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Chapter 133 Ron Is Here.
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An hour later, Alan went with his sister and mother to meet his father Ron at the airport.

Suzanne could have escaped going along, but instead she went, saying she could use the ride there for a last minute lecture near the airport. In fact, she felt she needed to indoctrinate Susan some more on the ride there, so she'd be in the right frame of mind to see Ron. Even though Alan and Katherine were listening in, she said to Susan, "Now, I know you're excited to see your husband again and practice all the sexual things you've learned lately. But don't get yourself too worked up, in case it doesn't work out all that well."

"What do you mean?" Susan asked as she drove.

"Well, I'm just saying, you've been married two decades now and Ron hasn't shown that much of a sex drive. Some people, like Sweetie here, they can handle six times a day. Others, well, two would be a big deal. I'm afraid Ron falls into the latter category, from everything you've told me."

Susan protested, "But maybe he's just been that way because I've been so prudish. Don't you think? I mean, I hardly even know what he looks like naked because I always insisted we do everything in the dark."

"Perhaps," Suzanne conceded. "On the other hand, maybe one reason he married you was because he figured your prudish ways matched his low sex drive. Remember, you told me you two didn't even have much sexual contact before he started working overseas. Of course, that doesn't mean he has NO sex drive. Remember what I said about his other interests." She was deliberately vague.

Katherine picked up on that right away. "Other interests? What does THAT mean?"

Surprisingly, Susan said, "Suzanne has some kind of crazy notion that Ron cheats on me all these months when he's overseas. But I know my Ron. There's just no way." Deep down though, she was far less certain.

Suzanne said, "I could be wrong, but it's better safe than sorry. He's been spending a lot of time in Thailand. Come on... Thailand! That's not exactly a safe place to have sex; there are all kinds of diseases there. You might want to take care before you do anything with him. If you can get me a blood sample, I can get it tested. In complete secrecy, of course."

Susan was crushed to hear that. Her libido was raging from not being able to do anything with Alan and she was planning on having wild sex with Ron that very evening, for the first time in their lives. But her intuition gave her a feeling that she should listen to Suzanne and get him tested first.

She said, grudgingly, "But... If I were to do that, what would I say to him tonight? His first night back, we always... Well, let's just say it's an intimate time."

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Suzanne suggested, "Try your new talents with your hands and mouth. Tell him you read about it in Cosmo and you've been practicing on bananas and things like that. Then you'll be able to see if he responds to your new sexual awakening and you can still stay clean if he's been fooling around."

Alan found himself tightly gripping his seat. The thought of his mother being intimate with his father had never bothered him before, but now it made him insanely jealous. He was particularly miffed thinking of her giving Ron a blowjob. He knew she'd never done that with anyone but him before, not even Ron, so he felt it was a special thing between them.

Susan was practically ready to cry. The thought of Ron cheating had her heart in her throat, and the mention of cheating only reminded her of her own recent activities. She gasped out, "But what if he doesn't respond? What'll I do then?!"

Suzanne just said enigmatically, "You'll cross that bridge when you come to it. Don't worry; I'll be there to help you every step of the way. Meanwhile, try not to have a discussion with him about sexual performance until after checking with me, okay? Guys can be EXTREMELY self-conscious about not performing well, so check in with me first about what you want to say and how to say it."

"Okay. Thanks."

Alan was still steaming, but he tried hard not to show it. Dang it, this sucks! Things are getting all Oedipal and weird. I don't want that. I just wish Ron wasn't here, complicating things. They are married, after all. How can I object to them having sex with each other? Maybe I could somehow sabotage things so Mom won't give him a blowjob tonight? No. I have to try to act normal and follow Aunt Suzy's lead. But dammit, it sucks!

I can't be a jerk. I mean, sure Ron hasn't been around for years, and I resent that. But he used to be around more like a real father, and there were good years before he just... abandoned us. Besides, where does all the money come from? From him working overseas all the time. And yet I'm getting involved sexually with both his wife AND his daughter! I mean, imagine if the two of them came to him all smiling and happy, saying, "Hey, guess what? Alan's got this weird low-energy problem, and the doctor says the only way to fix it is to increase his hormone levels by helping him cum six times a day. So the two of us have been helping him out with our hands and our mouths. Isn't that great? I'm sure you don't mind, do you?"

He'd totally have a heart attack! If I were in his shoes and I heard that, I think I'd run away or something. Sure, he's failed us in most of his duties as a father and a husband, but he's still a human being, and no person deserves to get a shock like that. I have to be mindful to not give him any clue as to what's really going on. I have to be on my very best behavior!

Suzanne got dropped off just before the airport. Although she would have to take a taxi home, she felt it was worth the trouble just to steer Susan further along the path she wanted.

After she got out of the car, she leaned through the window to where Susan was sitting in the driver's seat, and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. But before she pulled away, she whispered quietly so only Susan could hear, "Promise me one thing. If you get intimate with Ron tonight, do NOT use thoughts of Alan to get yourself excited. Not tonight, and not ever. That's just all kinds of messed up. Promise?"

Susan nodded. Shortly thereafter, she waved goodbye to her best friend and drove away.

Susan, Alan, and Katherine met Ron at the baggage claim. Outwardly, the Plummers acted and looked like a happy family, but in reality there wasn't much enthusiasm at his return.

Ron had huge bags under his eyes and was visibly staggering with exhaustion. He said it had been an awful, rocky flight. That was clearly evident, judging by how bedraggled some of the other passengers looked.

Susan asked if there was anything wrong, but Ron replied only that he had been working very hard just before he left, had gotten little sleep in flight, and should be better given a chance to rest.

Susan was disappointed. She had hoped that all her recent sexual heat would change things with Ron for the better, but she felt nothing from him - he didn't even seem to notice. She kept thinking about Suzanne's cheating allegations.

Nonetheless, she had been raised with very conservative traditional values and believed that part of her duty as a wife was "copulation" with her husband. She and Ron had a tradition of sorts, of having sex his first night back after a long trip, and very rarely at any other time. Tonight was going to be the big night, so, as the family returned home and Ron settled back in, Susan tried to psych herself up for it. She willed herself not to think about Alan, or Ron's alleged cheating, and decided that for just one night she would play the obedient wife.

Susan couldn't tell Ron about her new sexual energy and desires, but she hoped she could burn off some of that energy with him. Using Suzanne's women's magazine excuse, she told him she wanted to try some new things.

Her first suggestion was that they cuddle and maybe do some fooling around with the lights on. However, that backfired when she looked at Ron's flabby body and his small, flaccid penis. She'd been getting worked up, but seeing him in the buff cooled her back down.

She thought, I can't help it, and I know I shouldn't, but I keep thinking of my Tiger. Any time I look at my handsome son I get so excited and squishy; I don't know what it is but there's just something about him that makes me want to drop to my knees and suck! Whereas Ron-

Oh God! ... Ron. He's actually killing my tingle. And he's not even hard! That's kind of insulting. My Tiger ALWAYS shows his appreciation by growing big and stiff around me. I feel like I'm sexy and desired. But with my husband, we haven't seen each other in months and I don't think he even wants to be here with me! He MUST be having an affair! Oh, how horrible!

Or maybe it's just his erectile dysfunction. He's always had such trouble. People say I'm built like a "brick shit house" and I understand that's supposed to be a really good thing. Why can't I arouse him anymore?

Susan had been ready to try out her new blowjob skills with Ron, but she changed her mind. She thought, If only Suzanne hadn't forbidden me from thinking about my Tiger while I'm with Ron. If I could just close my eyes and imagine I'm with my cutie, I'd have no problem at all. In fact, I could give him the blowjob of his life! But she's right that that's messed up, and not fair to him. But the problem is, I can't get my son out of my head! So how can I do anything with my husband?!

She said, "Ron, honey, you're staggering about just trying to make it to the bed. Let's not try to push things, okay? If you're that tired, why don't we just cuddle and kiss in the dark for a little while, and then you can take a nap?"

Ron gratefully agreed: "Okay, that's fine. As much as I can't wait to share my love with you, my body just isn't up to it. I couldn't sleep on the plane at all. With the jet lag hitting me, I can barely keep my eyes open. Why don't we have our usual big welcome-back-home night some other night?"

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"Okay, honey. Whatever you want."

As they cuddled, Susan thought, Just lying here with him, feeling him touching me, makes my skin crawl. Ugh. Suddenly I'm already eager for him to leave town. But what am I going to do? My marriage is in tatters and I'm in lust with my own son!

What if I try to suck Ron off tomorrow morning, and fantasize that he's Tiger instead? No. Suzanne says I can't. Besides, I don't know if I could put that tiny little bent thing of his in my mouth without giggling or gagging, especially after he's probably been running around on me. At least I have a good medical reason with my Tiger when I stroke and blow him. THAT'S a REAL cock that demands respect! And service!

Oh God, just thinking about the act of thinking about doing it with my cutie is making me all horny! That's, like, double horny!

But I have to stop, no matter what happens with Ron. I can't turn into some kind of cocksucking slut for my own son, and that's what'll happen if I don't watch out. And even if I did help out extensively, where will that leave me when Tiger gets his energy back and is finally cured? No, Susan, your fate is just to remain unloved. Maybe, once Angel graduates from high school, I should consider getting a divorce?

She heaved a sigh. God, I don't know. At least all these crazy events in recent weeks have helped me finally see what a sorry marriage I have.

After Ron fell asleep, she turned out the lights, snuck downstairs, and had a good cry in the kitchen. While she didn't really love her husband (although she had a hard time admitting that to herself, even now), she was fond of him and they'd had many good times together, especially in their early years as a couple. She was devastated to think that he might have been cheating on her, probably for years and years. Still, her natural inclination was to talk things over with him and try to work everything out. But she remembered Suzanne's advice to strategize with her first before talking to Ron about such matters, so she held her tongue.


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