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6 Times a Day

Chapter 244 Roleplay As Brenda Pt.1
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Suzanne lectured Alan for at least half an hour. It wasn't just about how to handle submissive women. In fact, she talked more about him. At one point, she explained, "In my opinion, the biggest problem isn't Brenda; it's you. Like I said, I'm working my 'Suzanne Scheme-y Magic' on her."

He chuckled at that.

"She'll still have doubts come Wednesday, but give me another week or two and I'll have her believing that you can walk on air. And that's not knocking her intelligence. She actually strikes me as a smart cookie. But with my understanding of psychology and human nature, frankly, she doesn't stand a chance. That's why I say the main problem is you. Specifically, your self-confidence. You need to believe in yourself, and then your success will naturally follow from that."

She continued, "I know it's not possible to get you to drastically change your self-opinion in two days' time. So here's my suggestion: when you see Brenda, pretend like you're an actor in a play, but it's an improv-style play, where you're making up the lines as you go along. You're not Alan, normal high-school guy. Instead, you're Alan, super stud, master of your own harem. Do you think you can do that?"

He replied, "Actually, that approach would help a lot. I think I've got a natural affinity for role-plays. I definitely have fun with that kind of thing."

"Excellent. We'll work on that. But, to skip ahead a bit, here's the key to your behavior on Wednesday: you need to act hard to get. You're not at all interested in Brenda, in any way!"

"I'm not?"

"No! You already have your harem of a dozen women who are even more beautiful than she is! You're taken. There's no more room at the inn. So why bother with her?"

"A dozen?! That's absurd." He paused to imagine how Brenda must look naked. Due to all of his recent experience with naked woman, he could picture her very well indeed. He was staggered all over again that they were even discussing the possibility of seducing her.

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He griped, "Heck, even if you were all-knowing, I doubt you could find a dozen women in California as beautiful as her, much less more so. Her curves are so outrageous that I didn't know a figure like that was physically possible! She's like a real-life Jessica Rabbit!"

Suzanne playfully pouted, "Hey, I thought I was your Jessica Rabbit."

"You are, definitely. But you know what I mean."

"I do, actually, and I agree. But remember that perception can become reality. A woman like Brenda has guys falling all over her trying to impress her, constantly. Booooring! That's the quickest way to lose her interest. It's human nature to want what is just out of reach. I've already told her that you're not interested in her. You merely need to reinforce that by acting aloof. Show more interest in everyone else in the room BUT her."

"But that's mean."

"Don't overdo it, by any means. There's a definite art to the 'playing hard to get' game. I'll teach you how to get the balance right, and when to change your approach. The key is, she's so extremely beautiful that she's completely unfamiliar with having to work to impress someone else. We'll use that to our advantage, like some kind of sexual jujitsu. Ironically, it'll actually be easier for you to seduce her than some woman who isn't a perfect ten, because no one else would have had the audacity to use these tactics on her. She won't know what hit her until it's a done deal and you've got her worshipping your cock, you lucky dog!"

Suzanne continued to give Alan advice along those lines. The more she talked, the more his self-confidence grew, because he could see the brilliance of her strategies. He realized that she was setting things up so it would be easy for him to succeed.

They talked on the sun deck until the sun set and it started to get cold. Then they moved inside to Alan's room and kept on going.

They were still talking up a storm when Susan returned home, wearing her casual "shopping around town" clothes. After taking off her underwear, she went upstairs, looked around, and eventually found Alan and Suzanne. Some small talk ensued, where Susan showed off her manicured nails and newly-styled hair. (Alan couldn't see the difference in either.) Susan asked where Katherine was, and learned that her daughter was having dinner and seeing a movie with Amy. Suzanne had suggested that as a ploy to get the girls out of the way so that she could talk to Alan about Brenda without having them interrupt.

Then Susan asked Alan and Suzanne what they'd been talking so intently about.

That was the entry Suzanne had been waiting for. She said, "I'm so glad you asked, because I really need your help. Your timing is perfect!" (Actually, it was Suzanne's timing that was perfect. She'd paced her talk with Alan based on when she'd expected Susan to come home.) "We've been talking about the Brenda problem."

"Oh." Susan went from smiling to frowning in a flash. "Son, I'm really sorry about that. Ugh! I can't believe I let that secret slip out."

Alan replied, "It's okay, Mom. Obviously we all need to use this as a lesson to be super careful in the future, but Aunt Suzy says she's on top of it."

Suzanne said, "I am. I've been talking to Sweetie for nearly an hour about how best to seduce Brenda. I said your timing is perfect, because we're ready for some role-play practice and I need your help."

Susan clutched a hand to her chest. "Me? Why me? I don't know the first thing about any of this! I can't role-play Brenda to save my life!"

Suzanne spoke confidently. "Don't worry; you don't have to. I'll be playing Brenda, and Alan of course will be playing Alan."

"Then what do you need me for?"

"I need you to raise the stakes. Sweetie here is a smooth talker, as we all know. But no matter how much he pretends, he'll know on some level that this is just a role-play. So we need to frazzle and distract him, to knock him off his game. We also need him extremely horny and excited, since he'll be that way when talking to Brenda. That's where you come in. I need you to drop to your knees and suck his dick while we're doing the role-play."

Susan took a step back towards the closed door in alarm. "What?! No! I can't do that!"

Suzanne asked, as if she was befuddled by Susan's reticence, "Why on Earth not?"

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"You know why. I vowed not to do that until Ron leaves. Besides, this is supposed to be my special evening with Ron. I'll be leaving shortly to meet him in a fancy restaurant. How will it be if I meet him with the taste of my son's cum still in my mouth?!"

Suzanne couldn't help but grin. "It'll be hot; that's how it'll be! You'll be showing your true loyalty to your true love: Alan. But I didn't say you have to suck him to completion. I'll gladly take care of that part if you don't want to."

"I do, but, it's just... I can't! Suzaaaaaanne! Please! Don't make me!"

After more of Suzanne's cajoling, with a surprised Alan wisely keeping silent, Susan finally agreed to help, but with a handjob only. She also resolved to keep her clothes on, to help keep her lust in check.

Suzanne set up the role-play situation. She quickly rushed to Susan's room and put on a fancy, sexy, and very revealing dress that she had loaned Susan, as well as high heels. While she was doing that, she had Alan change into slacks, a dress shirt, and dress shoes. Then she poured a glass of wine for herself and another for Alan, to help create the impression that they were mingling at a dinner party. She didn't give Alan any specific instructions, but just told him to remember what she'd advised already and wing it.

Then she left Alan's room and immediately reentered. She walked up to him and introduced herself as Brenda. By then, Susan was kneeling at Alan's side to be as unobtrusive as possible, reaching around his leg to jack him off. There was no way one could miss Susan there, or Alan's erection poking through his fly, or Susan's fingers sliding up and down his shaft, but Suzanne resolutely maintained eye contact with him and acted as if all that action wasn't going on.

Alan and Suzanne made some small talk for a few minutes. There was nothing particularly special about what they said or how they said it. Then Suzanne called for a break.

Alan asked, "So, how was I?"

At that, Susan immediately stopped her stroking.

Suzanne looked down to Susan, now that she and Alan were on a break, and said to her, "No, not you. You know how his cock is. We want to get him right to the edge of climax and keep him there. If you stop for the breaks, you'll never achieve any momentum."

Susan sighed, but she resumed the handjob. She wasn't enjoying Alan's erection as much as usual, due to her worries about her plans with Ron.

Then Suzanne said to Alan, "You were okay. Nothing special, just okay. However, that's fine. You don't have to hit a home run here. Simply not screwing up, not shattering the hype I've built up, will be victory enough. But I think you can do better, because you're a capable guy."

He nodded. "Yeah. I feel like I'm warming up. I'm ready for another go."