ron's way for a long time for fear of what she might see there, plus she couldn't turn her head, given the way that Alan was rhythmically and deeply plunging his cock in and out of her mouth. (She had no gag reflex in her dream, so his entire boner magically fit into her mouth with each pass.)

As if that wasn't enough stimulation for Alan, her index finger had found his anus and she was plunging it in and out in time to her imagined deep throating. She'd done it once to him in real life in one of her more uninhibited moments. In the dream, she didn't need to worry about first lubing her finger.

But she finally looked over to Ron out of the corner of one eye, fully expecting to see him sitting up, crying and horrified. To her surprise, he was awake, but he wasn't paying her or Alan the slightest attention. Instead, he was on top of a slim, petite Thai woman, rutting into that woman just as intently as Alan was fucking her own face.

Susan was shocked and appalled. Despite her own actions, she felt a great anger burning inside. Jealous and humiliated, she started flailing her arms about, to no avail. As she began pounding on Alan, trying to get him to stop, she felt the dream slipping away. Only then did she realize that in fact it was a dream.

Suddenly, there she was, in her own bed, wide awake with her heart pounding wildly. There was no sign of Alan anywhere, and she was still wearing her nightgown. Needless to say, Ron was asleep and there wasn't any Thai woman to be seen. Her labia certainly were wet though, and her breathing was very ragged.

She sat up in the darkness. A dream! Only a dream! Thank the Lord! Praise Jesus! Oh my God!

She just sat there for a few minutes, recovering.

Eventually, she calmed down enough to begin thinking seriously about the dream. That was the most disturbing nightmare of my life! True, it was unbelievably arousing. It was like one endless multiple orgasm. But it was SO WRONG! If nothing else, there are all the horrifying Oedipal implications of Tiger just TAKING me like that while Ron was sleeping next to us! I don't even want to think about it. Ron must never know! Never, ever, ever! Tiger must never know either! Even Suzanne can't know. I can't tell anyone; it will have to be my secret shame.

Oh my God! What if Tiger found out about it, and decided to try it out in real life? That would be SO HOT! But so wrong! Really, really wrong! I can't even go there in my fantasies.

But boy would it be hot. ... And wrong. I can't forget the wrong part!

After an hour or more of tossing and turning, she finally went back to sleep.

When she woke, she went through her morning routine in a daze until after Ron and both kids had all left the house. She felt like everyone could read her mind, but of course they all remained completely unaware of what was bothering her, though it was quite apparent to each of them that something had happened.

Ron guessed it was a nightmare, since she'd gone to sleep perfectly happy and then awoke next to him quite agitated. But he didn't ask her about it before he hurried off to his office.

— — —

As usual, shortly after the others had gone, Suzanne came over to join Susan for their morning exercises.

Susan's resolve not to tell Suzanne about the dream lasted at most five minutes. Suzanne occasionally kept secrets from Susan, but Susan was pretty much incapable of keeping any secrets from Suzanne, and this was no exception.

As soon as Suzanne walked through the door, Susan rushed up to her and began crying in her arms. She bawled so passionately and for so long that she had no choice but to explain to Suzanne what had set her off. Other people could have lied their way out of it or made up some feeble excuse, but Susan was too honest and relied upon Suzanne's help and guidance too much to do that. She blurted out the entire dream as best she could recall it, crying the entire time. She was so distraught, she didn't even get very aroused while retelling it.

She felt a lot better after unloading her burden. She felt even better after Suzanne began to interpret the dream for her.

Suzanne said, "Susan, that is a pretty weird dream, I have to admit. But it's just a dream! Just a dream! People dream all kinds of strange things, and it means nothing. Frankly, I'm not surprised in the least."

"You're not? You don't think I'm some kind of horrible, sinful freak?"

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Suzanne laughed. "Hardly. I think you're a lovely, loving person. No, what I mean is, the medical help you've been giving Sweetie has been weighing heavily on your mind. You've been forced to think about your rather unusual treatment of him quite a lot. At the same time, Ron's been home here and you were hit with this huge bombshell about him cheating on you. It's only natural that with these two things dominating your thinking, you'd have a dream that encompassed both. If you, say, were mugged at gunpoint and then had a grandmother die a couple of days later, don't you think you'd have dreams about one or the other event, and sometimes both?"

"Probably," Susan admitted, nervously twirling her thumbs.

"Of course you would! For days and days and days. You might dream about your grandmother getting shot during a mugging or something like that. That's how the mind works. There are absolutely NO disturbing Freudian or Oedipal implications to this dream. None whatsoever. It's just pure coincidence to have dreams about Alan's treatment and Ron's cheating intersect in that kind of story."


"Absolutely! Now, obviously, I wouldn't go and tell Ron or Sweetie about it. You're wise not to do that. Sometimes people misunderstand things like that, and not a lot of people have taken a class on dreams in college like I did. But I tell you honestly, put it completely out of your mind because it has no meaning whatsoever. Changing the subject, I've heard that Macy's is having a big sale today. I say we go there right now and check it out!"

"But what about our exercises?"

"We'll do those later. If we go now, we'll avoid the crowds." Suzanne knew Susan often ruminated during her exercises, but a shopping trip would distract her more and help her forget the dream faster.

It took some time and effort, but Suzanne eventually managed to get Susan to forget almost completely about her dream. In fact, as the day went on, the details of the dream grew increasingly fuzzy, the way dreams usually do. Within hours, Susan could only remember a hazy outline, because Suzanne kept her so distracted that she didn't have any time to reflect on and reprocess the dream. By the time they returned home, Suzanne's recall of the dream was better than Susan's, due to the way memories of dreams fade unless one actively records the dream upon awakening.

However, Susan felt a lingering sense of guilt and unease that not even Suzanne's efforts could dissipate. The details of the dream were gone, but the emotional impact was still there.

Susan vowed to herself to avoid all sexual contact with Alan, at least for the next few days until she could get her head together. But at the same time, she knew she'd also forbidden Suzanne from doing anything with Alan, as punishment for the pool incident the previous day. She'd already made an exception for that the night before, and any further exceptions would make the whole punishment pretty much worthless. She also was dead set against Alan committing the "sin of Onan." She'd actually let him do that the night before, because she figured that was less of a sin than helping him out with Ron down the hall.

But Alan still had to cum six times a day. Susan had no idea how to cope with that fact.


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