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Chapter 242 You Like That, Don’t You? - Suzanne
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After a while, Suzanne said, "Sweetie, don't worry too much about your current issues with your mom. What's important is to keep the big picture in mind. She's changing daily. She's discovering that she not only loves sex, she loves to serve you."

That startled him. "To serve me?"

"Sexually! She wants a strong and dominant man who tells her what to do, but only if that man is you. Hell, to be honest, I kind of feel the same way."

"What? No. Aunt Suzy, you're totally kick-ass. Nobody tells you what to do! Or, if they do, they soon regret it. I love that you're a sexy woman, but you've still got balls of steel."

She grinned, happy that he thought of her that way. "That may be true, but... Sometimes, a person can feel one way in bed and another out of bed. And they may even feel differently in bed on one day compared to another. I'm like that sometimes. I can do the whole dominatrix thing, and I have, especially with some of my affairs. I couldn't open up and let my guard down with people I didn't trust. But with you, I guess there's a bit of Susan in me. I like it when you tell me things to do."

She turned away and blushed. She thought, Shit! How did that come out? We're supposed to be talking about Susan!

He was surprised, to say the least. He said flatly, "I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. You can say that, but you don't mean it."

"What? Of course I do!" She was surprising herself. She thought she'd just been saying that to help arouse him. But then she realized that she really meant it, and that she didn't mind if he knew it.

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He griped, "You can say that, but every time I ask you to do something, you say we can't. Heck, I can't even touch your boobs most of the time, even though you delight me with all these great blowjobs. Kissing seems to be off limits too. It drives me crazy!"

Suzanne suddenly found herself greatly aroused. The idea of kissing him while he played with her boobs sounded like a very good idea indeed, especially if he did it in an assertive manner. She dramatically pulled her top off her head and tossed it aside. "Try me!"

He gasped as he watched her great globes slowly bounce and jiggle back into place. He cleared his throat while trying to keep his cool. His lust surged, but he still felt determined to see the conversation through to its end before he gave in to his urges.

He was a little surprised she didn't reply with her usual excuse of not wanting to go too far out of concern for Susan. But his frustration at the overall situation, plus more than a little arousal, drove him on anyway. He said, "Okay, I will. But let's see if you're all hat and no cattle. Aunt Suzy, I want to fuck your tits!"

Her eyes went wide and her heart started to pound. "Excuse me?"

He was tempted to take his words back since he feared she was offended, but he resolved to stick to his guns. "You heard me. Right here, right now! Why is that so against the rules anyway? A titfuck is no worse than a blowjob or handjob. But they're totally forbidden around here. I don't get it. I say it's time to change that!"

Suzanne had been trying to postpone any titfucking, as part of her strategy not to get too far ahead of what Susan was doing with him. After all, the two mothers talked about their sexual adventures with Alan most every morning. But she decided Susan had made plenty of progress lately and wouldn't get upset when she found out about it. So she said, "You know what? Fuck it! You're right! Stand up."

His legs lifted him up while his brain was still catching up. "What? Really?!"

"Really." She got on her knees in front of him, wearing just her skirt and high heels. "Do you really think you can handle this? Can you handle me, Mr. Big Man?" She unzipped his fly as she spoke.

"I'm damn well going to try!" His hopes soared.

He thought his heart would stop altogether when he looked down and saw Suzanne's boobs closing in around his stiff erection. Then he closed his eyes and luxuriated in the feel of her soft tit-flesh enveloping his hot and throbbing hard-on.

He let out a long exhale. "Aaaaaah! Yes!" Oh my freakin' GOD! I'm about to fuck Aunt Suzy's epic tits! Incredible!

She raised a curious eyebrow, obviously fishing for him to share his thoughts.

He was momentarily speechless as he reveled in the tight tit-tunnel she'd created. But he soon found his voice again and exclaimed, "MAN! Man oh man! You have NO IDEA how MUCH I've wanted to do this!"

She smiled from ear to ear. She briefly gave her tits an extra tight squeeze with both hands. "Oh, really? Tell me all about it."

His eyes bugged out as he felt that squeeze. "Oh God! I'm too psyched to talk! Aunt Suzy, I tried so hard not to masturbate to thoughts of you, but so many times I'd see you wearing some low-cut top and I couldn't resist! UGH! God! So many times, I secretly wanted to... to... UH! To fuck your tits like this!"

She loved the fact that he was struggling hard not to cum when all she was doing was holding her boobs around his shaft. She regretted that she hadn't done this with him before, because he clearly was loving it so much.

She also was strongly affected, much more so than she would have thought likely. During her affairs, it seemed all of her lovers wanted to fuck her tits; Alan was hardly the only male who lusted after her remarkable bust. So even though she'd provided many men with titfucks in recent years, this almost felt like an entirely new experience to her, because it was with Alan - someone she really loved. She loved how hot, thick, and alive his dick felt trapped in her cleavage. It was almost as if there had never been a penis there before.

He looked down and saw how her chest was starting to heave with excitement. In turn, that increased his own excitement. He had to force himself to keep his breathing under control, at least enough so he didn't hyperventilate.

But she wasn't making it easy on him, because she was as horny and thrilled as he was. She didn't give him much of a chance to get settled before she started jiggling her tits up and down around his cock. She also pushed her big boobs together with extra force, creating a particularly tight tit-tunnel, and not just for a brief squeeze.

He loved it. He felt so much pleasure that his body was actually disoriented and he thought his feet were leaving the ground. His arms waved in the air like a spastic dancer. Oh, FUCK ME! I'm fucking her tits! I really am! I'm doing it! And it's just as great as in my dreams!

Within seconds though, his sexual euphoria spiraled to such a height that he screamed out a high-pitched "YEAAARGH!"

Suzanne stopped and giggled. "What was that sound? Are you a pirate or something? Or a chihuahua?!" She snorted and laughed even more.

He was chagrined, but at least the interruption stopped him from cumming too soon.

However, just when he felt like he'd got his feet on the ground, it was like a trap door had opened beneath him: Suzanne resumed the titfuck and it was all he could do to hang on for dear life while frantically squeezing his PC muscle.

She was overjoyed at how much fun she was having. She knew that, objectively speaking, this wasn't really any different from titfucks she'd given other men. But seeing Alan so wired with arousal that his hair practically stood on end had her laughing out loud and tingling all over.

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She enjoyed teasing him, verbally and otherwise. She cooed, "So, you enjoy this, huh?"


"Too bad it has to be a one-time thing."

"UNH!" This grunt superficially sounded much the same as his previous one, but that one had been filled with joy while this one was filled with disappointment.

But then she playfully winked and said, "Good thing it's NOT gonna be a one-time thing then. In fact, if your cock doesn't have my lips wrapped around it at any given moment, that's probably because it'll be deep in my cleavage instead!"

"UNH!" This time, his grunt was of pure ecstasy. That sounded like the best news ever.

She chuckled. "You like that, don't you? What if I were able to combine the two with my long tongue, like this?" She tilted her head down and unleashed her extra-long tongue, lapping along the top of his cockhead.

Unfortunately, she had to stop that almost immediately, because it was far too arousing for him to handle, both mentally and physically. Even in his dreams, he hadn't imagined a simultaneous titfuck and cock-licking.

After that, she tried hard to pace herself. She cut out the verbal teasing, since he clearly was already dangerously close to the edge. However, due to their mutual sexual euphoria, she wasn't entirely successful in holding back or sometimes stopping altogether to let him last as long as possible.

Therefore, after just a few minutes, he cried out as his dick started to fire. "Watch out!"

He meant the warning literally, because at that moment his dick was pointed right at her face from only a couple of inches away.

Luckily, she'd felt the tightening in his balls and closed her eyes in time. She didn't have a chance take any other evasive action, so she wound up with a face full of cum.

She didn't mind though. In fact, she quite liked it. She thought back to what she'd been telling him just before their titfuck started. I must mean what I said about how I like it when he acts all aggressive with me. If any other man tried to do that to me, I would have been pissed and probably wiped his cum all over HIS face. But with my Sweetie, it's like I just won a prize. I want to run to Susan and show off all the spermy goodness!

Sheesh. I'm sounding just like her. I've gotta watch out, because it sounds like my hype to her about how great it is to get a facial is affecting me too. Still, I wish she could see this.